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www.wired.com: High-Res Interactive Panorama Lets You Stand on Mars With Curiosity


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This 360-degree view shows the craggy rim of Gale Crater towering behind the rover and the looming precipice of Mount Sharp — the rover’s ultimate destination — standing in front. The images from this mosaic were taken by Curiosity’s 2-megapixel MastCams and released on Aug. 27. Danish photographer Hans Nyberg used NASA’s data to create the immersive version seen above.

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Stuff like this, however boring it may appear really makes me wish we were at a stage in our development where we were working hard on a true space program aimed at exploring and colonizing planets within our solar system rather than taking exploration baby steps with robots. I suppose that manned missions will come with time...at least I hope that we reach that stage in our development before we kill ourselves. It will be such an exciting time in which to live. I hope I can see it begin before I die.

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I really think NASA is scared of another catastrophic failure. I remember the debris falling from Challenger. I read when I was older, how much flak the management caught over that and how many careers were ended over a faulty $20 o-ring or some such. I honestly think the ISS is the first step in colonization. The station is there, we dock into it, repair, live, experiment from it. Wouldn't be surprised when pieces of that are sliced off to the moon or mars or both.

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