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Cable TV Help (Recording OnDemand)


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why do u want to record it. its on demand access it later
It's not the free on demand.

---------- Post added March-26th-2011 at 03:37 AM ----------

it would, but you wouldn't be able to record it in HD.

What exactly are you trying to record?

Let's just say something NSFW :paranoid:

EDIT: And that's not HD anyway.

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You have the Internet, and you are twisting your mind trying to figure out how to record onDemand porno?

Twist your mind a little more and you'll figure out how to get it all for free downloaded straight to your computer.

Whether you download it from the Internet or record from onDemand its copyright infringement either way (although I haven't heard of many lawsuits from those onDemand porn recordings).

Doing a simple Google, you want a device and cable box that can do "firewire capture". I haven't completely looked at places like avsforum for help here. You might look at avsforum and look into the ReplayTV PVR.

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