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Racist Teens Forced to Answer for Tweets About the ‘-----’ President


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The children are our future...

Eh, there are idiots of every generation everywhere.

Strip them of their extra-curricular priviledges until they complete community service...done.

You can't solve this level of ignorance in one big sweep but you can teach them to shut the **** up.

Maybe this stuff will finally completely die in a couple of generations. Here's hoping.

I remember in 2008, I went back to the Park Cities in Dallas around the election....there's this tradition the high school kids have of painting their car windows....seemed like they had a circle jerk and decided to write "Interloper" on all their windows. Hmmmm......I see what you did there. Sneaky racist.

Oh yeah, my parents got their Obama signs stolen 7 TIMES in a month!

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Maybe the schools don't say "Merry Christmas", I would have a huge problem if my kid got in trouble for saying Merry Christmas, are you talking about the school system or a rule stating the students can't say Merry Christmas?

Exactly. The schools are just trying to be inclusive, and make the non-Christian kids feel welcome. No one has ever stopped a kid (or a parent) from saying Merry Christmas.

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Because they didn't commit a crime? They are not obligated to own up to anyone.

Indeed they are not, and the article noted the kids who kept their accounts active after being called on their statements. I don't see one instance of one of these kids being taken off to jail in cuffs. I don't see the cops showing up and forcing anyone to close his or her account.

But if we are going to allow kids to post statements for the world to see, we as a society are obliged to hold them accountable for those statements with the same free speech they are themselves exercising. If kids need protection from saying stupid things don't allow them to join twitter or Facebook in the first place. Otherwise they shouldn't let their keyboards write checks their little rears can't cash.

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Indeed they are not, and the article noted the kids who kept their accounts active after being called on their statements. I don't see one instance of one of these kids being taken off to jail in cuffs. I don't see the cops showing up and forcing anyone to close his or her account.

But if we are going to allow kids to post statements for the world to see, we as a society are obliged to hold them accountable for those statements with the same free speech they are themselves exercising. If kids need protection from saying stupid things don't allow them to join twitter or Facebook in the first place. Otherwise they shouldn't let their keyboards write checks their little rears can't cash.

Exactly. Sounds like everyone else was also using their free speech rights to let the "kids" know that they are full of it.

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