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shaun springs is comming home


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Originally posted by RDSKNfaithfull

Springs, Smoot, and use our first pick on a corner to give us some depth that will be much needed when Bailey hits the road.

I dont have anything against Springs except that he has chronic hamstring problems and cant stay on the field. He therefore would not be the best choice of the free agents available, and we definitely could not afford to use our #1 pick on still another CB if we signed a free agent.

Besides we used a high draft pick on Rashad Bauman who is supposed to provide us at least with depth. :rolleyes:

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Speaking of Springs, why can't anyone properly say the name "Sliver Spring, MD"? Everyone assumes that its Silver Springs for some reason. They even had Silver Springs printed on the screen on Monday Night Football. Come on people, it doesn't take a genius to write what you hear.

Its like, "Where are you from?"


"Oh, Bethesdas? Cool."

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Originally posted by Hitman56

Speaking of Springs, why can't anyone properly say the name "Sliver Spring, MD"? Everyone assumes that its Silver Springs for some reason. They even had Silver Springs printed on the screen on Monday Night Football. Come on people, it doesn't take a genius to write what you hear.

Its like, "Where are you from?"


"Oh, Bethesdas? Cool."

Maybe they were thinking about Silver Springs, Fla.


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Originally posted by Hitman56

Speaking of Springs, why can't anyone properly say the name "Sliver Spring, MD"? Everyone assumes that its Silver Springs for some reason. They even had Silver Springs printed on the screen on Monday Night Football. Come on people, it doesn't take a genius to write what you hear.

Its like, "Where are you from?"


"Oh, Bethesdas? Cool."

HAHAHAHAHA!!! :applause:

Like the Chris McCalister post...I take it that you meant Chris McAllister from the Ravens...the #1 U of A stunna'...

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When is Woodson ever healthy though?

By the way, Springs hasn't been the same corner since he got using steriods a few seasons back. He's no longer considered a shutdown corner, and doesn't play like one either.

Winfield, Law, and McCalister are good, but Ahmed Plummer isn't anything to write home about.

Also, they better not waste our first round pick on a corner.

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Champ Bailey is only overrated in the eyes of disgruntled skins fans. Everyone else in the league, and that includes coaches, players and fans, say otherwise. Is a corner overrated because he doesn't have a probowl season for ONCE IN HIS WHOLE CAREER? How objective is that.

And nobody should be comparing Springs to Champ, they aren't even in the same class. Champ has never been beaten the way Springs gets beat on a daily basis.

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Of course you'll go after Charles Woodson, he has the biggest name and will cost the most and produce the least. Perfect for Fantasy Dan.

I thought you guys said you would have no problem retaining both Champ & Lavar after last years spending spree, what gives?

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I agree about the pass rush but they dont develop over night and you cant poke more holes in the ship to fix others the ship will still sink. The reason I say Springs is because he is the cheapest of all the "names" but he is still a good corner Seattle has the same if not worst of a pass rush.

Btw Champ is a big hole in the ship it will be hard to replace him and trust me you wont find a pass rush in a year to help 2 or three new corners.

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Originally posted by NYC

I thought you guys said you would have no problem retaining both Champ & Lavar after last years spending spree, what gives?

Under Joe Gibbs we had a really good pass rush with Mann and Manley and won with only average secondaries.

So now I think the FO is starting to realize you are better off with decent CB's and a good pass rush, rather than great CB's and no pass rush. Thats why I think Champ is as good as gone now.

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People enough with the I want a Tamp or Carolina defense we dont and wont have one in the next 2 to 3 years both teams built through the draft and very wisley and it took them a lot of time. Look at the Jets Perfect example while NYC is here they have a hell of a pass rush but there corners blow. I know Tampas defensive cover two is great dropping 7 into coverage but there is no way we can do that anytime soon. If we didnt have Champ I honestly think our d would be ranked 32nd right now. Even this year the times he has gotten beat he has been right there he is not giving a Smoot 12yard cushion on 3rd and long, he is not blowing coverages other than maybe once or twice :doh: He makes QBs in this league think twice wether you choose to realize or not he is reguarde as the best in the league by his peers and Q.Bs that holds a lot of weight.

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Shawn Spring will become available, cause he sucks, Chris McAllister and Charles Woodson will more than likely be franchised, Buffalo should have the cap room, and will likely franchise Winfield. Ahmed Plummer is probably the only guy worth going after that will hit the market, but he's only averege imo.

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