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Redskins Sign Veteran Tight End Alex Smith

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What a minute. Our leader says "he's not a great blocker or a great receiver, but he's very good at everything else he does." What does that mean? Is he the new water boy, does he knit. Why does this clown still have a job as our head coach?

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What a minute. Our leader says "he's not a great blocker or a great receiver, but he's very good at everything else he does." What does that mean? Is he the new water boy, does he knit. Why does this clown still have a job as our head coach?



Here is the actual complete statement since you clearly missed it:


"There's really not a weakness that he has. He's not a great blocker or a great receiver, but he's very good at everything he does. To have a guy do both is equally important, and to have a security blanket like that for three tight ends (alignments) or if someone gets dinged, that's important."


Chris Cooley? Fred Davis? I hoped that was a poor attempt at sarcasm because otherwise it's just not a smart statement period.


You better get used to jay, he will be here at least next year and probable several more. BTW  Nice name calling.


Just for the record, after starting 2-4, the Redskins are now 4-3 since and in first place for the division. Players have actually gotten better under Gruden. Not bad for a team in full rebuild that went 4-12 last year.


Enjoy the ride. You might like it!

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I didn't miss anything. He doesn't have a weakness would mean he is overall a great TE. He blocks well and catches well.

As for Chris Cooley or Fred Davis, no sarcasm at all. I think either one would be a better fit. Cooley is around this team and I believed he even worked out for them in the preseason. So he knows the offense.

I won't get used to him, I will just be content I guess with a below average team that gets a top 5 draft pick each year, except when RGIII played the entire season for us. No players have gotten better. Cousins still can't hit the broad side of a barn. Look at his throws, nothing is in stride or on target. It is always behind or high.

A full rebuild? Who? Most of our players have been there for some time. Tell me one offensive player that Gruden has made better? Defense has improved but that was Joe Barry.

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I didn't miss anything. He doesn't have a weakness would mean he is overall a great TE. He blocks well and catches well. As for Chris Cooley or Fred Davis, no sarcasm at all. I think either one would be a better fit. Cooley is around this team and I believed he even worked out for them in the preseason. So he knows the offense. I won't get used to him, I will just be content I guess with a below average team that gets a top 5 draft pick each year, except when RGIII played the entire season for us. No players have gotten better. Cousins still can't hit the broad side of a barn. Look at his throws, nothing is in stride or on target. It is always behind or high. A full rebuild? Who? Most of our players have been there for some time. Tell me one offensive player that Gruden has made better? Defense has improved but that was Joe Barry.


I have 2 jerseys in my closet: Chris Cooley and Ryan Kerrigan. Cooley is one of my favorite recent players but he was really really really bad when he finished here. He was slow and could not even still block. With several years out of football, that is not getting better. People need to let it ****ing go! He is done, period!   


And Fred Davis? You have to be kidding. He can't stop smoking dope long enough to make a team. No one, no one has signed him  to the regular season since he left us!  So 31 teams, 32 including us are wrong but you are right that he is a better fit!!  Sorry, no way. Fred Davis is ****ing idiot and needs to not be anywhere near this team.


As for players getting better under Gruden, the list is so long I don't have to time to go into it. But the best example is Cousins. Saying Cousins can't hit the broad side of the barn has to be the uneducated statements I have seen in a long time since he is very close to setting an NFL record for highest completion % for season. He is currently #1 in the NFL at 69.2%.


A for improving, the first 6 games Cousins was 2-4 with 6TD and 8 int. a 66.2% comp% and a QBR of 77.4.   The last 7 he is 4-3 with 12 TDs to only 3 picks a 72.1% comp% and QBR of 109.1   And before you start the dink and dunk BS, he has a 7.25 yds att for the year which puts him 15th.  He is 8.34 for the last 7 games.   for reference Aaron Rogers is 6.9. Last year while winning the SB, Tom Brady was 21t in the NFL in yds/aatt, It's called the WCO.


So there is at least one player that has gotten better, a lot better. Also, Joe Barry was Jay Grudens hire.


But clearly you have an agenda. You are not interested in facts, just spewing some BS because you don't like Gruden. I am guessing you are one of people that really liked RGIII, even though MS broke him. Well look at my ID, I was a huge supporter of Roberts and still really like the young man, But the decision Jay and the team made to move on was the right one. Better to get used to it.

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2 Jerseys, that is impressive. Where is the Riggins, Art Monk, Joe Thiesmann. The greats of this organization. The ones that now shake their heads in disgust and disbelief. The stats you mention for Cousins are outstanding. But here is one for you. We are 6-7 this year under Cousins. It all comes down to wins and loses. Who cares what his QBR is. Win games!! But here is another one for you. We are 10 and 19 under Gruden. I guess you are happy with that though.

Cousins has not progressed at all. The last four games they won were the Bears, Giants, Saints and Bucs. WOW!! Some tough competition there.

Early on being 2-4, they beat the Eagles and Rams. Games they should have won. They lose to the Falcons, Dolphins, Jets and Giants. We should have won at least three of those games.

Yes, I do believe in RGIII. As a coach, you need to work your offense around the QB. Obviously our coach is unable to do that. He names him the starter in preseason to then change it the right before the first regular season game.

You are so correct in one thing though. I do have an agenda. Get back to Redskins football. A winning tradition, something you know nothing about. I could care less about stats. I want to win and we won't do that with these tow leading this team. You can't argue that. The win/loss says it all.

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Not that it's any of your business but I could not afford to buy jerseys in those days. I have since purchased other memorabilia from that era, but again it's really none of your business. I was making the point that Chris Cooley was one of my favorite players.


Clearly you have an agenda that has little to do with the Redskins. I will leave you with this and after I will not respond to this or any other post. You are just not worth the effort. You say wins and losses say it all; Robert is 13-21. I guess that says it all.


Now I will go back to enjoying a late season Playoff Run while you continue to ignore data and facts since they don't support your agenda.



Edit: I left something out I meant to address: You said: "Get back to Redskins football. A winning tradition, something you know nothing about."   I have been a Redskins fan since just before we signed Vince Lombardi in 1969. Further proof you are the one who knows nothing.  

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2 Jerseys, that is impressive. Where is the Riggins, Art Monk, Joe Thiesmann. The greats of this organization. The ones that now shake their heads in disgust and disbelief. The stats you mention for Cousins are outstanding. But here is one for you. We are 6-7 this year under Cousins. It all comes down to wins and loses. Who cares what his QBR is. Win games!! But here is another one for you. We are 10 and 19 under Gruden. I guess you are happy with that though. Cousins has not progressed at all. The last four games they won were the Bears, Giants, Saints and Bucs. WOW!! Some tough competition there. Early on being 2-4, they beat the Eagles and Rams. Games they should have won. They lose to the Falcons, Dolphins, Jets and Giants. We should have won at least three of those games. Yes, I do believe in RGIII. As a coach, you need to work your offense around the QB. Obviously our coach is unable to do that. He names him the starter in preseason to then change it the right before the first regular season game. You are so correct in one thing though. I do have an agenda. Get back to Redskins football. A winning tradition, something you know nothing about. I could care less about stats. I want to win and we won't do that with these tow leading this team. You can't argue that. The win/loss says it all.

That is more Bull**** than I can stand.

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Think we would have been better with Cooley or Fred Davis. But Jay is our guy that makes all the right moves!


What a minute. Our leader says "he's not a great blocker or a great receiver, but he's very good at everything else he does." What does that mean? Is he the new water boy, does he knit. Why does this clown still have a job as our head coach?

 Why just Jay? Is Scot not in the decision making on our players? or is this just another upset Robert FAN?

I have 2 jerseys in my closet: Chris Cooley and Ryan Kerrigan. Cooley is one of my favorite recent players but he was really really really bad when he finished here. He was slow and could not even still block. With several years out of football, that is not getting better. People need to let it ****ing go! He is done, period!   


And Fred Davis? You have to be kidding. He can't stop smoking dope long enough to make a team. No one, no one has signed him  to the regular season since he left us!  So 31 teams, 32 including us are wrong but you are right that he is a better fit!!  Sorry, no way. Fred Davis is ****ing idiot and needs to not be anywhere near this team.


As for players getting better under Gruden, the list is so long I don't have to time to go into it. But the best example is Cousins. Saying Cousins can't hit the broad side of the barn has to be the uneducated statements I have seen in a long time since he is very close to setting an NFL record for highest completion % for season. He is currently #1 in the NFL at 69.2%.


A for improving, the first 6 games Cousins was 2-4 with 6TD and 8 int. a 66.2% comp% and a QBR of 77.4.   The last 7 he is 4-3 with 12 TDs to only 3 picks a 72.1% comp% and QBR of 109.1   And before you start the dink and dunk BS, he has a 7.25 yds att for the year which puts him 15th.  He is 8.34 for the last 7 games.   for reference Aaron Rogers is 6.9. Last year while winning the SB, Tom Brady was 21t in the NFL in yds/aatt, It's called the WCO.


So there is at least one player that has gotten better, a lot better. Also, Joe Barry was Jay Grudens hire.


But clearly you have an agenda. You are not interested in facts, just spewing some BS because you don't like Gruden. I am guessing you are one of people that really liked RGIII, even though MS broke him. Well look at my ID, I was a huge supporter of Roberts and still really like the young man, But the decision Jay and the team made to move on was the right one. Better to get used to it.


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