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Chalk Talk: Film Review: Packers Vs. Redskins: Defense


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Up in the box?


I think so he can roll dice to determine his D call.


And cross his fingers.


There is no in between with him. He blitzes hard, then stops completely, and never adjusts to what the offense does to counter the blitz. Its chess.  You don't quit after your second move.

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Nice breakdown as ever KDawg.


Here is a stat which tells you all you need to know about our defense so far this year. In two games in which our opponents have made 67 pass attempts we have so far had credit for a DB defending 3 of those for an incomplete. 3 out of 67. God help us against Calvin Johnson.


Also the lack of in game adjustment is, well, puzzling.

I think we assumed the defense this year would pick up from where it left off at the end of last year, and kind of forgot about how bad it had become before the bye last season. Whatever was done last year in that week off transformed the defense from almost record-breakingly terrible to merely poor. Before then, Haslett had become both predictable and apparently stubborn. We complained week after week how teams knew what we were going to do better than our own players, and we never adjusted in game. It seems the coaching has regressed back to this stage. Right now the bye week can't come soon enough because this defense is embarrassing to watch.

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Sorry if this is a little off topic, but I was just wondering if anyone else had noticed that play when RG3 ran, slid and ended up having to take grass out of his knee brace? Well, during that play Trent Williams was engaged in blocking a LB #55 Mulumba while RG3 scrambled in the backfield. During RG3's scrambling around Mulumba eventually broke loose of Trent's block (naturally). RG3 then ran towards his left and was about to turn it up field with Mulumba close behind, when all of a sudden Trent comes out of no where and takes the LB off of his feet. It was a beautiful thing.


The man never gives up on a play and I think that's what I like the most about him.


BTW, sorry if this has been discussed to death already. I haven't been here in a while.

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Yeah, I watched the game again, and Fletcher is not the same man anymore. He's really struggling.. I saw one play where he met Starks in the hole and planted his feet, waiting for Starks to make the move.. You never allow the RB to make a move.. It was like he had a dear in the headlights expression... Starks ended up running around him.

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