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Vote: Bengals vs Redskins AFN Game of the Week


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The time has come to once again vote for the Skins as the game of the week for all our servicemen & women around the world.

For those of us lucky enough to be either STHs or live in the Redskins viewing area, watching the Skins on Sunday is a no brainer. For the last 5 years my cousin has been one of those lucky STHs (Clinton "F'n" Portis to ES). Well this year is different. He is deployed to the ME. He will be deployed until after the SB, meaning he will be missing not just football season, but all the joys that go with it (tailgating, BEER, hangin out with family and friends, talkin smack with Cowboy fans). The least I could do for him would be to start a thread each week asking the ES faithful to head over to AFN and vote for the Skins to be featured as the Game of the Week (voting closes at 9/19/12 at midnight EST):


San Francisco 49ers @ Minnesota Vikings 6%

Kansas City Chiefs @ New Orleans Saints 8%

Tampa Bay Buccaneers @ Dallas Cowboys 17% BOOOOOOO

Cincinnati Bengals @ Washington Redskins 12%

St. Louis Rams @ Chicago Bears 6%

Buffalo Bills @ Cleveland Browns 10%

Detroit Lions @ Tennessee Titans 3%

Jacksonville Jaguars @ Indianapolis Colts 3%

New York Jets @ Miami Dolphins 4%

Atlanta Falcons @ San Diego Chargers 3%

Philadelphia Eagles @ Arizona Cardinals 7%

Houston Texans @ Denver Broncos 17%

Pittsburgh Steelers @ Oakland Raiders 5%

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Anyone else getting an error message when the try to go to the link?
For reasons unknown to anyone outside of the DoD IT department, it seems like IE is the only browser permitted to use. And sometimes you have to unblock blocked content in IE to have the poll show up. It is definitely hanky. I think a Cowboy fan designed it in hopes only fellow Cowboys fans would ever vote.
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For reasons unknown to anyone outside of the DoD IT department, it seems like IE is the only browser permitted to use. And sometimes you have to unblock blocked content in IE to have the poll show up. It is definitely hanky. I think a Cowboy fan designed it in hopes only fellow Cowboys fans would ever vote.

Thanks again Popeman. I emailed the link to everyone in my address book!

Mods, if any thread on ES deserves to be stickied for the remainder of the season it is this one.


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I voted but we're 39 votes behind the Cowboys. Did you try the Cincy forums? You might get more support there than you do here. There are some great posters that have your back on Extremeskins but most won't (some can't) back you in this (As you can see from the number of views versus votes). Good luck. BTW did you get to see last weeks game?

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I voted but we're 39 votes behind the Cowboys. Did you try the Cincy forums? You might get more support there than you do here. There are some great posters that have your back on Extremeskins but most won't (some can't) back you in this (As you can see from the number of views versus votes). Good luck. BTW did you get to see last weeks game?
I am here in the states. My cousin is deployed in the ME. He got the Saints game as the AFN Game of the Week, and last week the Skins-Rams game was joined in progress after the 1PM game was over. My cousin said they missed the first 8 minutes.

And 40 votes is all we need to take the lead? Seriously?!? Come on people, share the link! Tweet it! Google+ it! Facebook it! Hell, MySpace it!

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