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Extreme Madden League call for new members (XBOX 360 - Madden NFL 13)


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Updated 3/18/2013, we're currently entering the off season for year 4, and we will be accepting new members

Thanks TK for giving me the 'okay' to do this

Greetings fellow ES members.

Extreme Madden League (aka XM) is seeking legit simulation, no-nonsense competition to join our online sim league for Madden 13 on XBOX 360. YOU MUST HAVE A MIC TO JOIN. It is key to communicate any issues you have with your opponent before, during, or after your game, and it also makes things go by quicker and smoother.

The following teams are available at a first come first serve basis:

The AFC Conference:


Buffalo Bills

Miami Dolphins

New York Jets


Baltimore Ravens

Pittsburgh Steelers


Indianapolis Colts

Jacksonville Jaguars

Tennessee Titans


Kansas City Chiefs

Oakland Raiders

San Diego Chargers



Dallas Cowboys

Philadelphia Eagles


Chicago Bears

Detroit Lions

Minnesota Vikings


Carolina Panthers


Arizona Cardinals

Seattle Seahawks

League Settings:

• Advance 3 times a week (Monday night, Wednesday night, and Friday night)

• 9 minute quarters with accelerated game clock

• Normal game speed

• All-Pro difficulty with default sliders

• Player progression set to weekly

All of our current members have been involved with XM for a couple years, we are a committed group, you won't meet any flakes here, and we expect the same from new members. We welcome all skill levels.

MUST READ League rules here: http://www.maddendaddy.com/xm/rules

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I'd play, but alas I live in the middle of nowhere and use satellite internet

fast for surfing, but slow for games

however tomorrow I get an upgrade to a new satellite service that's 12MbPS, so I'll test playing online and get back to you in the next few days

only thing is, RGIII has totally ruined me for any other QB in Madden, hahaha it's so easy to get out of the pocket and make stuff happen, so hard to sack RGIII

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Before I send out invites, the rules must be read and studied here:


We will be updating these rules with the release of Madden NFL 13

Game Standard:

10 minute quarters

All-Pro difficulty

Accelerated game clock


The goal of these rules is to provide a enjoyable experience for all involved. Read the rules and I am sure you will notice they have been streamlined and a little more freedom has been given HOWEVER if we feel things are being abused we reserve the right to add rules and make everyone aware if its in the best interest of the league as a whole.


Game Schedule: XM will advance on Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday at 11:59PM OR if all games are completed early (which is encouraged). Within 24 hours of advance, please contact your opponent to schedule your game. If you wait until the night of the advance to attempt to schedule your game the admin will likely not boot your opponent for you.

a) If a owner can not play for any reason, he/she must create a post in the “Vacation/suspension" section in the forums and leave the league for the period of time to allow the other players to play the CPU. The owner is allowed to rejoin if they do so in a timely manner.

B) Failure to respond to opponents or miss your agreed scheduled game could result in your removal from the league.

c) If a player does not respond to your messages, please contact a league admin after 24 hours and we will help you get your game played. Contacting your opponent the first day after advance is recommended.

Hosting: The Home team will invite the Away team to the game. (Unless connection problems persist)


Offensive Main-

FB SUB - Full House, Split Backfields can now have a HB substituted for FB BUT not in I formation or offset I.

Audible down - do not AD from 5 wide to a heavy run set and get a WR at HB or TE. This is obvious cheese and not tolerated. Should it occur in the game as a accident then both positions need to be changed to block and they can not run pass routes or run the ball.

Rocket Catching – on offense, this is not allowed. Description: Do not continue to throw high passes, take control of your WR/TE/RB and cut the route short and jump to grab the ball. We understand if this happens by accident, but to make this happen will result in a penalty.

Goaline - can only be used in short yardage (3 yards to inches) and inside the ten yardline of either side of the field. Yes, even if you are at your 30 and trying to run clock.

Offensive/Defensive push offs - Taking control of the player in an attempt to slow down the defender/receiver is against the rules. In real life this is PI but the game only calls blatant PI and penalties can not be adjusted in online franchise. You can still user catch/pick just do it legally and not by exploiting the lack of a PI call.

**Play Selection** - You should mix up plays. IE: No calling the same plays over and over (running screen passes the whole game is not acceptable). Mix it up on offense and defense. Try to use your whole playbook and not just MONEY plays. You may not use the same play more than 2 downs in a row, QB sneak on the goaline included. This includes changing your base call and just audible your WRS to the same routes constantly. When i see a TE with 20 catches show up as player of the week 1 week "ok, good game" more than 1 time "we need to talk". This also counts for the same play even in different formations.


Stacking the box - Do not stack the box constantly with 9+ defenders. Dictate on defense if that's your game but use a variety of ways to do it. Mix in man, bump, off man, zone, mix coverages etc not just one all game.

Goaline - Only can be used withing your 10 yardline and short yardage.

DL - 2 rushers after the QB at all times so NO dropping 10/11 into coverage.

Player Movement

1) Pre-snap (Defense/Special Teams) player movement, NO MOVING D-LINE PLAYERS PRE-SNAP, If you move a player manually (LB/S/CB Only), you may move three but must control that Third player until the snap of the football. (Line shifts, coverage adjustment, LB adjustments through stat pad do not count). This rule is in effect because of a recent exploit that cuts off WR/TE’s routes down field by blocking them in at the line or downfield. There is no slider adjustment for Pass Interference in the online franchise, so none is called after 5 yards. Rule is also in effect to counter some nanos.

Blitzing is legal as long as keep it with in the normal workings of the game. The best thing to do is call the blitz from your playbook and run it as the play shows. We are just trying to stop the glitch, not remove blitzing.

***In addition – defensive line stacking is not allowed. Stacking a player over the defensive linemen is not allowed, the player can not be directly behind the linemen – Unless lined up that way by the original play formation but players are allowed to be placed between lineman at depth. No manually stacking the A gap. You may call a defensive play that places players in the a gap but you can not move lbs into the a gap***

Quarterback scrambles, again – stay with in the workings of the game. A QB can scramble for yards as in the NFL, but using a QB to scramble on every play is not realistic and very hard to enforce. Dropping back more than 10 yards without pressure on the QB is also a glitch play and is not allowed. When is the last time you've seen a QB take the snap and sprint back 20 yards, it doesn't happen and it's not going to happen here.

4th down rule: this is a gray area and is really a situational call, do as you would see a NFL coach do.

1. You cannot go for it on 4th down if you are ahead in the first half ever, you must either punt or kick a field goal.

2. In the 3rd quarter if you are down by more than 7 pts then you may go for it, in the 4th quarter if you are down by any amount of pts then you may go for it

3. If you are in the lead in the 4th quarter with less than 4 minutes, ahead by 2 or less and inside the 20 you may go for it to secure the lead.

Fake Punt/FGs

Fake punts and FGs are stupid, period. You may see one or two a season and I expect it to be the same here. You may do them but very, very sparingly.. If I get reports of fakes multiple times you will be penalized. (Fakes count as going for it on 4th down so same situation rules apply)


a) If down by 14 or more with 2 mins in 1st half

B) If down by 14 or more with 5 mins left in game

c) Any time with in last 2 mins in game if tied or losing

*Don't abuse this or it will change

Squib Kicking

is only allowed when the situation calls for it

1 min left in the half or the game. You can not squib kick every time u kick off

Disconnects: Through a full season, we will have a few disconnects. If a disconnect happens, players must message each other before anything is done. Give the player a few minutes to get back online. What the players agree to do with disconnect is fine with the league. If the player does not return in a few minutes or does not reply to you in a few minutes, you may take the win. We are tracking player disconnects. If we feel you are not able to stay in a game in this league, you will be removed from the league.

a) Games can be restarted from the beginning.

B) Games can be picked up from where thy were left off with score wise, teams can let the other team score to equal the same score etc. – then play on from there.

CPU Disconnects: Players are not allowed to disconnect from a game with the CPU. If a disconnect happens, you must notify a league admin before restarting the game. Owners will be allowed 3 CPU restarts per season to combat the people restarting to clear a injury, restarting because they started bad, and restarting when they are about to lose. Any owner who has more than 3 restarts will be suspended for 1 game.

Friendly disconnects: if both players agree to restart a game – then that is fine and the Dc will not count.

If a game is disconnected, and the player agrees to let the other play again – the player can request that the score

be set to the same point as when the disconnect happened. Example: Tenn 14 NE 3, New England disconnects and Tenn

wishes to have the score mirrored. NE would have to let Tenn score 14 points and then Tenn would have to let NE

kick a FG and then the ball would be returned to whomever had it before. At that point, the game resumes.

Rules Disputes: During your game make your opponent aware of the rule they are in violation of and allow them the opportunity to correct it. if you feel you have a solid case and made attempts to make your opponent aware of the violations and they continued, please bring it to the commissioners and staffs attention. If he is in question himself bring it to another Staff Member.

Dispute Penalties: if found in the wrong the following may be enforced:

1) Removal from the league.

2) Removal of draft pick/picks.

3) Loss of League Leadership position.

4) Player Suspension

Smack Talk: We are all grown up in here, you should know how to conduct yourself in a professional manner. There will be times when smack talk is fun and allowed but do not offend people. I actually encourage the smack talk SO GET ON YOUR MICS PEOPLE!!

Running up the score - running up the score on CPU teams or vs a HUM opponent will no longer be tolerated and could result in:

1) Removal from the league.

2) Removal of draft pick/picks.

3) Loss of League Leadership position.

4) Player Suspension

as well as a automatic boot from the league for multiple infractions. No one should ever score more than 80 points ever unless you both have gone over 50.. Again do not come to us with an explanation why you scored over 80 points.

Padding Stats - there is to be no stat padding, period. If you have a sizable lead you are to utilize your backups, run the ball and kick FGs. We are not gonna have any 600-700 yard passing games or 400-500 yard rushing with a single player. This is stat padding and we do not want it here because it affects player accomplishments league wide.

Quitting- Look everyone is going to lose at some point so man up and finish the game out. A owner who feels his opponent is cheating,glitching ect is still expected to finish the game out and stay within the rules. Following the game speak with a staff about the situation DO NOT COUNTER CHEATING WITH CHEATING.

* One quit is a warning

* two quits is a boot

Free Agency- During the season you are allowed to add one FA per game week to your roster. A owner who would like to add more needs to drop a player from his roster that is the same position as the guy you want to add and it has to be within 9 overall points. You can not drop a 57 lb and pick up a 85 lb, has to be drop 77lb and add 85 ect.


Trades- When you agree to a trade with a owner you need to make a post with the specifics of the trade in the "Trade Approval " thread. A owner then must message me in xfn with the trade as well so i can send it out to the board and set the 24 hour period.

I will start sending the invites to the league shortly, when you all accept the invitation, do not make any roster moves or changes, Please use a current coach and message me when you're set

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