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Everything posted by hailmary

  1. Is that in China or Mexico? Ohh that was a left wing parade!
  2. you can't say Chucky hasn't flipped as well as other left leaders..Obama Clinton to name a few ......Ohh are you one of those HYPOCRITES as well?
  3. ASK Chucky https://newyork.cbslocal.com/2019/01/02/senator-chuck-schumer-border-wall-united-states-mexico-president-donald-trump/
  4. lol there are some illegal immigrants that know it takes 60 votes 🤪
  5. 60 votes i said to a very dumb question don't spin it just ask Chucky !
  6. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/423054-trump-resurfaces-2011-obama-tweet-about-taking-on-illegal .https://newyork.cbslocal.com/2019/01/02/senator-chuck-schumer-border-wall-united-states-mexico-president-donald-trump/ https://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2018/jun/27/cal-thomas/did-hillary-clinton-support-border-wall-mexico/ https://thehill.com/opinion/immigration/423333-compromise-on-border-wall-our-last-line-of-defense No Excuses, you have plenty to read and many to question now my friend
  7. ask Chucky, i learned this by the 6th grade? but why has Chucky and his buddies flip flopped on this national security issue?
  8. In order to pass this a simple majority vote would not be enough it would need a 3/5, 60 votes. Again Ask Chucky https://newyork.cbslocal.com/2019/01/02/senator-chuck-schumer-border-wall-united-states-mexico-president-donald-trump/ I posted plenty of facts about the hypocrites ....I get it it's not very much "value" for the LEFT....is it?
  9. ask Chucky .....https://newyork.cbslocal.com/2019/01/02/senator-chuck-schumer-border-wall-united-states-mexico-president-donald-trump/
  10. According to Pelosi if you have a fence or wall around your land you're immoral ..............hahaa
  11. Chuck Schumer ....hypocrit haha https://newyork.cbslocal.com/2019/01/02/senator-chuck-schumer-border-wall-united-states-mexico-president-donald-trump/
  12. ask Pelosi & Chuck Schumer the same guy who has called for more wall in the past......hypocrites
  13. because you're standing on K street with your hands in someones back pocket!
  14. The LEFT has already funded 800 miles of wall in past & are clearly on record during both Clinton & Obama administrations calling for more Border patrol wants another 600 miles and some repair and the left refuses because Trump said he would do it and they can't stand for him to WIN! TALK ABOUT HYPOCRITES?? MEXICO CANADA AND CHINA HAVE LOST ON DEALS MY FRIEND Is that why the left is so upset?
  15. The left don't want to give 5billion for border security but want to spend 1 billion in abortions in other countries and i could pile it on more but you get the point 2k per day try to come over illegally, 17k illegal criminals apprehended last year, 3k terrorist apprehended at boarder last year...We have 1k terrorist inside our country in which the FBI are looking at and we call this a very serous challenge for the FBI . We clearly have a National security problem folks ! NO WAY!
  16. HTTR! Hope all is well! 

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