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Top 7 free agents I would take a look at in the offseason!


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RB=Kevin Faulk

I like the way this guy runs with the football...Almost always hits the hole hard and can generate enough speed to take it to the house.He is and UFA next season and I would consider him in case we don't see anything in the draft we like.He should come fairly reasonable as well!

TE=Jim Kleinsauccer

We need a TE desperatetely!He is one of the best blocking TE's in the game...He is also a very could H-back that can be used for short yardage situations...Oh....and one more thing....He can catch the football when it's thrown to him!Everytime I watch minnasota play,this guy always does something positive.IMO...they don't give him the ball enough?If we don't take Winslow,than I would definately consider the flying saucer!

Also a UFA this year....

DE=Javon Kearse

The Freak they call him?One of the best pass rushers in football...And definately the best in free agency this year!Only 1 problem?He gets injured quite easily....If this guy played a whole season he would probably destroy Strahans Sack* record*...My only concern with this guy other than his injury status is his Contract desire!Boy will he not come cheap....Question is....Is he worth it?

UFA this year...

DE=Grant Wistrom

Not the pass rusher that the freak has,but he has some intangables that I think are more important...This guy has a motor and keeps coming and coming and coming till the 4th quarter says 00:00 on the scoreboard.And even then, he comes after you when the game is over!He's very quick for his size as well...Hince MOTOR?But he is also very good against the run and is an excellent tackler which these days seem rare!I think he would come cheaper than Kearse and would actually be on the field earning his paychecks and keeping his mouth shut during the season!IMO he's the better overall value of DE's and is also a UFA!You guys always mention we need more Blue collar Players than superstars...Well,It doesn't get more Blue collar than Grant Wistrom!Living in Missouri,I get the luxury of seeing this guy play every week....And he is someone I would definately pull the trigger on!

CB=Charles Woodson

If Champ is gone,Then we obviously need to upgrade at the corner position...Going by talent alone...I always thought he was the better player....But I couldn't admit it cause my best friend is a raider fanatic and a huge Georgia Fan and always wanted the Raiders to grab Champ and I wanted the Skins to grab Woodson...Of course ...wouldn't you know....the exact opposite accured and I had to shut up....One of the reasons why I had to shut up,was cause when Woodson did play,he was always getting his hands on the ball and Champ was being Champ....But Woodsons downfall is that he couldn't stay healthy for the life of him...From turf toe to something else....Kinda like deion?And of course Champ was the exact opposite....If Woodson could get his act together and have better injury prevention than he would not be a downgrade from Champ...Actually...IMO...He might just be an upgrade!He also will come cheaper cause of his medical history,but we could at least get the same production if not better than Champ...He is also an UFA this year!

CB=Antwan Winfield

No absolutely nothing about this guy!Only that when I see the Bills play, he is always tearing it up!He is young like Woodson and would fill in for Champ nicely I would believe...?Talent wise...I would still rather get Woodson,but Winfield doesn't have the injury bug,I don't believe?So he could be another option...He also is an UFA...

S=Greg Wesley

I'm not 100% sold on our safety position this year...So I would like us to take a look at few FA's this year...Wesley seems to be the more attractive one of the bunch...Of course,it doesn't hurt that he plays for K.C and I get to see him play every week like Wistrom...So I guess this would be considered a conflict of interest?But he actually makes hits in the game instead of just during practice!It also doesn't hurt that he's 6'3 225 and brings the house!And the guys always seems to get his hands on the ball in some way or another....I do think he would be an upgrade over bowens...And ohalete is a RFA this year and could be playing for someone else as well...How would like to have Greg wesley and Sean taylor as your safeties...Both at 6'3 and over 225?Talk about a nightmare over the middle!He is also an UFA this year....

Well,there you have it....My top 7 candidates to look at this year and hopefully playing for the skins....Obviously we can't have them all,but it would be nice to see some new faces on defense....Sorry...but after that horrible display of a team last sunday...I can't help but dream?

Oh....And notice that they were all UFA's next year....I really don't want us to throw picks at players unless absolutely necessary...We need to build through the draft and there are a number UFA's this year to help our team succeed!

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I like Grant Winstrom, and Winfield. But I don't like the Jevon Kearse, and Kevin Fualk. We can do better. Here what I think will be perfect for this team, both on the field and in the locker eroom. Grant Winstrom: he bring his lunch box to work every game, and he'll get this defense fired up. Winfield would be nice as well. I don't know to much about his attitude, but the guy is a gamer. At the RB position, I can see either Duece Staley, or Kevan Barlow. I like Staley more because he can pick up the blitz. I think we should draft Will Smith. He would be a great compliment to Winstrom on the other side. Also Regan Upsaw isn't going anywhere, so we have a pass rusher, though he has limited talent. We are set at the most every other position. We can always draft Julion Jones, or another big back coming out in this years draft. We should draft for depth also. NO JEVON KEARSE. The guy has so many foot injuries.

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Originally posted by SlinginSammy

Antwain Smith appears to be available. I think he'd come at not a bad price and he could be a 15-20 carry a game guy. He's the type of guy Spurrier wants.

dude, i don't know how many PATS games you see every year, but Smith is nothing like the type of back Spurrier is looking for. ASmith is like the anti-Candidate!

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from reading other posts Spurrier made the comment that he'd like to go out and get a big back. Candidate would be good for 7-10 carries a game, but he's too fragile to go beyond that. Split the carries to A.Smith for 15 carries, and Trung and Rock get 7-10 a piece...uh...that would mean we carried the ball 15-20 more times than what Spurrier wants. :doh: It sounded good for a minute I guess. :D

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I dont want any RB's through FA, i want to do that through the draft, there are gonna be a lot of good ones in the draft.

The most complete guy who always goes hard would be Chris Perry, though Kevin Jones is the more talented runner. And if we want a more power guys that can still do it all (reminds me of Deuce McCallister) than Stephen Jackson is our guy.

I would love to get Kearse though, I know he's injury prone and wants big money, but if we could sign him to something like the offer we offered Champ, I would love that.

Grant Winstrom I think is a guy we have to get if we can. He can really do it all, and he's a smart player. Like he wont go upfield 10 yards opening up the draw every time (Bruce and Upshaw)

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If Champ is gone we will have our choice of solid free agent corners. Chris Mcalister, Antwan Winfield, Ty Law, Charles Woodson, and Ahmed Plummer. Signing both Winfield and Plummer could be beneficial.

Wistrom is an all-around ball player but doesnt provide an extreme amount of pressure. He would not another pass-rusher to compliment his all around style of play.

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Originally posted by michael_33

Minnesota?sorry....When typing fast it is easy to have a typo...Isn't it...?

I didn't realize I was in grammar school...

Who is Javon Kearse? ..lol..jk with ya man..

Great list of FA. I'd love to pick up Grant tho' and draft will smith on the other side..oh what a feeling!

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We already have a handful of medeocore RBs haveing even more mid level RBs wont help us, an army of semi-good RBs dosn't come close, to one solid RB.

It's a shame that we let on of those guys go.

Finding a 1000 yard runner isn't that easy, only about 16 backs are on pace to get 100 this season, that's out of 32 teams, and none of those guys are listed in that little FA list above. I personly don't hold Kevin Faulk so highly, considering he only is adveraging has 604 yards off of 166 carries 3.4 yards per carry, while Canidate had 600 off of 142 with a 4.2 yard per carry adverage.

To be honest, I don't think there is anyone short of a first round pick that would be an upgrade for nest season. Even with that being said, I don't think it is worth a 1st rounder for a RB. I think the best we can do is just keep what we got.

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I'd take Wistrom and McAllister or Winfield if we can't agree with Champ. Kearse is always injured as is Woodson. Then just draft the best players regardless of position. Get an assistant or two that can teach and gameplan better and we should be fine.

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Originally posted by aREDSKIN

Additional canidates:

Fernando Bryant cb- Jaguars- a Smoot Clone

Donovan Darius- S Jaguars- Alvin Walton Clone w/ a little more speed.

Didn't realize Darius was a FA. Get him.

At least he can knock somebody down when he hits them.

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If we get a back i think i has to be Chris Perry the guy is a complete back and they are rare. I think he will be able to help spurrier find his offense someone who can block good on passing plays and we can set him up on screen plays to beat the blitz. He probably could get a little more than 1000 yards running and with his recieving skills in this offense could have 2000 yards total like clinton portis for Denver.

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If Champ goes, then we need to get McAllister - Woodson and Kearse seem to get hurt too easy. I like the idea of Windstrom and DE from Miami.

We need to find a place for Zellner next year too. - Maybe a back up or rotation guy.

I get the feeling its real possible we get Duece Staley.

Keinsausser would be awesome, but I don't see Vikings letting him go. - but he is the mold of a TE we need.

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I still say we get DE/DT and CB help through free agency... hopefully Wistrom and Winfield/McAllister...

Draft a Runningback in the second or third round... OR get Staley.

and find a way to get Sean Taylor in the first.

Fernando Bryant is an excellent candidate as well, and if all else fails, I wouldn't mind seeing Springs wearing Burgandy and Gold...

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