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The real truth to why we suck


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Washington, D.C.: Tony and Mike

Enjoy your work. The names Arrington, Trotter , Smith and Armstead are rarely mentioned in the 4th quarter of the Redskins games. In your opinion is Levar among the top 10 linebackers in this league? He is consistently out of position, he rarely wraps up the ball carrier, choosing instead to go for the hard shoulder tackle. Clearly Trotter, Armstead and Smith are past their prime

Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon: The Washington Redskins' defense stinks. The linebackers are paid a tremendous amount of money. The entire defense gasps and collapses in the 4th quarter of every game. I can't believe people talk about Steve Spurrier and what he is or is not doing on offense and they ignore this defense made of swiss cheese. --Tony

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Skins Fan in Philadelphia, PA: Do you think Arrington, Bailey and Trotter are overrated? I ask because they always seem to disappear in the second half.

The Eagles linebackers are not name players, make a lot less money, yet make plays when it matters.

Maybe that shows the difference between the two teams and the owners' philosophies?

Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon: The defense has played poorly. So you can make the case that it's either an individual or a unit. --Mike

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Mike's picks.....

Cincinnati Bengals at Baltimore Ravens :Ravens

Seattle Seahawks at Minnesota Vikings: Vikings

Dallas Cowboys at Philadelphia Eagles : Eagles

Indianapolis Colts at Tennessee Titans: Titans

Miami Dolphins at New England Patriots: Patriots

Washington Redskins at New York Giants: They are both dreadful, but I'm going w/the Giants.

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When you sit LBs 6 yds off the line and drop them in to zone coverage or assign them duties that have them moving away from the LOS. You get the 3 LBs from the Washington Redskins.

Edwards has played way to passive this year and I am not sure, for what its worth, he should be back. He better show that he knows how to adapt game after game instead of going back to the basics in the 4th qtr like he has done the last 3 weeks.

Sometimes, you just have to lower your head are start throwing hey-makers so that you at least stand a chance of landing one of them. We play a little too much rope-a-dope right now.

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About the only thing I can figure, Utah, is that Edwards has gotten seriously gun shy about sending extra bodies. On a few occasions this season, I've seen him come out early in games with what looks like an aggressive, attacking style ... but then back off almost immediately because we get absolutely roasted when we don't get there and get beat downfield.

I don't know that I've ever seen a team less capable of actually reaching the QB on a blitz ... or a team that routinely gets as badly burned BY the blitz as the Redskins.

It seems like at least 2 things are going on here ... 1) our blitz schemes, for whatever reason, NEVER seem to free a guy up on a clean run that forces the play, and 2) when we get burned early, Edwards seems loathe to gamble again later in the game, particularly in the 4th quarter.

If he does return next year, it had better be with a DL that can independently put pressure on the passer, which I think in turn will make the occasional bliztes that much more effective. Maybe that, combined with a year of experience, will be enough to remove the big question mark hanging over his head right now.

I just hate to judge the man on this year's defense, which has to have the limpest pass rushing DL I think I've ever seen in the NFL.

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Om's right, we get burned once and Edwards gives up on the blitz. I hate the way we play defense. Knowing we have a weak d-line it's either blitz and get burned for big plays once in a while or rush 4 and get picked apart slowly all day. I'd rather die by the blitz then be slowly tortured rushing 4 and playing zone. We totally waste the best attributes of our defense which is coverage corners and attacking linebackers. Of course Edwards can't seem to design a blitz that doesn't get picked up so maybe we're doomed either way unless the team changes cooridinators.

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Good points, all.

Shouldn't our coaches design offensive and defensive game plans that play to our strengths? Neither side has done that on a consistent basis this year.

I don't think I've ever seen any one player so misused as Jeremiah Trotter. He was a one man wrecking crew on the blitz in Philly. I mean a real beast. Our coaches have turned him into a quivering, frightened, and confused panty-waist. A blind man can see it. And he's just one of many great players this staff is ruining. Only consideration of your time and space available per post prevents me from enumerating each and every one of them.

Our coaches are inferior to Norv Turner and his group and that's a fact. I despise Norv but would trade Spurrier and a decent player to Miami for him if that was the only way to get Spurrier and the rest of his boobs out of Washington D.C.! And this is only partly sarcastic,,,;)

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It's not at all like last years line. Last year we had two d-tackles who could collaspe the pocket. And yes Big Daddy didn't put up big numbers, but he did cause disruption in the backfield quite often. Those two tackles made the ends better. Also Arrington played a ton of end on pass downs and had over 10 sacks. Do we even have 10 sacks as a team this year? I'm sure we do but it doesn't seem like it.

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I see I am in the realm of Football genius. Your right TREV, those D Tackles collasped the pocket, and that is what we are missing this year. When Noble went down, and we cut Big Daddy so we could sign Champ I knew we were in trouble, but not this much trouble. The reason we loose the game in the fourth quarter is GE is playing prevent defense. In the league such a scheme is being dubbed "the prevent defense, prevents you from winning". Also Champ is injuried and has been burned on single coverage. Sometimes it look like he lost his desire out there. I'm waiting for next year to be honest. The key is not to win for one year, and I fell we have a team that will be competitive for years to come.

Now let me sound off on some of you miserable half wit fans. First of all B&G Trotter played for the Eagles not Baltimore. Secondly to the eagles fan that will soon see his team loose again in the playoffs. the only reason you guys have a winning season is because you don't commit penaltioes and turnovers. Your Linebackers are worth Sh*t, get it straight. In three straight games your defense has given up over three hundred yards in total offense. Out of 12 games this year your team has yeilded a 100 yards ten times. In ten games the offense has outgained your team in total offense. I'll tell you what will burst your bubble, a team that doesn't turn the ball over and plays discipline football. On paper your team doesn't scare me. I can't wait until we run right over you guys.

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Yes...not getting to the QB when blitzing is dangerous.... especially when the QB can just heave it to whomever Bailey is covering and he's assured of either pass interference or an unalert Bailey giving up a "punt" reception. Our problems on defense run much deeper than just the DL and blitz schemes. No one appears to complete their assignments with any consistency, so perfect execution on one spot of the field is often coupled with a blown assignment somewhere else.

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The Eagles linebackers are pretty solid. I would guess that the reason they have given up substantial rushing yards can be connected to the absurd amount of d-line injuries they have had--and Mark Simoneau, a starting LB, is out. The Eagles have a great defense, have won 7 in a row and have to be the favorite to win the NFC title.

That being said, the only thing I hate more than those f8cks is their f*cking gay ass fans.

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Losing Wilkinson wasn't/isn't the problem. Carl Powell performed just as well once BDW got injured.

The crucial missing piece from last year's line is Gardener. I'm not saying it was a bad decision to let him go, because it probably wasn't. But we all knew that replacing him was going to be the biggest DL obstacle to overcome.

What this season has demonstrated, again, is that a solid (not necessarily spectacular) DL is a baseline requirement for having success on defense. A DL that can pressure the passer on its own. It doesn't have to be the sack exchange, but it does have to be able to make the QB uncomfortable enough to not want to hold the ball.

You solve that, and this defense would be more than respectable.

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OurYear, I stand corrected and have made the change in the post.

I had to make the edit because I was so ashamed to be thought of by you as a "miserable, half-wit fan". Just couldn't live with it and though I feel better now, I'm still mildly depressed . Please don't worry about me though, I'm sure I'll get over this before Christmas....

Oh, yeah, B&G does stand for burgundy and gold.

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Originally posted by B&G

Good points, all.

Our coaches are inferior to Norv Turner and his group and that's a fact. I despise Norv but would trade Spurrier and a decent player to Miami for him if that was the only way to get Spurrier and the rest of his boobs out of Washington D.C.! And this is only partly sarcastic,,,;)

:applause: :applause: :applause:

I couldn't agree with more!!:cheers:

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Originally posted by Cleotis

armstead is the best lb we got.

Can I have some of what you are smoking? :bong: :bong:

are you serious?? Armstead makes one maybe 2 good plays a game! Give me a Monte Coleman or a Rich Milot or Neil Olkawtiz any day over this high priced piece of $hit!:puke:

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Originally posted by OURYEAR#56

Now let me sound off on some of you miserable half wit fans. First of all B&G Trotter played for the Eagles not Baltimore. Secondly to the eagles fan that will soon see his team loose again in the playoffs. the only reason you guys have a winning season is because you don't commit penaltioes and turnovers. Your Linebackers are worth Sh*t, get it straight. In three straight games your defense has given up over three hundred yards in total offense. Out of 12 games this year your team has yeilded a 100 yards ten times. In ten games the offense has outgained your team in total offense. I'll tell you what will burst your bubble, a team that doesn't turn the ball over and plays discipline football. On paper your team doesn't scare me. I can't wait until we run right over you guys.

I don't think an Eagles fan posted in this thread. The Eagles never have the most talented players at skilled positions, but they play as a team and get the job done. You obviously don't watch many games, or are simply ill-informed if you think they don't commit penalities or turnovers however. We lost the TO battle to Carolina, and committed 15 penalties against N.O. The reason they win is because of a good running game, and defense which is strong in the redzone, and players who don't choke down the stretch. You can throw out all the stats you want. Kerry Collins is second in passing yards. We've seen how far that got them.

The LBs are one of the strengths of the team. Simoneau was NFC defensive player of the month in October, Emmons has always been solid and underrated, and Wayne has 80 tackles, 3 sacks, 1 INT, and 3 FFs, and seems to always make plays when they matter the most.

The reason we give up so many yards is because the DLine has been ravaged by injuries. 2 DTs and 3 DEs are hard to replace. It makes it difficult to stop the run or get pressure when you're relying on Sam Rayburn and Jim Flanigan to help you. It should be a testiment to the coaching staff that they're doing this well.

I can't wait until you run over us either. . . while escaping from FedEx midway through the 3rd quarter.

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