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I will probably get crucified for saying this but

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I still like Davis and watch him whenever I get a chance. Davis looks so natural in a panthers uniform,like he's been there for years. It's early in the season so lets see if he stays this productive over the loan haul.

Once Canidate or Morton breaks a long one for a TD, all this talk will vanish like a fart in the breeze.

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Check your history. It's not like SS just woke up one day and said, "gee, I should run the ball more". He's always ran the ball. The media has just brainwashed everyone into thinking all he ever does is throw the ball.

The year he won the NC @ Florida, he ran the ball 40+ times.

First of all that's one damn game. Second of all if you look at that season, you will find that your main backs only averaged about 10 carries a game. Don't get it twisted my friend, if he could, he would pitch and catch it all day.

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I am a big Davis fan and I hope he keeps running well in Carolina. But I don't wish he was still here.

First off, what did we EVER win when he was here? Not much.

When we hired Spurrier, Snyder made a commitment to his offense and as JBooma and others have said, that means throwing to your backs. That is a pretty big part of the offense. There were simply too many reasons to let Davis go. He'll have a great season this year and probably next season too, no one was saying that he was finished--it was just the best time for the team to move on.

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Originally posted by Posse81

I am a big Davis fan and I hope he keeps running well in Carolina. But I don't wish he was still here.

First off, what did we EVER win when he was here? Not much.

When we hired Spurrier, Snyder made a commitment to his offense and as JBooma and others have said, that means throwing to your backs. That is a pretty big part of the offense. There were simply too many reasons to let Davis go. He'll have a great season this year and probably next season too, no one was saying that he was finished--it was just the best time for the team to move on.

Well said, Posse

:cheers: :dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

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Originally posted by RiggoDrill

It all depends on how you look at it.

Rushing offense: Carolina 2nd, Washington 15th.

Passing offense: Carolina 32nd, Washington 8th.

Total offense: Carolina is 23rd, Washington 5th.

What this says is we're a far more balanced team than they are, and can play with a lead or from behind.

Carolina, on the other hand, is screwed if they get behind two or three touchdowns and need to toss the ball.

With Carolina's Defense, I don't think they'll ever have to worry about getting 2 or more TD's behind. Clearly it's a combination of Davis AND their Defense, that keeps them in games.

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Originally posted by Long n Left

If Skins had Davis there'd be no Coles, or Thomas, or Morton< or Hall, or Fiore, or...

DING DING DING.... and there's the winning answer.

Enough with the Stephen Davis crap. He's gone, Panthers are a better fit for him personally than the Skins ever were.

Coles and company are much more valuable than Davis would be.

THe SKins COULD NOT afford Davis and Coles et al.

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Originally posted by Henry

Uh, Davis isn't worth $11 mil or whatever we were going to have to pay him this year. Betts and Canidate are better for the money we pay them. In this day and age that's the bottom line.

I completly agree with that statement. That is what the national media never seems to state. The main reason we did not resign him, in my opinion was the salary cap concern. I seem to remember that it was somewhere near 13 mill. I do not think that there is anyone on this site that does not miss the D train, but that is the way that it works.....

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Well, we'll get some kind of indication this Sunday on who is making out better with or without Stephen Davis. Since the Panthers already beat the Bucs, we should be able to beat the Bucs as well, if we're truly better off without Davis. Then we'll get a better indication of who got the better part of the deal when we go head-to-head against Carolina next month.

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Mick, you're way oversimplifying this. There's so much more to this. One play or one penalty can change the whole game... Even when we go head to head - how exactly are you going to compare SD's running to LC's catches? Will you look at running vs running? Passing vs running? Game winner? Come on now, it is not that simple.

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Originally posted by AlexRS

Mick, you're way oversimplifying this. There's so much more to this. One play or one penalty can change the whole game... Even when we go head to head - how exactly are you going to compare SD's running to LC's catches? Will you look at running vs running? Passing vs running? Game winner? Come on now, it is not that simple.

Maybe, maybe not. Maybe instead of me oversimplifying it, maybe you guys are over-analyzing it. I'm just trying to look at the big picture. We can compare stats all we want, but the bottom line is wins and losses. Besides, since losing Davis allowed us to get skill players at OTHER positions, we cannot compare apples to apples, therefore we can only look at the big picture of wins/losses, and big picture of whether we're better off with the combo of Betts/Canidate/Coles/Thomas/Hall, etc and without Davis, facing a team WITH Davis

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Ok Luca not all canadians are this cruddy at typing and yes my sentences run on because i am a stream of consious type.

Jbooma Bite me ive been around here a hell of a lot longer than you member#35 and if i think my team made a mistake ill damn well say so if you dont like it you can kiss my browneye!(so much for the polite canadian stereotype)LOL. I am about the most rabid skins fan you will find but im not stupid or blind.

A good GM gets it done! if we wanted to and had a decent gm we could have kept Davis got coles and Thomas and hall the others are junk anyway!! but for all those who dont thinkso ill say this Davis vs thomas coles morton friedman and moore of course your gonna go with numbers but i submit that we could have gotten Friedman Thomas and perhaps coles if we had a competent GM and we could still have kept Davis! If he hadnt turned into fumblina last year i think hed still be here after all franchis backs are not easy tocome by. Betts is decent but i dont think hell ever be a #1 back ditto Canidate as he still hasnt proven himself yet. A whopping average yds per game of what? like 45! Our backs might need to catch but they need to be able to run hence the name of the position RUNNINGBACK.

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Sure, the big picture of wins/losses can give us some kind of an idea. However, looking at 2 games is not looking at the big picture. Games can be won or lost on 1 play. Lets wait for this season to develop. In the grand scheme of things - playoffs are probably the only good indication of good/bad descisions made. ALL descisions that is - personnel, coaching, offense, defense, etc. This is an argument that cannot be won or lost - nobody knows the answer and never will. We can hypothesise all we want, but we will never know "what would have happened." As far as letting SD go, my opinion is: it was the only way to put together the team that we have. I like what I'm seing so far.

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Davis would have never signed for less money here. We couldn't afford those players and Davis... he would have been paid 11 million.

If you want to say you would build a team differently, one based around the run like Carolina, then fine, in your case, it would have been better to keep Davis.

However, Spurrier is our coach, Ramsey is our qb, WR is more important to this offense than RB. Trung and Betts are doing a fine job, they are doing what is asked of them. All you heard out of Davis last year was HE wasn't getting the ball enough and HE needed this or that. You don't hear that this year. In my opinion, thats another reason Davis is not here, If I were the coach, I'd get sick of the ME ME ME's too. Coles isn't demanding this or that, Betts and Trung are sharing the ball and neither is complaining. I think we have a better team situation.

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Oh, well if we are giving weight to member numbers now, let me chime in again. :)

Ryman buddy, if you just wanted Marty Schottenheimer to stick around just say so. You so far think we should have kept Davis and built our offense around him. Well, we did that for about four years. since that strategy seemed to get us to a stellar 7-8 wins year after year, I'm ok with taking a diffent tack this year.

I like Davis too, but there is NO WAY we could pay him what he wanted and sign Coles and Thomas and Hall and resign Jansen and hope to sign Samuels and Arrigton and Bailey. No way. Unless you want to break down the numbers for us, quit harping on it already. We had to make a choice, as ALL teams must do with expensive stars, and we went with youth and a pass attack over the aging rusher. If we didn't want to go with Betts, then we wouldn't have drafted him last year. We've known this was coming for a long time. I don't get why we're suddenly moaning about it again just because Davis is running the way we all know Davis can run.

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Originally posted by frankbones

Davis is about to hit that magical age of 30 where runnings usually fade into the sunset.

I agree. At the end of last year in the Philly game at the Vet he was injured. I believe the same thing happened at the end of Marty's tenure. Wait until the 10th game of this season. Their receiving game is hurting right now and sooner or later. Teams will start putting eight in the box and giving him a hard time. He'll get hurt again and drop a few during key drives. I do miss a brutal RB but you don't invest that kind of money in a thirty year old.


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PLEASE DONT EVER MENTION MARTY AGAIN! LOL. I will agree to disagree as other teams seem to able to keep marquee players and still sign better players to augment their core.yes i like the guys we got but it would have been cool to have that pound the ball dimension that davis gave us. Im not moaning at least not too loudly and who knows if betts ever develops then it will have been good but im just sick of mediocrity in our front office aside from napoleon spending the bucks in FA when was the last time we had a great draft from top to bottom?

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Originally posted by great28

Last time I checked GoSkins, the Panthers are 4-0, with Davis as their MVP.

Then hop on over to the Panthers' board and do your praising there. Come Sunday, I'm not watching the Panthers. I'm watching the 'Skins. Davis is a Panther, not a Redskin. So, again, do you think I give a rat's @ss? Nope.

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