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What is the perfect age - WSJ


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I turn 52 in less than a month.   Through my 40s, i felt like i was actually steadily getting in BETTER shape --- some of that was clear delusion, and some was from just plain exercising a LOT more in my 40s than i did in my 30s.


but mostly it was delusion.


now, suddenly, it is crystal clear that at 52 i cannot exercise myself to 42.   the delusion has lifted.   It is clear that every time i am disappointed at the way i feel physically, every time i am more sore, or weaker, or slower to heal than i expect, i can "console" myself by knowing this new reality isn't actually a new reality, it is the new "as good as its ever going to get"... or more on point...  "It is only going to get worse"...... continuously.... inexorably.... forever until i just lose the will to even get up.    


the next time i notice i am more sore than usual (say 53, or 55 , or 60), i will WISH for the halcyon days of 52... you know, that feeling that feels so physically ****ty right now?  THAT will be what i am wishing for.   





have a happy autumn everyone.   





To answer the question.... i would choose 19.   i was plenty wise enough for me at the time.   and i had so much energy that often i HAD to just get up and sprint a mile or 2 just to be able to settle down after dinner.    and running was so effortless.....    i could get in a zone where the ground was just moving under me, and i just felt like i had to put down a foot occasionally to keep the perfect balance of speed and momentum maintained... now when i run, each step requires specific whole body adjustments, just to be able to not stop moving.



this  (1988)

See the source image



versus this (2019)


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I am a year shy of 40 and the biggest indication of getting older (I know I am still way young compared to a lot of the board) is not what I can't do necessarily, but how much longer my body takes to recover after.  The aches & pains that would magically go away after a day now linger to where you almost think it is a bigger issue than it is, before it finally goes away. 



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