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I will probably get crucified for saying this but

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SD is at that age when running backs seldom improve but rather start to decline. Better to let him go, save cap space and develop a young back like Betts.

Don't get me wrong. I am a big SD fan and if he were still here I wouldn't complain but time marches on whither we like it or not.

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Originally posted by RiggoDrill

It all depends on how you look at it.

Rushing offense: Carolina 2nd, Washington 15th.

Passing offense: Carolina 32nd, Washington 8th.

Total offense: Carolina is 23rd, Washington 5th.

What this says is we're a far more balanced team than they are, and can play with a lead or from behind.

Carolina, on the other hand, is screwed if they get behind two or three touchdowns and need to toss the ball.

In short, we dropped a few notches in the running game, but gained a lot more offensive firepower overall. Plus, we now have money left over to re-sign Champ, or make other investments.

I think Snyder, Spurrier and Co. did the right thing.

I agree. The only thing we need to do better is play with the lead. The couple of times we had the lead with more than 30 seconds to go, we had a hard time with the 3 and outs.

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Originally posted by tex

SD is at that age when running backs seldom improve but rather start to decline. Better to let him go, save cap space and develop a young back like Betts.

Don't get me wrong. I am a big SD fan and if he were still here I wouldn't complain but time marches on whither we like it or not.

Players come and players go. Sometimes the good ones go. Sometimes the good ones that get let go aren't good until they are let go. That's what motivates them.

I'm not saying that Davis wasn't always a good, solid runner. He was for three years. But he had a habit of fumbling at the worst possible moments. At the goal line. In Dallas with time running out and a 1 point lead to protect.

I wish Davis well in panther-land. except when the skins play them.

Then we need to hold him to under 70 yards.

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Originally posted by Ryman of the North

Our line is built to run block and with the guards we now have dives and off tackles not draws and sweeps should be our forte and Davis is the nfls best at those!

2 of those players from the line came from the $11 million dollars the Redskins saved in cap room. By the way, if we didn't have John Hall, we would more than likely be 0-5 regardless of who the running back is.

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I wonder if the Cowpuke fans, assuming technological competence, would be having a similar thread/discussion years ago over trading Herschel Walker for draft picks and ultimately the "slow" Emmitt Smith. It seems we are judging Canidate way too early. Wasn't Canidate a higher draft pick than SD?

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Redman-Ill put whatever i want in my sig numnut wow when did it start getting so bitter in here?I posted an OPINION and some guys are freakin out! My old handle was just my real name Ryan Bellerose but seeing as i am the northenmost skins fan on the board(i think) i changed to my childhood nickname.Happy? i have dial up here and all the pics make it slow for me to read the board(although some are worth it but for now ill stay with Hail

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Combine the yardage between Trung & Betts and they are close to what Davis has done.. I say the savings he gave us and the players we added we made the best choice for the team...

Davis is a player I miss alot but to have Coles, Thomas, Fiore Trung, Morton,& Hall feels real good!


Skin 4 Life

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The truth of the matter is the Skins screwed up [specifically Cerrato and Snyder who was inexperienced with contracts at the time] in giving Davis a contract extension that ballooned to $11 million in only its 3rd year on a 9 year, $90 million contract. A stupid contract offer and signing for only ONE player, which put our backs to the wall. If we offered LaVar Arrington a contract for $11 million per season, would anyone be happy with that?! :( No single player is worth it and a team cannot afford to tie up that much of its salary cap in one player.

Christ, no one is worth $11 million a year, not even Joe Montana! Then when the Skins had to bite the bullet this spring, they had little choice but to dump Davis [taking a $5 million plus cap hit I might add] and they justified it by saying that Davis didn't fit the new system.

The Rams by contrast were able to retain the MVP Marshall Faulk for the duration of his career [Davis and Faulk are about the same age], because they were able to sign him to a contract that made reasonable sense. :deal:

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Preach on Ryman of the North. I could have not said it better! Right now SD is one of the best PURE runningbacks out there, so don't knock the hustle. Furthermore, alot of you need to get over this "He's not with us anymore so screw him" crap because it wasn't up to him to leave. If he could have he would have been a Redskin for life.

Earlier someone commented " what did we ever win with him as our runningback?" Not much, because the times when we had chances to win, whoever the coach was at that time did not use him the way he's supposed to be used. SD needs about 20 to 25 carries a game because the more he touches the ball the more yards he gets. Don't get me wrong I am amongst the most diehard of fans, I just wish we still had Davis in this PIE!

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.Then hop on over to the Panthers' board and do your praising there. Come Sunday, I'm not watching the Panthers. I'm watching the the 'Skins. Davis is a Panther, not a Redskin. So, again do you think I give a rat's @ss? Nope.

GoSkins I will post whatever I want to post, where ever I want to post. Dude I'm just as big (or bigger) a fan of the Skins as you so chill the F!@# out. I'm just so tired of seeing ex-skins go somewhere else and flourish when they could have had the same success. I mean look at all the players we lost due to bad management. Hell, we even had Rich Gannon at one point. I guess my main issue is not just losing one of the better backs in the league but more of we need a good GM to help us keep the players we need most

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inmate thanks for the contract info it clears a lot up!like i said if we had a competent GM we could have kept Davis! one thing ive noticed is that a lot of the new guys here dont like honest discussion i guess we all should wear rose colored glasses but i am a diehard fan sice 1981 when my Dad guided Jon riggins on a hunt i will continue to be a redskins fan and willl post what i want when i want and any of you newbies that dont like it can lump it!

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