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Loss from the view of a Pestimest (Disclaimer take my radical opinions with a grain of salt)


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lol 3-2 1 game out of the division lead with the division leaders having a bye this next week so a W next week and we take back number 1.

And people are panic mode already.

Which we should be cuz jesus the offense is pathetic. John Beck is better then Rex for sure but not by much Rex.

Our run game is overrated we do not have a solid number 1 back at all. Now shannys running system is pretty good but kyle doesnt stick with the run game so that is shot to hell.

torain is the best RB on the team at the moment but that doesnt say much it reminds me of Trung canidate (solid backup/short yardage back but shouldent be a starter)

Our Defense is going to carry us. my opinion is that we will wnd up 7-9 or 9-7. Our Defense is going to have to win us games because are offense cant do jack ****.

also the front 3 are overrated Rak and Ryan carry the front. The eagles had a beat up O-Line and when Rak and Ryan were not BOTH blitzing there was absolutley 0 pressure. and why the hell do our corners play 8-10 yards off the WR when its like a 3rd and 2.

Now a win next week puts us back at #1 in the NFC east so lets get that win but then our schedule gets brutal after carolina and miami. if our O doesnt improve look to go like 6-10 at besrt if the offense improves then look for 8-8 or 9-7

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