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Reasoning Behind The Uniforms?


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I've been seeing alot of news pieces about the uniforms, and I must not be getting it. I'm a long time fan going on 25 years. And I just don't get it, they seemed fine to me. Yes, I noticed the change but I'm just glad they are not as gaudy as a few of the teams around the league. Buffalo anyone? Besides they probably help with Vinny being brought off the shelf seeings he's colorblind.:dallasuck

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I like the all white uni's. As one poster said, "they look faster in whites".

I don't know if it's my imigination and his, but it seemed as if our D & O were flying all over the field.

I have read our D likes the whites. I'm in favor of what gives our players confidence, D or O.

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Jimbo. that's a lead in if I have ever seen one. Wasn't that funny the first itme but whet the hell.

From another thread. Can't help myself.

We invite you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the latest fashions presented by the 2003 Washington Redskins. Beginning the show. Summer wear.

Comfort and practicality are two key words in Ladell Betts shopping bag. Ladell has wisely chosen a white over-sized shirt with bergundy and gold stripes on the sleeves, White pants with Bergundy stripes, and a darker helmet that can mix well with his wardrobe. The outfit delivers form and function as it reflects the late summer sun. Providing comfort for the wearer.

Let's change the pace a little! This next division is early fall wear. With the leaves beginng to change in an explosion of color in mind. Jon Jenson has chosen the simple,versatile but colorful white oversized summer top and has changed to the Bergundy pants with gold and white stripes accenting the darker color. Such pizazz Jon. Jon has also chosen the white shoes with Bergundy stripes to complete the ensemble.

The next category shows us more color and plenty of contrast. Standby folks. May want to don the sun glasses.

Leading off is Renaldo Wynn in the late fall/early winter wear category. Renaldo is wearing the Bergundy oversized shirt with gold and white stripes on the sleeves and in a bold switch Bergundy shoes with white stipes. Very nice Jon.

Next is Matt Bowen, feeling it today Matt are you? Matt is wearing the also versatile oversized Bergundy shirt but in keeping with the darker, colder days has chosen the Bergundy pants with gold and white stripes and also darker shoes. Form and function again as the darker colors absorb the winter sun. Keeping the wearer warm. Notice to the darker turtleneck underneath the large shirt. Now that's accessorizing.

The Specialty category begins with bright colors and a lton of pizazz. Watch, as we finish up with a bang, (no not you ).

ready for the playoffs! John Hall, (sounds of standing ovation), is wearing the throwback uniform. Notice the darker color top with gold and white stipres, and an arow head on the sleeves. Daring. With his coordinating gold pants with bergundy and white stripes John is ready for the playoffs in any environment. Inside or out. Notice the white shoes. Nice touch John.


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When we win, all topics are OK, even fashion!

Hate the all-whites. I assumed that it was Spurrier, since FSU in its red and gold were Florida's big rival (remember his early press conferences and stupid questions?). If you watched Florida blow a big lead to Miami last night, the Fla. uniforms bore a striking resemblance to our colors Thursday night.

What is wrong with a little class? At least the Giants have kept true to their history with their uniforms.


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