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Breaking News per WJFK 106.7 - Colt Brennan Injured in Car Accident (MET)

Dan T.

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I don't want to start anything, but are those beer bottles lying on the road just in back of the car?[/img]

I would put $100 down that says those are plastic coke bottles. Not sure what beer comes with a white cap in a bottle that looks like a coke bottle and is dark dark brown. Then again, I don't drink, but I'm fairly sure that would be a vintage 1950's modern day (95-2010) plastic replica of the old style coke bottle. :ols: I tried to make that sound as winey as possible.

I'm glad Colt's okay, I did pray for he and the other drivers involved in the accident. When I first heard about it I had that sick feeling again. I was hoping not to wake up the next morning, after hearing that he was stable, and find out something awful had gone wrong during the night.

Was worried he was going to be dead, paralyzed, whatever, thankfully sounds like he'll be okay.

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I would put $100 down that says those are plastic coke bottles. Not sure what beer comes with a white cap in a bottle that looks like a coke bottle and is dark dark brown.

Yeah, I think you're right, jflow.

An update from the Honolulu Star Advertiser from earlier today - he sounds really beat up:

By Stephen Tsai

Star-Advertiser staff

Former University of Hawaii quarterback Colt Brennan remains "heavily sedated" as he recovers from several injuries suffered in a two-car accident Friday, his father Terry Brennan said this morning.

"He's far from being alert," Terry Brennan said. "There's no real conversation with him other than he acknowledges we're here (with hand gestures). He hasn't been able to speak. He'll moan and groan, and maybe point to his neck brace. It's uncomfortable. They have tubes and IVs. He has not conversed at all."

Brennan has a punctured lung, and fractures to four ribs, his left clavicle, a cheekbone and left eye socket.

Terry Brennan said his son was removed from a ventilator yesterday afternoon. He said his son might undergo an operation on the clavicle in the coming days. Terry Brennan said there has been "damage" to the eye socket, and it will be "monitored for the next couple of days."

Although there had been reports of internal bleeding, Terry Brennan said, "I haven't heard of any internal bleeding."


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