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Hello all, I am new to the Atlanta, GA area and grew up in Northern Virginia, and have been a lifelong die hard Redskins fan. I just joined this board to discuss Skins with others, since down here in Atlanta the Redskins arent exactly a high priority to people. Im a lifelong fan, and Dexter fan, hence the 72 in my username:) Im also looking to find aplace here in Atlanta to watch the game with people, and am planning on using the bars and stuff in the links to find it. Id like to find the "official" Redskins bar in this town. Anyway, Im stoked at the prospect of this board, and look forward to jumping into all the conversations with you guys. Anyway, take care, and Ill be posting away here before long!!!:dallasuck

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Tough time to come aboard SRV. After two straight losses, the board is totally afire with thread after thread of people venting. Careful not be say anything that might be construed as too positive right away, or you'll be labeled a polyanna for sure. Just stick around until we win a couple back to back ( of course, then be careful not to say any negative lest ye be labeled a flamer).

You'll get the hang of it. :)


By the way ... the team is definitely walking a tightrope, and the season appears to be at a crossroads.

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Welcome :cheers:

Back to back losses have taken its toll here.

Heed Om's advice:)

I try not to post on Monday after a loss, we all handle losing in our own way. Its all good, we love our Skins.

Enjoy, this is the best site on the net.:dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

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There's a few folks here from Atlanta. You may want to check out our Fan Map feature for names: http://www.extremeskins.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=NS-IncludePage&file=fanmap

Welcome to the board. Hope you don't turn into the norm for newbies - a brief introduction only to never be heard from again :) A lot of good passionate fans here. We don't all agree on the same things... but the smart ones don't take things so seriously. Have fun.

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Originally posted by SRVFan72

Hello all, I am new to the Atlanta, GA area and grew up in Northern Virginia, and have been a lifelong die hard Redskins fan. I just joined this board to discuss Skins with others, since down here in Atlanta the Redskins arent exactly a high priority to people. Im a lifelong fan, and Dexter fan, hence the 72 in my username:) Im also looking to find aplace here in Atlanta to watch the game with people, and am planning on using the bars and stuff in the links to find it. Id like to find the "official" Redskins bar in this town. Anyway, Im stoked at the prospect of this board, and look forward to jumping into all the conversations with you guys. Anyway, take care, and Ill be posting away here before long!!!:dallasuck

Welcome SRV! This is a great site! :cheers:

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SRVFan72.......I'm new here too......so from one new guy to the other, welcome aboard........I learned quickly that negativity doesn't go over well with most people here (especially after a loss)......but remember we all love the Skins and that's what should keep you from coming back over and over again to this great site. What a great bunch of people skins fans are. Hail to you and everybody else out here.


Redskins football isn't a matter of life and death, it's more important than that.

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Originally posted by Pete

Welcome aboard SRV........Is that as in Stevie Ray Vaughn, and Double trouble?

Tarhog, you must have little ones.......... I mean kids.

To see a pic of the Crimson Chin in your sig just lit me up.


Guilty. On both counts :laugh: (reference 'The penis-snatcher' thread).

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Welcome to board. And let's get it straight new guy. I'm a vet so thereforf.....well....so there. :silly: (That's what they tell me anyway. :D ). Let's have some fun around here. It's a great place and the first one is on the house. :pint: Just watch out for Eresto's poppers.

Hey Om. Happy Bday.


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Welcome SRV,

I also live in Atlanta.Come hang-out with us at The Beer Mug.The address is 857 Collier Road.Just take I-75 to Howell Mill Road,then go east about 1/4 mile then make a left at Collier.Go down the hill and make a right at the traffic light into the small shopping center.(We're on the right-side of that shopping center.)

They're making designs for a shirt for us that says "THE BEER MUG-Atlanta's Exclusive Home of the Washington Redskins".:cool:

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