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Cool website ideas


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My buddy and I are going into business as publishers. We are currently working with a web-designer on a web site for the first book we will sell. We want to make it a top-notch web site and are looking for ideas. We want to have a few gimmicks to give people an excuse to hang around on our site. Some ideas we have already come up with are a riddle involving the book, ala the site for the Da Vinci Code:


an art gallery with illustrations from the book, etc. But we are looking for any ideas possible to make it a super cool site. I was wondering if any of you guys have seen anything out there on the web or have designed anything yourselves that might fit this description?? Any input is appreciated...thanks guys.

For the record, this is a big reason why I have not been online as much lately. This project has been keeping me mondo busy!

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You could add a link to ESPN's Bottomline so they will be up-to-date on their sports news without leaving your site. It is easy to set it up with frames and just point their browser to it (although they may have to have Bottomline installed on their computer to be able to view it). A link to Extremeskins would be nice!

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Here's the best suggestion I can offer. The ONLY reason visitors will come back to your site repeatedly in a day or week is updated content.

A message board offers that. Gimmicks offer that. In same way or how... if you can update content of something worthwhile that a person may find interest in... you'll generate good traffic.

Myself, I spend about 2 hours a day surfing the net and websites for new ideas (ie. gimmicks).

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The bottem line is you don't need gimmicks for a good site. All you need to have is good content. People are not going to want to stay around an play games. The one thing people don't think about it doesn't matter how many people visit your site, what mattes is if they actually adventure into it. If you are trying to do a professional site then don't use any games to lure people in. If your content isn't enough then you need to change it.

Make sure the site is not cluttered, easy to read and the information people want are one click or no clicks away.

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