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Capitals Playoffs Last 30 Years? (S.A. Spurs playoff appearances)


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I'm sorry, I"ll be the first to admit, I"m not a big Caps fans. Even though I've caught every playoff appearance the last 4-5 years.

I was doing a little research and I'm still not sure I'm looking at this right ...

The Caps have made it to the playoffs 26 out of the last 30 years?

What is even more remarkable than that is no Cup to show for it ... anyone think that is a pro sport record? That many appearances without a championship? I wonder ...

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The Caps were consistently good through the 80s and 90s, but never great. They were also always in the same division as as one of the most dominant teams in the league, and in the old divisional playoff format that made it real tough to advance out of the quarterfinals. In the early 80s it was the Islanders, then the Flyers were very strong in the mid 80s, then the Pens became dominant through the 90s. Due to all those other great teams, the caps only managed to finish at the top of the Patrick division one time.

EDIT: Also I think it's 23 times in 30 years, still impressive.

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Yeah, when nearly 55% of the field is able to get into the postseason, that's suddenly not that great of an accomplishment. 26 out of 30 is still pretty solid, you would have expected a few more misses in there, but it isn't as impressive as it would be in football or baseball.

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