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SOS jr is headed to arizona to be OC


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Is it possible that this move just keeps Spurrier from having to listen to morons say he promoted his son because of nepotism?

He's already caught all the "GatorSkin" crap.

Even if it is a step up, people are still saying that this is "proof" of problems in DC. Yeesh.

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VT, I think that is a part of the issue.

SS Jr went to OU to make a name for himself so he would stand apart from his dad. I believe this is the same deal. He got some NFL experience and now he can move on and if he does well at arizona, he's sure to keep moving up.

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I see it as an opportunity for SS, Jr. to step out from the shadows of his father. It's a good career move for him. It would take years for him to get the same position in the NFL. This will give him some valuable experience, regardless of how large the program.

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Agreed 44. That and nothing replaces experience. He now goes to be an OC. Okay, maybe on the collegiate level (gotta start somewhere). But now he's responsible for the actual scheme of an offense. Get's to put his own stamp on a team. He designs or helps design the plays, he has input into what players will be able to implement his offense the best. And all the other good stuff that comes with being an OC. That and if it works well for him, looks pretty good on a resume. Hard to say that despite all the advantages of being on the pro level right now he'd be able to accomplish the same thing, (in at least the same amount of time anyway).


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Originally posted by OrangeSkin

Nebraska and Steve Spurrier? Talk about a marriage that has no chance of working.

Succeeding there with the Fun 'N Gun there would be more of a challenge than the Redskins.

Maybe Spurrier goes insane with all the "doesn't run enough" talk and he goes to Nebraska and brings back the Wishbone.

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Originally posted by jbooma

I was hoping the older stoops would come to DC to help Steve and be the DC :)

Well from living here in OU land, most people seem to think Stoops won't go anywhere. He has already turned down, I think, 2 NFL head coaching positions (Browns and 49ers) Actually I don't think it came to him being offered them, because he came out right away and said he wasn't interested in either. He did the same for the Ohio State and Florida NCAA jobs when they were available. A good SI article on him at


Shows why people here aren't afraid he'll go to the NFL but will just retire or go coach middle school football or something instead.

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After winning another title he might try to go no one knows. I do know he has a lot of respect for Spurrier and if Spurrier asked him to come here with the ability of being the HC after the OBC left I don't see him turning that down.

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Im a huge Stoops fan also living here in Sooner Land. Stoops will only come to the NFL to be a head coach. He is on the verge of a second national championship. Spurrier won 1 title. Why would he want to be a D Coord?

Also, I would much rather have someone with alot more NFL experience and not Foge Fazio. Cremmel, Greg Williams or someone of that nature. Someone who will get in the faces of our players and tell them to stick to their assignments. Someone the players have to respect and listen to. Take any power the players feel they may have and make them feel like they are 1 step away from losing their starting spot.

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Originally posted by jbooma


After winning another title he might try to go no one knows. I do know he has a lot of respect for Spurrier and if Spurrier asked him to come here with the ability of being the HC after the OBC left I don't see him turning that down.

I would love nothing more than Stoops coaching for the redskins :) But I suspect if he does leave it won't be till at least after #3 (to match the NCs that Bud Wilkinson and Barry Switzer got) and will have his pick of most open HC positions every year until he does leave.

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