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Hall of Fame Vote For Joe Jacoby

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The Hall of Fame finally has their poll up to see which 15 player should make it as a finalist for the Hall of Fame.


Your very own Joe Jacoby has been a semi finalist 4 years in a row and 6 times total.  The 15 finalist are the only ones the voters actually get to discuss and debate.  The voters also look at these polls to see who should make it into the final 15.  Please vote in this poll and share the information with your friends:



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There's another thread on this, but yeah, he deserved to be in long before many (if not all) of the other OL that have been getting in lately.

That was a poll done by the Dallas voter.  This is actually listing all 25 semi finalist asking who should be in the final 15.  This is done by the Hall of Fame and the voters will look at it. 


It is very important for Redskin fans to vote for 66 and spread the word.  He has always gotten stuck at the semi finalist and never gotten "in the room" to have his name in open debate by the voters.  He needs to be a finalist for this to happen - vote and help please.

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