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Hasselback or Ramsey?


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I know it seems crazy after all the time we invested in Ramsey but do you think Hasselback might be more challenging for opposing defenses to face? Ramsey (keeping in mind the foot injury) seems achored waiting for the pass rush. Hasselback looks faster, makes solid decisions for the most part, and has the abiltiy to thow a devistating pass out of position on the run. All this and he does not even have the starting experience that Ramsey does. IMO Ramsey has earned the starting job but Hasselback might be a great talent just warming our bench while we devote ourselves to Ramsey.


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Based on the little we've seen, ross, I feel fairly comfortable about having Hass come to camp next year as the likely #2 guy.

His questionable arm strength may be the reason why he isn't a legit threat to the #1 spot, though ... not as long as we're running a passing offense that looks to go downfield as much as ours does (will?).

Still, if he comes in next year and simply overwhelms the coaching staff in camp and preseason, and Patrick struggles ... who knows?

Maybe in a WCO ... nah, let's not go there. :)

As it stands, I'd serioulsy caution anyone against elevating him to serious consideration to anything beyond the #2 spot.


Oh yeah. This seems better suited to Fed Ex. :)

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Originally posted by Phat Hog

or Ben Roethlisberger

What are you, crazy? That guy has a hitch in his throwing motion and connections to the mob. The latter may be helpful, but the former ... well, we just can't have that.

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First off, no Roethlisberger. We already have one really weird named QB, and that's enough. Personally, I think we should pick up Al Sharpton or Macho Man Randy Savage in the offseason and start one of them at QB. Hell, Big Al might be large enough to plug up the middle for us at DT.

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I'm one of Ramsey's biggest supporters and fans. I've only bought 2 Redskins jerseys.... Brad Johnson and Patrick Ramsey. That's how much faith I have in Ramsey.

But truthfully, I don't regard the possibility that Hasselbeck might have "starting" talent as unfounded at all.

How quickly we forget the Patriots traded the former #1 overall pick Drew Bledsoe because they discovered they had a legitimate QB they drafted in the 7th round in Tom Brady.

It's completely ignorant to dismiss talent based on draft position.

I would expect people to know better.

But then again... people have said the "preseason is just meaningless" and two hours later have sh!t themselves when the 4th string scrubs get manhandled.

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Like I said in an earlier post, there will be a QB controversy next year in the Redskins camp. For some reason I think next year this Hassellbeck kid is going to come in training camp looking really good forcing the coaches to take a closer look at who should be starting. Hopefully when Ramsey gets healthy, there won't be a question. He's a star in the making.

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Hasselback doesn't have nearly the arm Ramsey does. I think that is the main reason Hasselbach won't be a consistent starter in this offense. I think it is also one reason that Hasselback doesn't take the sacks Ramsey does--because it's much more tempting to take a seven step drop if your qb has a john elway arm as opposed to a chad pennington arm. Ramsey's also more careful with the ball than Hasselback.

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I am worried about next year because of the preference the ol' ball coach seems to have for strong minded weak armed quarterbacks. Hass is a duplicate of Weurful if you ask me. Both are similar to what Spurrier was in his time behind center. Ramsey is big and Strong with a Rifle arm, but you have to wonder if the Spurrier values that strong arm as much as quick decisions and a little mobillity.

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Chamburger - I'm a big Ramsey supporter. Among the biggest.

But quick decisions and a little mobility are VERY important qualities in a prototypical starting NFL QB. You throw in the rile arm... and you have a Hall of Fame QB. See for yourself.

I was thrilled with the selection of Patrick Ramsey. He may not be Brett Favre or John Elway.... but what if we got a young Drew Bledsoe. Tell me you don't see the similarities? :)

Would you be content with a Drew Bledsoe type of talent leading this franchise into the foreseeable future?

Or should we be on an exhaustive search for the next Brett Favre?

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Originally posted by spm

Hasselback doesn't have nearly the arm Ramsey does. I think that is the main reason Hasselbach won't be a consistent starter in this offense. I think it is also one reason that Hasselback doesn't take the sacks Ramsey does--because it's much more tempting to take a seven step drop if your qb has a john elway arm as opposed to a chad pennington arm. Ramsey's also more careful with the ball than Hasselback.

To address your final point... Ramsey has improved dramatically over the course of his career developing the skill of holding onto the ball. You must have a really short memory. He's had his share of the fumbles though. He's been adequate in that department.

Next. Is there some kind of general consensus among the members of ExtremeSkins that a "rocket" arm is the KEY characteristic of a "franchise" QB?

We could have the next Favre. We could have the next Drew Bledsoe. We could have the next Kerry Collins. All guys with guns... each achieving a different level of success.

Would you be happy with the direction of this franchise if Ramsey would have a similar career to Drew Bledsoe? Answer the same question for Kerry Collins.

Exercise #2 - Can some of you begin to put together a list of starting NFL QBs and where you rank their arms appropriately. And please include in brackets how you rank their deep passes (ie. touch). For instance...


Drew Bledsoe (accurate)

Patrick Ramsey (inaccurate)

Donovan McNabb (inaccurate)

Quincy Carter (accurate)

etc. etc.


Peyton Manning (accurate)

Tom Brady

Kerry Collins

Jay Fiedler

Trent Green (accurate)

Jeff Blake (accurate)

etc. etc.

I'm just curious.

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Originally posted by Om

What are you, crazy? That guy has a hitch in his throwing motion and connections to the mob. The latter may be helpful, but the former ... well, we just can't have that.

I'll take him, and considering our present roster, he'll just be another addition to the "family" :silly:

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You know Diehard, what you said about this forum putting a high value on a rocket arm is true. I could care less about a rocket arm personally. Having a rocket arm doesn't mean you are a good QB. Having good timing and accuracy is much more important qualities to have being a QB. You can over throw your recievers with a weak arm. You can also under throw with a strong arm. It simply doesn't matter. Put simply, if you can't hit your reciever in the numbers, it doesn't matter how strong an arm you have. Jeff George had a strong arm too, but where is he now?

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