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What is really going on ?


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I may be way off base here but to me all this talk of Albert starting or not, being traded or not, bieng liked or not, sick or not seems like a smokescreen. Maybe I am a cynic but it seems as though Shanahan and Albert are playing this thing up in the media to take the focus on what is really going on.

It is freakin Dallas week and there has been no discussion of anything related to matchups gameplanning ETC..... Shanahan the master manipulator ?

He did the same thing two weeks ago with McNab...Remember he said he wasnt sure if he would start week one. Then again he said the same thing about Rex starting game 4 of the preseason.

He has the media chasing their tails and completley in the dark.. I for one love it. The Washington Redskins no longer telegraph anything that they are doing... Change has indeed come

What are your thoughts?

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It isn't a dumb thread. The OP has a valid point but could have articulated it much better. Thanks for contributing nothing and getting your +1. I still don't get why posting useless pics in a general forum is allowed.

It very well could be a smokescreen of some sorts but I really feel it is just what is happening. Shanahan isn't going to talk gameplan, at least not in depth, and we can all assume that a 3-4 defense will be played a majority of the time.

The AH news is big because it has a person (AH) who everyone has grown to hate because he has made at least $31,000,000 doing what we perceive as very little. It is semi-sensationalist and people are licking it up, especially the haters.

Anyways, :dallasuck

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It isn't a dumb thread. The OP has a valid point but could have articulated it much better. Thanks for contributing nothing and getting your +1.

He could have shared that "valid point" (was there one?) in another AH thread. The title doesn't suggest any topic, and neither really does the subject in the post. It's more of a bunch of random rambling to me. When that happens, I'll edit the "thread sucks" picture out.

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He could have shared that "valid point" (was there one?) in another AH thread. The title doesn't suggest any topic, and neither really does the subject in the post. It's more of a bunch of random rambling to me. When that happens, I'll edit the "thread sucks" picture out.

Like I said, I believe his main point is the quiet from Redskins Park concerning the game this week. He feels the AH news is to help smokescreen anything else from them and deter questions concerning the game.

It would have been off topic in the AH thread.

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He could have shared that "valid point" (was there one?) in another AH thread. The title doesn't suggest any topic, and neither really does the subject in the post. It's more of a bunch of random rambling to me. When that happens, I'll edit the "thread sucks" picture out.

I agree. I "don't play a MOD on TV," but the thread title itself violates the rules (nondescriptive, generic, meaningless, makes you click to find out the REAL topic ..).

Your pic is spot on.

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