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The Robert Kraft Audition Tape With Ricki Noel Lander (via viraltoob)

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He makes Vinny look like Harrison Ford :ols:...

Mildly NSFW


As described by ESPN:

Ricki is 32-year-old Ricki Noel Lander, an actress whom Kraft, 71, has described in the past as a friend.

The video begins with Lander, in a bikini, stating her name and saying she is auditioning for the role of "Mary Elena." Kraft then appears and reads a few lines of Wilson's part, with Lander responding. At one point, Kraft does a short dance.

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Did you notice that the green backdrop is covering up a standard NFL backdrop used for press conferences?...My guess is that Kraft set up the whole thing at the Patriots facility lol...

It looked like that...I wonder how long it will take for people to use the green screen to really mess around with that portion of the video, sort of like that stephen colbert thing a few years ago.

1:23-1:25 to the very right of Kraft's head its a big NFL logo. You were correct, he shot this thing at their press room.

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Give him a break, guys. Remember -- he is still "devastated" by the loss of his beloved Myra. The team wore those patches last year and everything.

I guess he is supposed to be moping around and not doing anything for the next 5 years while he mourns. Yeah right. You act like it's disrespectful for him to be around good looking women since his wife died. Give me a break.

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Give him a break, guys. Remember -- he is still "devastated" by the loss of his beloved Myra. The team wore those patches last year and everything.

Way to jump to the worst possible conclusion. It couldn't possibly be that in an attempt to stay busy and thus his mind off of losing Myra he has chosen to help a friend. Yes, men can have attractive female friends.

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Give him a break, guys. Remember -- he is still "devastated" by the loss of his beloved Myra. The team wore those patches last year and everything.

I can't speak for you but as devastated as I might be about the loss of my potential long-time wife, the last thing I'd be doing is rejecting the attention/affections of attractive women. Especially being old enough to not have much time left.

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