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T.O for Gardner


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Is it possible to trade Gardner for T.O?? However im pretty sure it will require a draft pick right? Then theres the cap issues. This will be a dream come true if we had Coles and Owens on the side of each other. This how I think the offseason should go. Try to get Owens for Gardners which is probably highly unlikely. Get a DE in the FA. Get the best talent that is in the draft when we pick, whether if it is offense or defense. With 2nd pick get a DT or DE and work from there. What do you guys think??

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forget Owens. we have enough prima donnas around here with big salaries :)

we need more lunch pail type players, guys that play well week in, week out and don't throw a hissy fit every time somebody looks at them the wrong way.

the 49ers jettisoned Mariucci to keep Owens and where are they?

out of the playoffs.

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Tampa Bay, New England, Baltimore. What do they have in common? They've won the last three Super Bowls and did it without a lot of money tied up in a receiving corps. Just something to think about.

Seems to me like having superior offensive and defensive lines wins the big games.

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Don't believe the clippings, the motto that should be pasted on every employee's desk.

Gardner is an average possesion receiver, a suitable #2 in most offenses. For the Redskins, he's a selfish mental-lapse suffering blockhead with inconsistent hands... marginal speed..... and little motivation.

Trading him for a #2 or #3 (and a 5th or 6th) should be a priority for the F.O. He's the perfect example of the player the Redskins should avoid.

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Yea. It does'nt even have to be T.O that takes the place of Gardner, as long as it is someone who hussles on every play and can get open. Looking at our roster, I don't see anyone else who can be a number 2 Wr. Sure Mccants has had a productive season but theres a question about his speed for a number 2 WR. I don't know where da heck Cliff Russell is doing! Didi'nt we spend a number 1 draft pick on him? or was it number 2?

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T.O. is damaged goods and will be for the rest of his career. Sure he is one of the best in the league, but that is when he is not throwing hissy fits on the sideline or demanding to get the ball 99% of the time.

We have our #1 guy in Coles, and we should stick with him

What this team needs is less STARS and more guys that shut up and go out and perform.

Champ & Arrington, man I love 'em but the Redskins are a LOSING FRANCHISE with them, and I think the FO really has to ask itself if it is worth it to tie up so much money with them, when they haven't really made a difference in the win column.

I understand Bailey is considered one of the best in the league, but hey, you don't need THE BEST to win, go to the playoffs, or even win the superbowl.

Arrington, I would have a harder time letting him go considering he seems to bleed Redskins burgandy.

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Originally posted by skins1_us

This will be a dream come true if we had Coles and Owens on the side of each other. This how I think the offseason should go.

There is no way that Coles and Owens would play together...TO would b!tch becasue he wasn't getting enough balls, and as calm and team-friendly as Coles has been this year, if he wasn't the #1 and getting the majority of the balls, there would be some complaining out of him, I'm sure (he did go to Florida State, after all).

Owens is too much of a liability, and although I am not doubting his skills as a receiver, the money/draft picks/contract restructuring that it would take to sign him here would be too much hassle compared to what we are getting.

I do think that we need to get rid of Rod...we can get a better second receiver for a hell of a lot less $$ who is a better teammate than TO would be, and drops a lot less balls than Gardner.

Wishful thinking for TO, but it's not worth it, and not going to happen.

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