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PC Online Games MMORPGs or Shooters


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Are there any new games out there now worth a flip? I was playing Darkfall, Age of Conan, Star Trek, Aion but cancelled my accounts months ago. I prefer open pvp, with looting. What about shooters? I have Battlefield 2 Bad Company, but it has a limited # of maps and got boring.

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I don't know how "new" you're looking for, but if you're searching for a fun FPS, give Team Fortress 2 a try. It's an incredibly well-supported game and very different from most the hyper-realistic COD clones out there.

Which shooter is team fortress? I honestly prefer MMORPGs, are there any new ones out there worth a ****?

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we're experiencing a drought like never before in the PC world for those types of games...and I'm talking about fresh games. Sure you can buy the latest installment of Medal of Honor (the franchise has sucked since Allied Assault in 2002), Call of Duty (They screwed over the PC community by not featuring dedicated server support and basically porting the console version of multiplayer to the PC, limiting its capabilities), Battlefield (Bad Company 2 lacked basic needs for the PC like quick easy access to a remote console or hey...a console at all, and the next Battlefield is on the same engine if I'm not mistaken)

Thats just in shooters, I think Guild Wars 2 is coming out sometime in the fairly near future. Guild Wars 1 was ok- a bit of a grind if you're like me and only buy MMORPG games to ignore the thousands of people around you and play completely alone or hire the computer henchmen all the time. Diablo 3 has a tentative release date of "whenever the **** Blizzard feels like it" and Star Wars: The Old Republic seems to have gone way to the backburner with Bioware as they focused on the Dragon Age and Mass Effect single player cash cows.

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Which shooter is team fortress? I honestly prefer MMORPGs, are there any new ones out there worth a ****?

Team Fortress 2 is a game with multiple classes such as a Medic, Heavy, Spy and Sniper. It has multiple map types that include CTF, Checkpoint and Payload (which is basically checkpoint but you move cargo to check points instead of just capping one).

It started out as a Quake Mod known as Team Fortress then was ported to the CounterStrike engine and called Team Fortress Classic which still has servers running today despite being over 10 years old. It underwent a major revamp for Team Fortress 2 with more stylish graphics and not realistic.

Playtime earns you weapon/gear upgrades but you can also purchase them from the TF2 store. The upgrades don't really offer major upgrades over existing items, just a different twist on them.

For example the pyro can equip a flame thrower which has a set amount of fire damage and if you right click it does a pushback effect. The upgrade is called the Back Burner which does =15% more damage with 100% criticals from behind a player but it has no pushback. Pushback has the advantage of being able to clear out a checkpoint and push rockets back at soldiers and Sentries. It also can clear out a demo mans sticky grenades.

It has a lively community and can be had for cheap.

we're experiencing a drought like never before in the PC world for those types of games...and I'm talking about fresh games. Sure you can buy the latest installment of Medal of Honor (the franchise has sucked since Allied Assault in 2002), Call of Duty (They screwed over the PC community by not featuring dedicated server support and basically porting the console version of multiplayer to the PC, limiting its capabilities), Battlefield (Bad Company 2 lacked basic needs for the PC like quick easy access to a remote console or hey...a console at all, and the next Battlefield is on the same engine if I'm not mistaken)

Thats just in shooters, I think Guild Wars 2 is coming out sometime in the fairly near future. Guild Wars 1 was ok- a bit of a grind if you're like me and only buy MMORPG games to ignore the thousands of people around you and play completely alone or hire the computer henchmen all the time. Diablo 3 has a tentative release date of "whenever the **** Blizzard feels like it" and Star Wars: The Old Republic seems to have gone way to the backburner with Bioware as they focused on the Dragon Age and Mass Effect single player cash cows.

There is more money to be made on Console games. Flat out. PC gamers I think tend to buy less games as a whole. I know I have purchased exactly 3 games in 5 years for my PC, 5 if you include expansions. I purchased 5 games for my Xbox 360 this year alone.

Also, programming for PCs is a lot harder due to the tremendous variations in specifications whereas a console has 1 set of specs and is easier to ensure your game will run on it.

I think you will get a release date for D3 at Blizzcon this month and I bet it will be out by March of next year, maybe even this year for the Christmas rush. Blizzard is not worried about scavaging their owns games as shown with SC2.

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League of Legends.

Free to play, pure pvp, fantastic gameplay. Its worth checking out, especially if you have never played a game from the MOBA (DOTA) genre.

Just scooped up 5 awards at GDC including: Best Online Game Design, Best Online Visual Arts, Best Online Technology, Best New Online Game, and the Audience Award.

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