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Non DC area natives (How did it happen)


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Ok, maybe somebody asked this in the past but I am relatively new to the board. Who among us are not DC area natives and how did you become to be a Skins fan? My guess would be we have a few that were kids during the Skins heydays and latched on for better or worse, but I ran into a large contingent in Cedar Falls, Iowa of all places who had never even been close to the Washington area and were hard core fans of the Burgundy and Gold. How about it guys (and gals), how did it happen?

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I think this came up around the time i first got on the board.<br /><br />Im from Toronto Canada. My dad was always a big Notre Dame fan. He loved Joe Theisman who after his success at Notre Dame came to play a couple years for the Toronto Argonauts of the CFL. When Joe went to down to Washington my dad followed him and started rooting for the Skins. So ever since I was about 4 ive been watching the Skins and never looked back.

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Hey I am from Iowa City and the only reason I have been following the skins is cause ny brother was drafted by them a year ago. I've always been a Bears fan but then i was a hawkeye fan until my bother was playing for Iowa State. Go skins!

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In the late 70 we only had 1 national television network and they would only telecast "Americas Team" football games during the season and hated having to wacht the pokes so I started pulling for their nemesis, The Redskins, and when the early 80 brought the Hogs and the championships, that´s when I fell in love for good with this team.<br /><br />If Jaffa is Sage´s brother, I could only tell him that I wish his brother the best and I hope he gets a shot for Starting QB position or at least the backup.

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How I became a Redskins fan on Long Island:<br /><br />A) The Giants could bore any child to tears.<br /><br />B) In second grade (1983) I was walking down the street to my friend's house, and saw the same friend running towards me full-speed. I stood still, figuring he'd stop or run around me or something. He didn't, and being about twice my size, he leveled me in a bloody hurry. After struggling to my feet and asking what that was all about, he yelled "Riggggggins!" and we ran back to his house to watch the second half. My eyes were thus opened to the Redskins, and then:<br /><br />C) That same season, I was playing Legos with a buddy whose father had emigrated from Trinidad to DC before moving to New York. After we'd made more than enough noise, he snapped in his Carribbean patois:<br /><br />"Shattup an wa'cha Resskins!"<br /><br />We did, I was entertained, and the rest is history.

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First NFL game I ever watched was the Super Bowl against the Dolphins. I liked the jerseys so I rooted for the Skins. They won and I've been following them ever since. Each year it seems more intently than the previous <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" />

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As a child (6yrs old)i had 2 teams. I was a big Steeler and Redskin fan. My father told me that if i wanted to live in his house I had to be a Skins fan. Me being young and naive believed him but I never told him about my love for the Steelers. So I really started to weigh the 2 teams and realized why the hell would i root for a team 4hrs away when I have one right here in the city of Washington. I havent looked back since. Im was kinda like Danny Boy. When we lost my stomach hurt. When we won i was on cloud nine. <br /><br />As an adult when we lose I still get the stomach aches.

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My mother bought me a Skins jacket when I was a wee lad and it's hog heaven ever since. Remember the old time jackets with the furry inside hood that had the zipper down the middle? You would unzip it and let it flop down your back for style? It was burgandy with the golden yellow fur. She probably bought it half price at Kmart or something, who knows? But, that's how it all started!

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First game I watched was the championship game the Vikes played before going to the Superbowl and getting a butt whuppin' by the Chiefs. They were my team for about 6-7 years, though Dad was a life long Redskins fan. We moved to Fairfax, Va. in 75 after a brief stint in Norfolk. (hey, I may have gone to school with Bruce?) I've been a fan every since. Because of my smallish size I grew up with stories of Pat Fischer. That also helped. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> Though I have lived in Utah for nearly 15 years, I still call Fairfax home. I don't expect that to change anymore than my favorite team. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /><br /> <br /> <small>[ March 27, 2002, 04:58 PM: Message edited by: Park City Skins ]</small>

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Guest Trevor

My father was and is a Skins fan, so there was the start of my introduction to the Skins. Being raised mainly is Mass. didn't give me much of an opportunity to watch the Skins unless they were on Monday Night or played agianst the Giants.<br /><br />Fortunetly, I didn't inherit all his favorite sports teams. He is a huge Celtics fan while I happen to be a devoted Lakers fan.<br /> <br /> <small>[ March 27, 2002, 05:01 PM: Message edited by: Trevor ]</small>

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Of all the places, for me it came from a computer game. It was called Super Bowl Sunday(circa '85) and it allowed you to select the super bowl teams which you could then play against each other. Exceedingly archaic, but hey, it was fun at the time.<br /><br />Anyways, there was this bug in the game which allowed you to make long bombs from Theismann to Seay and have them hit every other time. So, in the attempt to beat my friends, I always took the Redskins ('83 version).<br /><br />From there, it was just a natural extension...<br /><br />The ironic thing, is that my favourite pyjamas when I was 5 had a big blue Giants logo on them. thank goodness that one didn't stick...<br /> <br /> <small>[ March 27, 2002, 05:02 PM: Message edited by: SPare ]</small>

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I was born in the Bronx, and actually was pretty much a Giants fan till the 72 super Bowl. My sisters boyfriend was a Dolphins fan. He told me I had to choose a team to root for, and I couldn't stand him so It was the Skins, and has been from that day on. I'm not sure why I didn't go back to the Giants. The Skins unis were much cooler lookin, and even at a very young age I liked to go against the grain. Who knows, but your stuck with me now.

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when i was a kid , i remember watching Terry Bradshaw , and the Steelers every now and then..<br />But on a Super Bowl Sunday as i watched the Redskins play the Raiders , i was hooked , and have been a fan ever since ...<br />of coarse they lost that Superbowl, but oh well

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As a kid, I was never much of a sports fan, per se. However, I recall in the week leading up to Super Bowl XXII that some of the more irritating, bandwagoning kids at my Las Vegas elementary school were being especially pesky. "The Broncos are gonna kill the Redskins! The Redskins have no chance," they chanted. Just to smite those schmucks, I watched the game that late January Sunday in 1988 and rooted for the guys in Burgundy & Gold the whole way. We all know how that game turned out. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> And I've been a diehard fan of the Redskins ever since.

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I was in speech class in elementary school with just one other student. The teacher had us place a bet on the SB and the winner didn't have to do homework for a week. Not knowing anything, I picked the skins, they beat the Dolphins that year and I haven't look back since.The only problem is I seem to continue to get further and further away from DC.Oh well, maybe one day we'll be able to get direct TV across the pond.

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Guest Trevor

I don't know how to post a quote the way others here do it, but this should suffice.<br /><br />J33Edwards said:<br /><br /> </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">you should root for your dads basketball team...how could you like the Lakers </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Well, it's been about 23 years since I can remember first rooting for the Lakers, so I'd say it's a habit I wont be quiting anytime soon <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" />

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For me, being from the heart of the South in Mississippi, I really have no way of explaining exactly how I became a Skins fan. It's crazy though since everyone around here loves the Saints (who I hate almost as much as the Cowboys). My Dad was always a Bears fan so I didn't get it from him. And worst of all, my sweet little old grandma was a Cowboys fan. I know it had to break her heart to see me rooting for the Skins every year. My earliest memories of them being my favorite team are around the age of 5 or 6 when I can distinctly remember asking Santa for some Redskins pajamas (funny how so many of our stories have something to do with pj's). Friends ask me all the time why I love them so much and all I can say is "just watch and you'll understand." I guess these last couple of years though my level of committment has increased every year. Of course, it didn't hurt last year when they drafted my boy Fred Smoot from Mississippi State. Anyways, I have a friend now from Virginia who has told me he can get tickets for a game so I'm hoping to catch my first game at FedEx Field this year. This board has become a dream come true for me. Finally, people with even more passion for me and tons more knowledge. Now I can get my "Skins fix" even in the offseason.

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