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NY Daily News: Brooklyn Yiddish Signs Warning Women To Step Aside For Men Must Go, Parks Department Says


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Creeping Shari....errr Halach law :)

City workers have removed signs

warning women in a Hasidic neighborhood in Brooklyn to step aside for men. But

the Parks Department says the teardowns in South Williamsburg had nothing to do

with the message itself; it's just illegal to post signs on street


"We do not know who put up the signs," said Parks spokeswoman Trish


The large signs started popping up in the neighborhood more than a week ago.

They had a Yiddish message that translates as: "Precious Jewish daughter,

please move to the side when a man approaches."

Neighborhood residents were annoyed the plastic signs, which were bolted into

the wood, were taken away.

"The signs don't bother anybody," said Abraham Klein, 18. "Men

and ladies don't go together. It's just our religion."

Faye Grwnfeld, 70, said the signs were "a private thing" - even though they

were posted on public property.

"It's taking away freedom of speech," she said.

The signs didn't indicate who put them up, but talk in the neighborhood

suggested they were posted by a hard-line rabbinical group.

Deborah Feldman, an ex-Hasid and author of "Unorthodox: The Scandalous Rejection of my Hasidic

Roots," said no one in the neighborhood, where she once lived, would

have been surprised by the signs.

"This is standard practice in Hasidic communities all over: Step aside when a

man is approaching you from the opposite direction," she said.

She said the signs likely were posted as part of a crackdown on rebellious

behavior by women.

Now, not to play the victim card, but I will here, but can you imagine if in a neighborhood in NYC signs in Arabic appeared stating

"Muslim sisters. Please step aside for your men"

The hysteria over it would be all over FoxNews and the NavyDave's of the world would pop in the tailgate telling us how Sharia will take over America

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Now, not to play the victim card, but I will here, but can you imagine if in a neighborhood in NYC signs in Arabic appeared stating

"Muslim sisters. Please step aside for your men"

No, you're right. Jews have never been unfairly treated in the court of public opinion. :)

Now that I'm finished being a jerk, I'd suggest that in reality, Muslims are scarier to certain types because there are a lot more of them than there are Jews, not to mention the severe and very real problems with integration/immigration occurring in Europe (for those sophisticated enough to read a newspaper... or a chain email of the speeches of Dutch politicians).

Also the Joos control the media, so of course there's no outcry. :silly:

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