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Computer question about WiFi



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I know that if you're using a laptop you have to secure your internet connection and set a password so outsiders can't use your internet via wifi (or whatever), but if I'm using a desktop that connects directly to my ISP, do I need to secure it in any way? Can people w/ laptops/ipods/Wii's/etc in my neighborhood use my connection if I'm using a desktop? If so, how do I secure it b/c I don't have a router?

Thanks for any help.

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If you don't have a router or anything else sending out a wireless signal then don't worry about it.

You should be running a firewall and anti-virus on any computer connected to the internet, but nobody can hijack your connection through the air.

OK good b/c I have no router, but I do have a good AV and firewall program already. I just wanted to make sure nobody could use my internet and slow down my connection.

Is this a 3G/4G connection I take it? Or is this actual WiFi? (what's the service)

No, I have internet through Time Warner Cable. It's cable interent (I don't know what the connection speed is) but it's not WiFi. I don't want outsiders to use my internet if they have laptops/etc b/c it could slow my connection down. But since I'm on a desktop, I wanted to know if my computer sends out a signal like laptops do that other people could use.

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OK good b/c I have no router, but I do have a good AV and firewall program already. I just wanted to make sure nobody could use my internet and slow down my connection.

No, I have internet through Time Warner Cable. It's cable interent (I don't know what the connection speed is) but it's not WiFi. I don't want outsiders to use my internet if they have laptops/etc b/c it could slow my connection down. But since I'm on a desktop, I wanted to know if my computer sends out a signal like laptops do that other people could use.

Sounds like you should be good to go.

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No, I have internet through Time Warner Cable. It's cable interent (I don't know what the connection speed is) but it's not WiFi. I don't want outsiders to use my internet if they have laptops/etc b/c it could slow my connection down. But since I'm on a desktop, I wanted to know if my computer sends out a signal like laptops do that other people could use.

Your laptop doesn't send out a signal others use to access the internet. A wireless router does that. What boxes are between the wall and your desktop where the network is plugged in? Is it just a cable modem?

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Sound like you are connected to your ISP's cable modem directly. I would think about getting a router or atleast some sort of software firewall for protection.

It sounds more serious than that, I recommend having a live-in SA (sys admin), I will volunteer provided I am paid an hourly rate of $50/hour.

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