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Look! A Happy Post!


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Well, I figured since I've only been posting for 4 days or so, I'd share a happy Skins moment!

I went to the Bills/Redskins game Oct 19th this year (I'm from Rochester), and I went with a group of Skins fans. We're the first people in the stadium and John Hall is warming up right in front of us... I yell out to him and he throws me the football he was carrying with him... score! So, I go over to the Skins bench and call over Edwards, who walks right over to us...

I ask him if he could hook me up with autographs from the team since Hall just gave me a ball... He says yeah, but he needed a sharpie... We had no sharpies.... I offered $30 for a sharpie, no damn Bills fans brought one with them, worthless ****s :)

Anyways, that idea got shot down, so we went over to the tunnel where the players enter the stadium and the Skins warmed up...

We got some interesting receptions from the Skins, and even from a Bill... Mind you we were decked out in all Skins gear...

Arrington pointed at us and nodded...

Dan Snyder came out and shook our hands...

We booed Spurrier...

Coles flat out ignored us...

Ramsey gave us the double thumbs up...

Morton came over and shook our hands...

Trotter and Armstead pointed at us...

Ladell Betts pointed as us...

It was great...

And then Willis McGahee came out from the tunnel... Being a Canes fan I yelled out to him, he turns around, walks right up to me shakes my hand and says, "You may be a fan of the wrong team, but I can't leave a Cane's fan hanging..."

Real cool guy...

Anyways, share your happy stories... Because we could all use some cheering up lol.

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