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But Danny Boy only wants to win


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Originally posted by Skins24

Of course not.

But a .500 record from a first time owner, in his fourth year, who knows nothing about football, is alot better than what it could be.....

Maybe we should consider holding ourselves to a higher standard than this? Maybe an owner who knows nothing about football should stay out of the football decisions and instead concern himself with the business decisions and other pursuits like banging his blonde wife every night on top of a big pile of money?

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Originally posted by stratoman

I guess you don't recall the 15 player/draft picks the cboys got for hershal walker!!!:doh: :doh:

I do recall that trade that brought those picks to big D. If you had read my post more carefully,you'd have realized that. I say again,it's not JJ's fault that the Vikes were that dumb. Had the Skins have made a trade for picks like that,you'd be singing their praises.
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Here's my dilema: I am 55 years old. DS is 38 years old. He will probably outlive me and he isn't about to sell the team. I grew up in D.C. loving the Skins and I could never root for any other NFL team. I don't think there is anything that anyone can say or do to open his eyes about the way he operates the franchise. I can only hope that he lucks into a winner by continuing to make changes. So, I'm trying to contain my emotions while Dan Snyder continues to play Pin the Tail on the Head Coach Donkey. The more often he puts on a blindfold and spins around with donkey tail in hand the more likely he is to stumble forward and pin it on a Head Coach who can bring us a winner before I die.

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I've given this a lot of thought. I'm 27, Dan Snyder is 38 and thus he will most likely be the owner of the Redskins for most of my natural life. Should I/Could I even consider divorcing the Redskins? If this idiot is going to continue to run this team like a fantasy sqaud, accumulating every big name available, undermining and alienating all of his coaches and refusing to hire a football guy to run the front office, then should I jump ship? So far, I've concluded that the answer is no.

I looked at Jerry Jones and George Steinbrenner as examples of men who were similar personalities who achieved great success after inauspicious starts similar to Snyder's. I took no real solace in Steinbrenner's late 90's early 2000's success, because if Snyder didn't have to deal with a salary cap, he would be as successful as the recent Yankee's teams. If the Skins salaries totaled $80 million more than any other team, odds are we would be successful. But Jones was the more interesting study. He acted much like Snyder in his first years with the Cowboys--meddling, a constant presence, intent on making major offseason splashes, hiring the most successful college coach available--and he was able to win initially for several reasons--the 784 draft picks they got from Minnesota being a major one. But, after those initial successes, his Snyder-esque tendencies did him in and there were the Barry Switzer (yeah, I know he won a Super Bowl), Chan Gailey, Dave Campo years. And then, after three 5-11 seasons...it happened. Jones realized he needed to take a step back. He needed to find his guy/guys, give them complete control and autonomy and let them run the team. And now, the Cowboys are 7-3 and in the driver's seat in the NFC East.

Will this phenomenon occur with Snyder someday? Who knows. But, Jones has another significant advantage over Snyder--he played sports all his life--he was on a National Championship football team at Arkansas--he understands sports from the other side. This is something Daniel Snyder most definitely does not have.

I am holding out faith that Snyder, through his hubris, will realize all these things and give the reigns of the front office over to a football professional in the near future. So, I'm gonna hold off with the divorce proceedings for a while. I've been a fan for two damn long and I'm not willing to jump ship because of 12 rough years and an idiot Napoleonic owner.

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I'd say "Why did we hire a communications executive with no football experience to run our front office?" Then I'd say "Who does this arrogant prick think he is?" Then I'd say hire someone new.

Fact is, with an owner willing to spend money and a competent front office willing to build a cohesive team and coaching staff, you don't go 11 years with only one playoff appearance.

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There HAVE been some good teams around in recent years folks, let's not allow our own mediocrity to blind us to the fact fans of some other teams have had squads they can be proud of.

Since 1999 the Rams have been in two Super Bowls and made the postseason in a third season. Only last year was the club forced to retool and they are 7-3 and in a share of first place in 2003.

Since 1999 the Titans have made the Super Bowl and been a contender for the most part. They made the AFC title game last year with a roster full of injured players. They are what 8-2 this season?

Ditto for the Bucs, Packers and Eagles that have been perennial playoff contenders since 1999 or 2000.

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Originally posted by Sonny Joe Hog


Here's my dilema: I am 55 years old. DS is 38 years old. He will probably outlive me and he isn't about to sell the team. I grew up in D.C. loving the Skins and I could never root for any other NFL team. I don't think there is anything that anyone can say or do to open his eyes about the way he operates the franchise. I can only hope that he lucks into a winner by continuing to make changes. So, I'm trying to contain my emotions while Dan Snyder continues to play Pin the Tail on the Head Coach Donkey. The more often he puts on a blindfold and spins around with donkey tail in hand the more likely he is to stumble forward and pin it on a Head Coach who can bring us a winner before I die.

I am 43 and grew up in New Carrollton except for 4 years I lived in S Korea and have been a fan since 72 and this is the most digusted I have been with this franchise!:2cents:

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Snyder has had 5 years and we are still phucking MEDIOCORE.

WAKE THE PHUCK UP!!!!! as long as he insists on playing fantasy football with this team we WILL SUCK!!!!!. I have seen good times and bad times with this team the last 36 years as a die hard Skins fan and we are in REALLY BAD TIMES with Richie Rich ownership.

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I love Jerry Jones is goes from doofus to genius by hiring Bill Parcells. In case you haven't noticed they can't score anymore. They'll limp their way home with an 8-8 or 9-7 record, and then we'll see just how different things are.

I hate to break it to Stratoman and... everyone else. The second we chose Ramsey to be our QB this year, we cashed in our chips. Look at the teams with young QBs, Detroit, Houston, Baltimore, etc. Its a learning curve for these guys. Ramsey's going to be good, and he'll lead us places. Just be patient.

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Originally posted by Chief skin

Snyder has had 5 years and we are still phucking MEDIOCORE.

WAKE THE PHUCK UP!!!!! as long as he insists on playing fantasy football with this team we WILL SUCK!!!!!. I have seen good times and bad times with this team the last 36 years as a die hard Skins fan and we are in REALLY BAD TIMES with Richie Rich ownership.


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There is not doubt in my mind that Mr. Snyder wants to win but he is going about it all wrong. He wants his Super Bowl Yesterday and when his dream coach fails in two seasons he will show him the door. We will continue to get big named free agents while he the owner, get our hopes up and then have then destroyed by the realilty of the regular-season.

Who will be our big FA next season Sapp or Key? :deal:

And we will be going through the same song and dance next season too.

Kind of hard to build a winner when you don't let things jell! :soapbox:

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Originally posted by fuji869

There is not doubt in my mind that Mr. Snyder wants to win but he is going about it all wrong. He wants his Super Bowl Yesterday and when his dream coach fails in two seasons he will show him the door. We will continue to get big named free agents while he the owner, get our hopes up and then have then destroyed by the realilty of the regular-season.

Who will be our big FA next season Sapp or Key? :deal:

And we will be going through the same song and dance next season too.

Kind of hard to build a winner when you don't let things jell! :soapbox:

right on target fuji!! :cheers: :applause:

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DrunkenBoxer, Snyder has not improved the Redskins, as judged by the record :)

the first year, when GM and coach were still holdovers from the previous regime the team was 10-6 with little input from Danny.

Since that 10-6 season in 1999 the team has been 8-8, 8-8, 7-9 and now 4-6.

How is that improvement?

I hope we have not sunk so far into the morass that the fact of MOVEMENT of players onto and off the team is equated with PROGRESS, because the one does NOT necessarily mean the other.

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Deep breath here... This is the Owner that you are talking about this is not an employee...These kind of criticisms have not changed any owner that I am aware of...So....either put up and support the fanchise or walk away...you can't pick your owner just like you can't pick your family...It is what it is...

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evidently that is NOT true, or Jerry Jones would not have finally decided his best course was to hire a seasoned NFL coach to move to Valley Ranch :)

I don't think Snyder is going to sell the Redskins, and especially not because of fan pressure :laugh:

But I DO think he is sensitive to criticism and over time MAY make him change the WAY he sees his role as the owner.

when he finally decides, as I think he will, that putting the trophies in the case in January is more important than dominating the War Room on Draft Day, then the Redskins will turn a corner and that money he has to spend will make a positive impact on the fortunes of the team.

Until then, expect more turmoil and feeble helpers such as Vinny Cerrato and Johnny College who are nothing more than pitiable deer in the headlights.

I don't agree with your last point, JrRedskin, that I have to either support what Snyder is doing 100% or walk away :)

No more than I think that Dallas fans that were sick of Jones hiring a succession of doinks like Switzer, Gailey and Campo were forced to start rooting for the 49ers or Packers.

I don't equate being a fan of a team and wishing them well on Sundays as being a blank check to stick my chin out and take one for the owner or GM if I don't agree with the decisions they make.

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Originally posted by Jrredskin

Deep breath here... This is the Owner that you are talking about this is not an employee...These kind of criticisms have not changed any owner that I am aware of...So....either put up and support the fanchise or walk away...you can't pick your owner just like you can't pick your family...It is what it is...

You can pick your family. Well, at least your wife. :rotflmao: People get married and divorced all the time.

You can abandon your kids if you have kids.

As for Synder- I'm not going to blindly bow at his feet. Danny Boy is 50% responsible for the failure of this team. The coaches and players are the other 50%.

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Originally posted by Jrredskin

Deep breath here... This is the Owner that you are talking about this is not an employee...These kind of criticisms have not changed any owner that I am aware of...So....either put up and support the fanchise or walk away...you can't pick your owner just like you can't pick your family...It is what it is...

It seems to be just the opposite. Snyder is clearly fascinated by public perception--he seems to make many of his decisions based on such. Everyone in the league ripped him for charging money for camp, and he abandoned the practice. Everyone in the media ripped him for bringing in aged, high-priced free agents who were past their prime, then he tried bringing in young high-priced free agents.

Fact is, the guys knows nothing about football. Anyone who played organized football at any level knows more than Snyder. This can certainly be said of most owners, but most owners defer to a General Manager.

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Snyder's record:






For the Snyder apologists, please note that the trendline on this deal is moving downwards, not up.

I've said it before. The Danny won't change his ways until he's had a string of 5-11 or 6-10 seasons like Jerrah. If we continue to hover around .500 he'll perpetually think we're almost there and the playoffs are just around the corner.

As for fan sentiment having no bearing that's only partly true. If the fans are pi$$ed off, yet continue to buy Skins merchandise and go to the games then no, he won't have any incentive to change his ways. However, let enough fans stop buying Skins merchandise and either turn in their season tix or "no show" en masse and he might be embarrassed enough to figure it out.

It really is too bad because from the outside it's just so darn simple to me. If anyone else at all were the owner, would they have hired Dan Snyder to run their club ? Or, would the Danny himself have hired someone else as GM with the same "credentials" Snyder has ? Once the Danny figures this out, maybe then he can fire himself (and my cousin Vinny) and get a real GM.

Let's just say I won't hold my breath while I wait for it to happen.

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