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OT: Stupidity


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This is a story from a morning radio program heard on WLS, Chicago, a true<br />report of an incident in Michigan:<br /><br />A guy buys a brand new Lincoln Navigator for $42,500 and has $560 monthly<br />payments. He and a friend go duck hunting in winter, and of course all the<br />lakes are frozen. These two guys go out on the lake with the guns, the dog,<br />and of course the new vehicle.<br /><br />They drive out onto the lake ice and get ready. Now, they want to make some<br />kind of a natural landing area for the ducks, something for the decoys to<br />float on. In order to make a hole large enough to look like something a<br />wandering duck would fly down and land on, it is going to take a little more<br />effort than an ice hole drill.<br /><br />So, out of the back of the new Navigator comes a stick of dynamite with a<br />short, 40- second fuse. Now these two Rocket Scientists do take into<br />consideration that they want to place the stick of dynamite on the ice at a<br />location far from where they are standing (and the new Navigator), because<br />they don't want to take the risk of slipping on the ice when they run from<br />the burning fuse and possibly go up in smoke with the resulting blast.<br /><br />They light the 40-second fuse and throw the dynamite. Remember a couple of<br />paragraphs back when I mentioned the vehicle, the guns and the dog? Let's<br />talk about the dog: A highly trained Black Lab used for RETRIEVING.<br />Especially things thrown by the owner.<br /><br />You guessed it, the dog takes off at a high rate of doggy speed on the ice<br />and captures the stick of dynamite with the burning 40-second fuse about the<br />time it hits the ice. The two men yell, scream, wave their arms and wonder<br />what to do now.<br /><br />The dog, cheered on, keeps coming. One of the guys grabs the shotgun<br />and shoots the dog. The shotgun is loaded with # 8 buckshot, hardly big<br />enough to stop a Black Lab. The dog stops for a moment, slightly confused,<br />but continues on. Another shot and this time the dog, still standing,<br />becomes really confused and of course terrified, thinking<br />these two geniuses have gone insane. The dog takes off to find cover, under<br />the brand new Navigator.<br /><br />----BOOM!---- Dog and Navigator are blown to bits and sink to the<br />bottom of the lake in a very large hole, leaving the two idiots standing<br />there with this "I can't believe this happened" look on their faces.<br /><br />The insurance company denies the claim; says that sinking a vehicle in<br />a lake by illegal use of explosives is not covered. The hunter-owner still<br />had yet to make the first of those $560 a month payments

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I don't know, I saw this story about a month ago which now makes me think it's just a good story someone thought up for a laugh. Got it from a friend of a friend of a friend, so I don't know the starting point of the story, but it's word for word compared to the e-mail I got.<br /><br />Nice to see our little friend in your corner again Dave

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