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Who's ready for Monday? McNabb v. Vick 2!

Big Weirdo

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Hey guys.

I'm an Eagles fan but I've never spit on anyone or cheered an injury. (Except the one time Andy Reid got a migraine from overthinking the 2 minute drill and had to take a breather and an Excedrin.)

I'm so pumped. I wanna see what Vick can do for us for an entire game. I'm not as active on the board as I once was and some would say thats a good thing but I want to be. I love this place. I don't know why. Feels like home.

Anyway, here's to a good game and an Eagles win.

Love you guys.


Whoey (Matt)

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Some would say can't believe people are proud to be Eagles fans PERIOD. Haha.

I don't judge. I've never met Michael Vick and presented with the facts what he did was ****ed up. But as someone who has made massive mistakes (though mine were completely different) I have no problem with him. I hope he has changed his life for the better. Someone who can turn themselves around after being about as low as you can go. Thats a great thing.

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well.... i just rewatched the game from earlier this year the other night. i was kinda surprised at how well we played in the first half againt the eagles. it was the second half that we couldnt do jack.

that being said... we played well while vick was in, but im not so sure the outcome would have been the same had vick not gotten hurt. as much as i hate to say it..... the eagles have become a bit of a threat with vick now.

im a bit nervous about this game. it is winnable, but vick has been playing really well and we know that Mc5 hasnt been. hopefully all the BS from the last 2 weeks will give him what he needs to come in and prove himself. but as long as we have no offensive line Mc5 will continue to struggle

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Just kidding. Nice to see a respectful Iggles fan, a rare breed indeed. We have a bunch of good members who are fans of other teams, and I'm sure we would be happy to have more. The opposition fans can make for lively discussion, just remember this is a 'skins board!

As for the McNabb v. Vick question, my money is on McNabb. No real logic here as McNabb's play has been poo-poo for a couple weeks, due largely to our poor pass-pro, but I simply cannot escape the feeling that the Iggles are due for another dose of karma Monday. McNabb was awesome for the Iggles for years, and the fans always hated on him anyway, from the time they booed when he was drafted to the time they cheered as their team kicked him to the curb. You better bet McNabb has something to prove, and he is nothing if not a fierce competitor. It would just seem so right for McNabb to light it up against the team that never appreciated him.

As far as Vick, I agree with others who cannot understand rooting for him, but there is no denying his resilience and athletic ability. Vick already knows how mean our defense is though, so I would not be so sure he will have a great game against us.

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...Vick is back again, front and center on the media stage --starting QB on Monday Night Football? :censored:

I'm probably in a minority here -- but I strongly feel that Vick shouldn't have been let back into the league. The actual details of his animal cruelty issues were bad enough -- but when you consider the way Vick conducted the initial stages of the incident, including his deceptive interviews with Goodell, etc.,-- it kind of taints anything Vick might say afterward, including how he’s ‘learned’ from the incident and is ‘rehabilitated.’

Okay, many will point to how he's done his time, and now everything is a clean slate. True, but considering the level of hero-worship of starting NFL QBs – and especially how they are looked up to as as role models – maybe this kind of limelight opportunity should be given to someone with better character and a less sordid past.

Because by giving Vick the limelight again, it’s like conceding that the gravity of his past offenses really didn’t mean all that much. …Instead, it’s all back to “business as usual” --with fans cheering Vick and wearing his name on their backs. I guess the NFL is willing to accept the 'rehabilitation' claims he's made, if they can make some money off of it.

But I don’t, So I boycott any game (including TV and radio) where Vick is the announced starter. I just wish more NFL fans did.

So, unfortunately, that means I'll miss seeing the Skins on MNF. But I’ll be pulling for a Redskins victory and especially hoping for for great results from Redskin defenders blitzing Vick.

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