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Educate me about Monsanto


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Maybe your great great grandparents, but no not your grandparents.




In response to the suggestion that an increase in the incidence of celiac disease might be attributable to an increase in the gluten content of wheat resulting from wheat breeding, a survey of data from the 20th and 21st centuries for the United States was carried out. The results do not support the likelihood that wheat breeding has increased the protein content (proportional to gluten content) of wheat in the United States. Possible roles for changes in the per capita consumption of wheat flour and the use of vital gluten as a food additive are discussed.

I don't know about gluten levels, but apparently other proteins in modern wheat were NOT in our grandparents wheat.


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Animals back then ate on grass and weren't cooped in factory farms for mass production. 


Honestly, for me, I've seen one of the founding fathers of biotechnology talk about this topic. I can't recall his name, but he once said that you can't possibly feed the whole world with organic methods. You have to use GMO. Hunger is a huge issue today, so I wouldn't have any issue with mass producing GMO to feed the world. You could really take a huge step in fighting hunger (rampant across America as well as other continents). 


That being said GMO has a shady rep and part of that is protests and lack of education, and it also comes down to biotechnology ethics. If the product has been proven safe, and there are no reactions. then go ahead. People say you can't FULLY understand the reaction of a GMO to a human body for several decades, and while that in some way may be true, we have a world hunger problem that HAS to be resolved. 


So I am quite on the fence here

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Just an opinion, but I suspect that you're probably going a bit overboard, here.Yeah, farmers have artificially selected their crops. But nowhere nearly as much, nor as rapidly, as we're doing, nowdays. And such selection was typically done at a very low level. Farmer Bob might do one thing, but bus actions only affected his own crops. His neighbors' were different. (That, I suspect, may be the really scary threat on the horizon, with all of this technology: A tendency towards a lack of biological diversity.)

Plants and seeds have been exposed to x-rays, gamma rays and radioactive material and chemicals in hopes of creating desirable mutations since the 1920's.

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Monsanto had nothing to do with high-yield semi-dwarf wheat. That was a gent named Borlaug (sp?) who was trying to solve world hunger. It's technically a hybrid and not GM, at least according to William Davis (who is apparently also controversial in the Tailgate lol).

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