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Obamacare...(new title): GOP DEATH PLAN: Don-Ryan's Express


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Well, my BC/BS premium just increased $1,000 annually or $40 a paycheck. And deductibles almost doubled from $400 to $750 for each of my five family members. I think I got squeezed.

Try to stay positive.  It's gonna happen to us too, I have no doubt.  But if it means fewer people cough & sneeze on me or others, because they got taken care of when they needed it, I feel it'll work.  No need for sick people in the streets unnecessarily.

(This is where our Sunday thread has to carry us, we have to care for one another.)

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Oh my goodness. This keeps getting worse. Instead of the measly 5% of Americans the President was talking about, now we're talking about 5 times as many. More at link.




Analysis: Tens of millions could be forced out of health insurance they had


Even as President Barack Obama sold a new health care law in part by assuring Americans they would be able to keep their insurance plans, his administration knew that tens of millions of people actually could lose those their policies.


And a report in 2010 said that as many as 69 percent of certain employer-based insurance plans would lose that protection, meaning as many as 41 million people could lose their plans even if they wanted to keep them and would be forced into other plans. Another 11 million who bought their own insurance also could lose their plans. Combined, as many as 52 million Americans could lose or have lost old insurance plans.

Some or much of that loss of favored insurance is driven by normal year-to-year changes such as employers changing plans to save money. And many people could end up with better plans. But it is not what the president pledged.



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Cancer patient tells Megyn Kelly: Obama ‘misled’ me on health care



Bill Elliot is struggling with cancer, and now he must deal with the consequences of Obamacare. The South Carolinian recently lost his insurance and appeared on “The Kelly Fileicon1.png” Thursday night to talk about how the man he voted for, Mr. Obama, “absolutely misled” him.

Mr. Elliot told Megyn Kelly that he doesn’t want the out-of-pocket costs he must now pay to become a burden on his family.

“What I’m going to do now — and I thought about this long and hard — is when my insurance comes out, it’s going to be just for me $1,500 a month with a $13,500 deductible. I’m not going to pay that,” Mr. Elliot said on the show. “If I make it that long, I’ll pay the $95 fine, and I’m just going to let nature take its course. I’m not going to put a burden on my family to pay this $1,500 dollars. … I’m not going to put up with that. I thought about it. I prayed about it.”

Mr. Elliot went on to say that the reason why he voted for Mr. Obamaicon1.png was because of the promise that Americans could keep their doctor and their insurance plans if they liked them.

“I liked my doctor. I loved my doctor,” Mr. Elliot to Ms. Kelly. “It was paying just about everything, including medications and medical devices. Now, with Obamacareicon1.png, the man that I had look into it — they’re not going to pay for the pharmaceuticals, and they’re not going to pay for the medical devices.”


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It's hyperbolic.


"Previously uninsurable cancer patient can now receive treatment."


"Bike messenger thankful for Affordable Care Act."


"ACA gave entrepreneur courage to strike out on her own."


There will always be examples of "the guy that got screwed over in each direction". IN THE AGGREGATE, is the country headed in a direction the people want. Based on laws that have passed—seems to be the case. 

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another glitch, I sure hope they get this thing ironed out.





Washington State To 8,000 Obamacare Enrollees: ‘We Goofed On Cost Estimate’



For those few weeks, Healthplanfinder was submitting applicants’ monthly income to the federal hub, which compiles data from federal and state agencies to determine whether an applicant is eligible for Medicaid or for a premium subsidy to purchase a health plan through the exchange.

But the federal hub was expecting annual income, not monthly, which resulted in the miscalculation.

Approximately 8,000 Washington residents were affected, which meant they were told they qualified for a higher tax credit amount than they actually qualified for based on their income and household size.

How could such an error occur? “We’ve asked ourselves that many times,” Onizuka said. “We are still trying to figure out how this happened.”

So far, Washington is the only state-run exchange that has reported making this type of error to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), which oversees the online insurance marketplaces and the federal hub.

The letters being sent to enrollees will be the first direct communication from the exchange informing them that the amount of their premium subsidy is less than they thought.

The mistake could mean a lot of work for people who already went through the process of choosing a health plan, as well as for brokers and in-person assisters who helped them.

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Didn't read the article? Or read it, saw that it doesn't claim taxpayer dollars were used, (in fact, it specifically states that the state exchange has nothing to do with it), and decided to make the claim, anyway, and hope nobody notices that your link disagrees with your claim?

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Didn't read the article? Or read it, saw that it doesn't claim taxpayer dollars were used, (in fact, it specifically states that the state exchange has nothing to do with it), and decided to make the claim, anyway, and hope nobody notices that your link disagrees with your claim?


My ...grumpy today....Obamacare is clearly taxpayer dollars at work is it not?


are tax dollars not funding what they advertise or not OH WISE ONE.

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My ...grumpy today....Obamacare is clearly taxpayer dollars at work is it not?


are tax dollars not funding what they advertise or not OH WISE ONE.


Ah, got it. 


Your point was "Look!  Someone is advertising your tax dollars at work". 

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This thread has virtually stopped. The arguments in favor of the ACA at this point are almost entirely tangential to the core of the bill. 


There's a terrible mess happening right now. Millions are losing coverage and they don't even have an option to enroll in the exchanges because of the stupid website, and if they did, their costs would go up on average 41%. It's an issue that's become above politics for millions of people. It's a government created tragedy.


But at least birth control is free for everyone with coverage now (even though very cheap birth control remains available even for people w/o coverage).  Thank goodness they're looking out for us.

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It is honestly hard to have a conversation about ACA.

The hysteria is overwhelming.

When RomneyCare rolled out on the exchange in MA only 123 people signed up the first month.

Now 96% of state is covered.

"The fact that people aren't signed up now is not at all interesting or important," Massachusetts Institute of Technology economist Jon Gruber said. "The success of health care reform has to be measured in months and years, not days and weeks."

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"The fact that people aren't signed up now is not at all interesting or important," Massachusetts Institute of Technology economist Jon Gruber said. "The success of health care reform has to be measured in months and years, not days and weeks."


Romneycare offered better coverage for the same costs.  The big difference is the out of pocket maximums in Obamacare.

You are correct in how to measure success, can't wait to see the enrollment next year.


I honestly am concerned and feel sorry for the uninsured who don't yet get to experience what $6-$12000 out of pocket per year means, with a premium to boot.

someone is advertising your tax dollars get kids more beer money and sex

Larry thinks who paid for the web ads matters and ignores the real tax money spent/wasted


My wife asked me if I saw the joke ad circulating on facebook.  I had to tell her, honey that's no joke, that was a real ad.  She couldn't believe it.


You can get free birth control or cheap birth control anywhere in the country, you don't have to pay for insurance for that.


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It is honestly hard to have a conversation about ACA.

The hysteria is overwhelming.


I agree that it's hard to have a conversation, but the hysteria isn't just made up conspiracy theories. Millions are being canceled, and the admin's own estimates are for something like 10x as many policies to be canceled next year. 


So far, the website has failed, premium and deductible costs are higher as opposed to lower, enrollment is low and cancellations are high. Provider networks resemble limited Medicaid provider networks. We know many more cancellations will come next year. 


I don't know if this law will ever work, but I'm becoming quite sure it won't work under its current structure. The law will be changed. Probably significantly, and probably with the support of a lot of Dems trying to save their butts.

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I agree that it's hard to have a conversation, but the hysteria isn't just made up conspiracy theories. Millions are being canceled, and the admin's own estimates are for something like 10x as many policies to be canceled next year. 


So far, the website has failed, premium and deductible costs are higher as opposed to lower, enrollment is low and cancellations are high. Provider networks resemble limited Medicaid provider networks. We know many more cancellations will come next year. 


I don't know if this law will ever work, but I'm becoming quite sure it won't work under its current structure. The law will be changed. Probably significantly, and probably with the support of a lot of Dems trying to save their butts.


Please don't apply logic to this situation.

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