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It's time to shut Landry down for the rest of the season


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Hey LL, if as you say Landry is never going to get healthy without surgery - I am not doubting you here I am just asking . And he is obviously struggling more and more then why is he not shutting himself down . Surely the team understands the situation and he must understand he is not going to get paid $$$ by any team with this lingering injury .

I have heard that the surgery proposed is very very risky but if he keeps postponing it does that not make things even worse ?

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Every year, Laron gets a pass for shoddy play because he has a muscular physique. Every year, some unhappy fan points this out and gets hammered by the LL's man-crush swat team.

Every year, grown men.....heterosexual men......men with wives..... completely trash Reed Doughty, LL's usual replacement, for being slow, boring and not having "guns."

Every year defensive stats magically improve in Landry's absence.

Ergo - huge biceps and highlight reel hits do not a safety make. The position requires brain power - not hype.

Please join me in stopping all this misguided horny-ness. Men, go and return to the woman who bore your children.

It's never going to work out.

Your unrequited love for Laron, nor LL's incredibly mediocre and completely over-blow tenure as a Redskins safety.

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Rogers NEEDED to be run out of town. He didn't care enough to get his eyes checked as a Redskin, and he didn't WANT to be here. That right there is all you need to know. You don't want someone here, who doesn't want to be here. People forget that when talking about Rogers' resurgence this year.

No, we screwed up and should have kept him. He is playing lights out now. Why didn't he want to be here? Because he was openly mocked by everybody and their brother.

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you make him a fair offer for his performance lately (that includes the fact he's been hurt a lot) and let him either take it or walk. I can't see anybody paying him more elsewhere....and if they do. Good luck. Maybe they can get him to get lighter up top and save his legs from the weight.

It would be stupid to do nething other then what u said, we have to offer him something fair..

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exactly. I think if healthy and maybe coaches to cut out the nonsense....he would be a top safety in the league. However, those two issues have hurt him. He needs to focus on becoming leaner...and as far as playing.....improve his fundamentals. Wrapping up on tackles, staying in position, etc. Those are his issues.

Still, you have cap room. I think both our safeties have been very poor this year...and then Doughty sadly has been exposed for his physical limits. Gomes has much upside and should be playing a ton for the rest of the season if he's healthy. The whole secondary needs an overhaul. From Hall to Landry. Either improve....or don't play.

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We'll really see if Allen is in charge with this offseason. If the team gets back to overpaying for talent, then it will be proof that it is business as usual. That the coaches are really driving the train, not the other way around. McNabb sent up some red flags. Let's see what this offseason brings.

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Pretty straightforward to me. Performance-based contract with a lot of incentives based on play. Bruce Allen is showing a knack for protecting against high-risk situations, and this is the ideal way to do it in my opinion. There are legitimate concerns about his ability to stay healthy, and any achilles injury is impossible to get around in sports. So if it's chronic, it'll be clearly evident moving forward.

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If we let LaRon go, it will be one of our biggest regrets. Champ Bailey all over again, except without Portis.

pfffft. Champ Bailey turned out to not make a huge impact in Denver. Every once in awhile he had a highlight, but too often he gave up the big play at the worst time. I remember a home playoff game against pittsburgh where the Steelers #3 WR burned him a number of times in route to Bronco loss.

Bailey was the ultimate small game big performer. He'd pick off QB's like nothing when it was early in the year or not a huge game.

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We'll really see if Allen is in charge with this offseason. If the team gets back to overpaying for talent, then it will be proof that it is business as usual. That the coaches are really driving the train, not the other way around. McNabb sent up some red flags. Let's see what this offseason brings.

Uhh, the coaches are and have been driving the train. If you were under any delusion that Allen is other than a capologist/figurehead then you are mistaken.

Shanny drives this train. He will be buying the groceries.

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The rush to judgement, given the fact he's been so injured, is obviously against re-signing him. He hasn't lived up to his billing on a consistent level but he is a playmaker. I'd like to see them resign him to a modest contract and if he can find something else, good for him. He also seems to be one of these guys who works out 7 days a week without giving his body a ton of rest. That can only lead to more injury.

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i am skins fan. and as long as he is on my team. then i will hope for the best for LL. BUT, he is injury prone. BUT, he also a playmaker when healthy. i agree with the franchise tagg and see what he does next year crowd. i still have high hopes for him. but yeah, his window of opportunity is closing fast here. i just hope if he does go elsewhere, he does not get/play better after he leaves. hindsight is allways 20/20 yaknow.


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i am skins fan. and as long as he is on my team. then i will hope for the best for LL. BUT, he is injury prone. BUT, he also a playmaker when healthy. i agree with the franchise tagg and see what he does next year crowd. i still have high hopes for him. but yeah, his window of opportunity is closing fast here. i just hope if he does go elsewhere, he does not get/play better after he leaves. hindsight is allways 20/20 yaknow.


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Ray Ray Armstrong is a wack strong safety. i watched him at miami. nothing but a head hunter. barely goes for the ball. Antonio Allen is a badass for south carolina. personally believe that Laron needs to drop a few pounds and regain his health again. i want to see him back at the shape he was when he played for LSU. I believe he can rebound and be an asset to the Redskins.

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