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Question: Has Puke Rookie Dez Bryant Caught A Pass In The Preseason?


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Mayock says Brant is "No doubt a top 5 player when you look at him on tape"




"If intangibles were not in the picture, Bryant would be a sure thing top 5 pick."


"In terms of talent, Bryant is a top-five pick."- Ray Didinger (he and mayock are the best, imo)


"Based on game film alone, he is a top 5 pick."


"Bryant is a possible top-five pick overall based strictly on talent and playmaking."


"I've talked to 16 teams about grades," said Charlie Casserly, Houston's former general manager-turned broadcaster. "What people have told me is he's a top-five pick, big, explosive and rangy. Perhaps learning a system will be somewhat of an adjustment and adjusting to pro life in the NFL."

“There hasn’t been a receiver as talented as him since Calvin Johnson, and Andre Johnson’s the other guy I’d put in that category," ESPN draft analyst Todd McShay said.


"The Oklahoma State wideout is a top-five talent."


And according to these pre-draft "experts" Jimmy Clausen was a consensus top 20 pick.

NFL Network draft expert Mike Mayock thinks the Browns should take Notre Dame quarterback Jimmy Clausen at No. 7


Ray Didinger- Projection: A top 15 pick. Could go as high as ninth overall to Buffalo.


Ron Jaworski- "Yeah, there’s very little not to like about Jimmy Clausen,'' said Jaworski. "When you watch him play, he wants the ball in his hands. He’s LeBron James. He's Michael Jordan. With a game on the line, he wants to make the difference in the football game. So he clearly projects to me to be an outstanding National Football League quarterback, and I believe he’s only scratched the surface.''






If the Raiders have an opportunity to draft Notre Dame's Jimmy Clausen at #8 they would be wise to do it and hope to shore up the offensive line later.


Kiper went so far as to say on Monday, "If Clausen's not a successful starting quarterback in the NFL, I'm done." His colleague, McShay, on the other hand, doesn't even think Clausen will go in the top 10, projecting him at No. 17 to the 49ers.


[Even Clausen's biggest national detractor, Todd McShay, had him going at pick #17]

Not sure which Universe you are living in Westy, but this is the one i'm on. :D
I don't know what universe you're living in, Ken, but in the one I'm from the opinions of a bunch of TV analysts and random guys with websites mean jack compared to the guys who spend millions of dollars researching college prospects.

Your Cowboys had Bryant ranked #12 on their draft board. Does that means Jerry Jones doesn't know what he's doing either? Heck, the Bengals, who had a need at WR and have no problem signing guys even the Cowboys consider team cancers, passed on Dez Bryant at #21.

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This post has GOT to be a joke, right? Haynesworth anyone??????:ols:
Can I have some of what you are smoking?
Considering his post, I'm pretty sure he's already smoked it all up.:ols:

Can either of you point out even one mention in any article, blog, tweet or anything else where the Skins' locker room is starting to be distracted by Haynesworth's actions? Some "anonymous source" telling a sportswriter that the team is starting to take sides, or that the locker room is starting to become divided. Anything, at all. If so, post the link and the quote here.

Because I can point out numerous articles, comments, tweets and whatnot from media members siting how Haynesworth has NOT been distracting the team. There has been consistent unity between the players and between the players and Shanahan...

When Haynesworth first requested a trade and didn't report to minicamp, pretty much the entire team went on record as saying he was in the wrong, they were going on without him and everything was fine between them and the coach...they sided with Shanahan. Even Hall, who is friends with Haynesworth, said that while he felt he understood AH's position he still backed Shanahan 110%.

When Haynesworth started mouthing off after the Ravens game about being played in the 3rd quarter, Fletcher--yes, the player that apparently has zero ability to be a leader in the locker room--had a private man-to-man talk with Haynesworth and basically said "everything's cool"...after which Haynesworth practices like he was supposed to, played with the 1st team as Shanahan promised he would if he practiced, and the two men were joking to one another about having drinks and cigars after the game.

And after Haynesworth played damn near the entire game of the most meaningless preseason game there is, instead of mouthing off again to reporters he simply said "no comment"...and whatever furor that could have resulted from having to play the entire game quickly dissipated.

No. Distractions.

T.O. on the Eagles? Distractions galore. Tons of articles quoting both players and sources about how the locker room was starting to take sides, how McNabb was starting to lose some of the players, etc, etc. He's holding press conferences in his driveway. Distractions.

T.O. on the Cowboys? Distractions. Leaked rumors and ennuendo to media members from players (Witten? Maybe Garrett?...everyone's guessing at the time)...fingerpointing galore...T.O. is throwing Garrett under the bus, Witten and Romo sits to pee are throwing T.O. under the bus...I can dig up a TON of articles quoting quite a few anonymous players and coaches on the Cowboys and quite a few other anonymous "sources" about what's going on in their locker room. Again...distractions.

Nothing at ALL like that can be found about the Redskins and Haynesworth. Except, of course, by anonymous fans speculating on message boards lol. The players are incredibly unified behind Shanahan and thus there's nothing to cause the team to lose focus...which is what a distraction is, by the way, in case you've forgotten: something to cause you to lose focus.

So if I'm smoking something, it must be something that causes clarity of thought lol...and, yeah, I wish I could pass it around to every Cowboys fan on this site so that the mindless twaddle they keep putting in their posts would come to and end. :cool:

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As I said in another post, you might be right, you might be wrong. Who knows. What about the fact that you guys are putting so much faith in starting a ROOKIE LT???? That's a much more tenuous position for a ROOKIE. Your QB's health is at stake. Bryant falls on his butt, we miss out on some receptions, maybe some TDs. Williams falls on his butt, and injury-prone McNabb could be on IR. Something to think about.

:yes: I don't recall ever disputing this, what I said essentially applies to all rookies. The only difference between your rookie and ours is that ours has played through all of TC and preseason, while yours has been injured and has yet to see action. I will agree that both players have a lot of pressure riding on them, in that one is replacing a borderline HOF tackle in Chris Samuels, and the other has had the number of two HORers bestowed upon him by the owner of the team, who has already has placed him on a pedestal.

That said, offensive tackles taken in the first round have a much lower, less speckled history being draft risks in the first round. Could Trent Williams be a bust? Sure he could. History has shown that offensive tackles taken high bust alot less frequently than receivers do however. I found this interesting:

You're reading that right. Since 1993, there have only been five busts at the offensive tackle position in the top 16 picks of the NFL Draft.

Now, let's look at the hit and bust rates for each position (remember, these numbers exclude TBAs because they are neither hits nor busts yet):

Quarterback Hit Rate: 48.2%

Defensive Tackle Hit Rate: 46.9%

Offensive Tackle Hit Rate: 69.2%

Quarterback Bust Rate: 44.4%

Defensive Tackle Bust Rate: 46.9%

Offensive Tackle Bust Rate: 19.2%

Pretty insane, huh? Offensive tackles chosen in the top 16 hit 69.2 percent of the time and bust on just a 19.2-percent clip.

There will always be busts at every position in the NFL Draft. There is no such thing as a guarantee when you're giving 21- and 22-year-olds millions of dollars. But offensive tackles are as close to a guarantee as you're going to get.


By comparison, any knowledgeable NFL could tell you that receivers are much greater risks to bust, mostly due to either improper study habits, physical limitations, diva attitudes, or all of the above. Now to be fair, I think Bryant could eventually develop into a really good receiver, based on what I've seen in college. But then again, that has been said about multiple high first round receivers in the past.

Something to think about. ;)

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T.O. on the Cowboys? Distractions. Leaked rumors and ennuendo to media members from players (Witten? Maybe Garrett?...everyone's guessing at the time)...fingerpointing galore...T.O. is throwing Garrett under the bus, Witten and Romo sits to pee are throwing T.O. under the bus...I can dig up a TON of articles quoting quite a few anonymous players and coaches on the Cowboys and quite a few other anonymous "sources" about what's going on in their locker room. Again...distractions.

How is this different from Fletcher throwing Haynesworth under the bus and Haynesworth throwing Shanahan and Haslett under the bus?
Ahhh, must be new here.

Here is how things go.

1. TR1 make a statement about Dallas

2. Dallas fans come to the argue the fact

3. TR1 argues back

4. Dallas fan ignores fact

5. Redskin fan ignores fact

6. Topic gets changed to Tony Romo sits to pee, Donovan McNabb, Shanahan, Wade are something way off topic.

7. Thread quietly ends.

8. The End.

Good call, by the way.:thumbsup:
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How is this different from Fletcher throwing Haynesworth under the bus and Haynesworth throwing Shanahan and Haslett under the bus?

Numerous ways:

1) T.O., Garrett, Romo sits to pee, etc, etc, were trying to find scapegoats for the less-than-stellar on the field production on offense. They started blaming each other.

2) Fletcher was NOT trying to find excuses and scapegoats for anything on the field...what he WAS doing, though, was being a leader and nipping any possible distractions from taking route and getting a player to understand why what he did was the wrong route to take. Seriously, explain to me how the defensive unit's leader having a private talk with a defensive player who just vented in the press is "throwing him under the bus" lol :ols:...it's nowhere near the same thing. In fact, the only thing Fletcher said about Haynesworth was that everything was fine. THAT'S throwing someone under the bus?

3) Haynesworth was not blaming Shanahan for anything occurring on the field other than his playing time. He didn't say they lost because Shanahan didn't utlilize him enough (as T.O. did numerous times while with the Cowboys). Again, how is that throwing Shanny under the bus? Throwing someone under the bus is to lay blame for troubles at the foot of someone who may or may not deserve it. Haynesworth didn't blame anyone for anything, other than for him playing in the 3rd quarter lol :ols:...and nobody--NOBODY--bought it. And it was cleared up (again, with Fletcher's help) almost instantly...and (again), Haynesworth now instead said "no comment" if he was having any issues with Shanahan.

Seriously...that should not have required any further explanation on my part to understand.

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Numerous ways:

Seriously, explain to me how the defensive unit's leader having a private talk with a defensive player who just vented in the press is "throwing him under the bus" lol :ols:...it's nowhere near the same thing. In fact, the only thing Fletcher said about Haynesworth was that everything was fine. THAT'S throwing someone under the bus?

No. But this is:

"Albert made a very selfish decision," veteran linebacker London Fletcher said. "When you decide to play a team sport, you have to look at it and think about everybody involved in the situation. This is not golf, tennis, things like that, where it's an all-about-you sport. What he's decided to do is make a decision based on all-about-him.

"It's no different than his attitude and approach to last year's defense, about wanting everything to revolve around him and him making plays. And if it didn't benefit him, he wasn't really willing to do it."

"I want teammates who I can depend on, who I can count on ... he's shown he can't be depended on," Fletcher told reporters.

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No. But this is:

"Albert made a very selfish decision," veteran linebacker London Fletcher said. "When you decide to play a team sport, you have to look at it and think about everybody involved in the situation. This is not golf, tennis, things like that, where it's an all-about-you sport. What he's decided to do is make a decision based on all-about-him.

"It's no different than his attitude and approach to last year's defense, about wanting everything to revolve around him and him making plays. And if it didn't benefit him, he wasn't really willing to do it."

"I want teammates who I can depend on, who I can count on ... he's shown he can't be depended on," Fletcher told reporters.

So, basically Fletcher is saying the players don't like Haynesworth's selfishness...and that management is doing the right thing.

How is that being disruptive? I think coddling a disliked player would be way more destructive.

Don't you?

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No. But this is:

"Albert made a very selfish decision," veteran linebacker London Fletcher said. "When you decide to play a team sport, you have to look at it and think about everybody involved in the situation. This is not golf, tennis, things like that, where it's an all-about-you sport. What he's decided to do is make a decision based on all-about-him.

"It's no different than his attitude and approach to last year's defense, about wanting everything to revolve around him and him making plays. And if it didn't benefit him, he wasn't really willing to do it."

"I want teammates who I can depend on, who I can count on ... he's shown he can't be depended on," Fletcher told reporters.

This was said right after Haynesworth refused to attend mandatory minicamps as he had promised he would do ("I just prefer to work out with my own guys...don't worry, I will attend all the mandatory stuff"), and then said that he wanted to be traded instead. That's why Fletcher said "What he's decided to do is make a decision based on all-about-him." At this point Albert Haynesworth was basically saying "I'm not a part of your team and I don't want to be a part of your team." And he said this either the night before or the morning of the minicamps he kept promising to Shanahan and to his teammates that he would indeed be attending.

And again, I didn't see Fletcher blaming Haynesworth for anything in that quote...throwing someone under the bus is blaming them for something that may or may not be their fault, in attempts to deflect blame from yourself. T.O. blaming losses on Garrett and/or Romo sits to pee for not throwing him the ball enough...Vinny claiming/blaming Sherman Smith's approval of Haynesworth is why he and Snyder decided to sign him...those are throwing people under the bus, they're deflecting their own involvement in a problem by laying the blame at someone else's feet. Throwing someone under the bus is NOT simply criticizing them.

So, yeah, you'll have to explain to me how Fletcher is blaming Haynesworth for anything there.

And the follow up to Fletch's comments:

Fletcher was one of several veterans who voiced their displeasure when Haynesworth skipped the mandatory mini-camp last month. But Fletcher said he doesn’t feel the need to have a clear-the-air meeting with Haynesworth.

“Albert and I are teammates so we’ll talk – you’re going to talk to your teammates,” Fletcher said. “There’s no animosity here. … I think he understands where we were coming from and we’ll go from there.”

Said Daniels: “He knows that me, London, leaders on this team, just want to win, and if you’re not here, things will be said. A lot was said in the offseason about him, but now he’s here and with us. He knows he has to put everything everybody said about him behind him.”

Which goes back to the comment I made to the Cowboys fan that Fletcher and Daniels are indeed strong leaders of the team who can keep a disgruntled player from becoming a distraction to the team. They may not be able to keep stories about the player from appearing in the press ad nauseum, but they CAN help keep that player from distracting the team.

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And according to these pre-draft "experts" Jimmy Clausen was a consensus top 20 pick.

And? What exactly does that have to do with proving that Dez Bryant has top 5 talent? All you are doing is proving that the Panthers got good value in the 2nd round. What happens when Clausen turns into a great qb? Are they all now wrong?

I simply stated that Bryant had top 5 talent and his overblown off the field issues dropped him down.

I don't know what universe you're living in, Ken, but in the one I'm from the opinions of a bunch of TV analysts and random guys with websites mean jack compared to the guys who spend millions of dollars researching college prospects.

Well, Rich Gosselin who talks with the majority of teams predraft to get their draft boards had Bryant ranked #10. Keep in mind that is factoring in all of the off the field worries these teams had. Not hard to extrapolate that if he was a choir boy he would be top 5....

Your Cowboys had Bryant ranked #12 on their draft board. Does that means Jerry Jones doesn't know what he's doing either? Heck, the Bengals, who had a need at WR and have no problem signing guys even the Cowboys consider team cancers, passed on Dez Bryant at #21.

Once again, and? The cowboys rank their draft also factoring in their needs. Wr, while nice to add, was not a big need to them. Their draft board was all over the place, so i'm not sure how you could put much weight on it. Their board also factors in character as well. Bryant, while being much better than given credit for, is still a bit of an off the field risk. And there is a reason why they Bengals...

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And? What exactly does that have to do with proving that Dez Bryant has top 5 talent? All you are doing is proving that the Panthers got good value in the 2nd round. What happens when Clausen turns into a great qb? Are they all now wrong?
Here's where the disconnect is. The only thing these guys proved is that they clearly don't have a grasp on how NFL teams actually value college players.
I simply stated that Bryant had top 5 talent and his overblown off the field issues dropped him down.
And the NFL clearly disagreed with your evaluation of Bryant's talent.
Well, Rich Gosselin who talks with the majority of teams predraft to get their draft boards had Bryant ranked #10. Keep in mind that is factoring in all of the off the field worries these teams had. Not hard to extrapolate that if he was a choir boy he would be top 5....

Given how far Bryant fell and that he wasn't even the first WR picked, it seems that Rich Gosselin was dead wrong.
Once again, and? The cowboys rank their draft also factoring in their needs. Wr, while nice to add, was not a big need to them.
That makes sense. Now I understand why they had Sam Bradford ranked #1 overall.
Their draft board was all over the place, so i'm not sure how you could put much weight on it. Their board also factors in character as well. Bryant, while being much better than given credit for, is still a bit of an off the field risk. So even a team that agrees with you that Bryant's character issues are overblown
So even a team that liked Bryant so much they traded up to get him and agreed with you that his character issues were overblown didn't have him ranked in their top 10
And there is a reason why they Bengals...
The receiving threat the Bengals did draft is already starting on their team and has looked pretty good this preseason.
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Given how far Bryant fell and that he wasn't even the first WR picked, it seems that Rich Gosselin was dead wrong.

FWIW, randy moss wasn't the first reciever selected either in 98' (kevin dyson?)

and as much as the bengals needed a recieving threat, they needed a TE more.

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Here's where the disconnect is. The only thing these guys proved is that they clearly don't have a grasp on how NFL teams actually value college players.

Probably why casserly doesn't have a GM job anymore...lol. All I know is that Mayock has consistently nailed players in every draft. Ware comes to mind when he said he was the best player in the draft. Without looking at that class, I would say he is either right or pretty close to right.

And the NFL clearly disagreed with your evaluation of Bryant's talent.

I think you are confused with Talent vs. Overall package. I think the overall is what hurt Dez. Actually I know that... here is Jerry Jones speaking of Bryant and what he KNOWS about how other teams felt about Bryant:

"We had him as one of the top graded players that we’ve got, and everything figured into the grades, and he was one of the top players. I know firsthand he’s one of the top players around the league with everything figured into the grade too, but we thought maybe the circumstances may give us a shot."


Given how far Bryant fell and that he wasn't even the first WR picked, it seems that Rich Gosselin was dead wrong.

A lot factors in to where a player falls in the draft. Just because a player is a good player, some teams only draft need, others take top talent regardless. Some have other players they like more that also fills a need. See how Aaron Rodgers slid down the draft board. Ya think some teams would like a do over on that day?

So even a team that liked Bryant so much they traded up to get him and agreed with you that his character issues were overblown didn't have him ranked in their top 10

The Cowboys had inside information because of people like Deion Sanders and a few connections with OU. They also went out of their way to investigate all of the alleged character issues so they were comfortable taking him where they did. Same reason Randy Most slid into the 20s.....not really hard to understand.

The receiving threat the Bengals did draft is already starting on their team and has looked pretty good this preseason.

Well, if they would have drafted Bryant, they wouldn't have had to waste all of that money on Antonio Bryant and then bring in the volatile TO. We will see if they made a monumental mistake or not. For a team that prides itself on taking the toys from misfit island, this is a head scratcher!

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By the way, throwing a bone to some of you lol :ols:...after all the sudden Haynesworth trade talks, here's a quote:

A little FYI. McNabb just said on 980 when asked if the Haynesworth soap opera was a distraction. He said yes it was.

Haynesworth the "disgruntled player" wasn't a distraction, but the ongoing "soap opera" was. So, see, I have zero problem giving you guys a gift now and again lol :D...

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Can either of you point out even one mention in any article, blog, tweet or anything else where the Skins' locker room is starting to be distracted by Haynesworth's actions? Some "anonymous source" telling a sportswriter that the team is starting to take sides, or that the locker room is starting to become divided. Anything, at all. If so, post the link and the quote here.

Because I can point out numerous articles, comments, tweets and whatnot from media members siting how Haynesworth has NOT been distracting the team. There has been consistent unity between the players and between the players and Shanahan...

When Haynesworth first requested a trade and didn't report to minicamp, pretty much the entire team went on record as saying he was in the wrong, they were going on without him and everything was fine between them and the coach...they sided with Shanahan. Even Hall, who is friends with Haynesworth, said that while he felt he understood AH's position he still backed Shanahan 110%.

When Haynesworth started mouthing off after the Ravens game about being played in the 3rd quarter, Fletcher--yes, the player that apparently has zero ability to be a leader in the locker room--had a private man-to-man talk with Haynesworth and basically said "everything's cool"...after which Haynesworth practices like he was supposed to, played with the 1st team as Shanahan promised he would if he practiced, and the two men were joking to one another about having drinks and cigars after the game.

And after Haynesworth played damn near the entire game of the most meaningless preseason game there is, instead of mouthing off again to reporters he simply said "no comment"...and whatever furor that could have resulted from having to play the entire game quickly dissipated.

No. Distractions.

T.O. on the Eagles? Distractions galore. Tons of articles quoting both players and sources about how the locker room was starting to take sides, how McNabb was starting to lose some of the players, etc, etc. He's holding press conferences in his driveway. Distractions.

T.O. on the Cowboys? Distractions. Leaked rumors and ennuendo to media members from players (Witten? Maybe Garrett?...everyone's guessing at the time)...fingerpointing galore...T.O. is throwing Garrett under the bus, Witten and Romo sits to pee are throwing T.O. under the bus...I can dig up a TON of articles quoting quite a few anonymous players and coaches on the Cowboys and quite a few other anonymous "sources" about what's going on in their locker room. Again...distractions.

Nothing at ALL like that can be found about the Redskins and Haynesworth. Except, of course, by anonymous fans speculating on message boards lol. The players are incredibly unified behind Shanahan and thus there's nothing to cause the team to lose focus...which is what a distraction is, by the way, in case you've forgotten: something to cause you to lose focus.

So if I'm smoking something, it must be something that causes clarity of thought lol...and, yeah, I wish I could pass it around to every Cowboys fan on this site so that the mindless twaddle they keep putting in their posts would come to and end. :cool:

Wow....owned right here!

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hardly lol...at the time I wrote it, everything I was pointing out was true.

players rarely admit "x" is a distraction, yet that doesn't mean it's true. I believe atleast with us and TO, no one ever came out and said he's a distraction, it just became evident as the team struggled.

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players rarely admit "x" is a distraction, yet that doesn't mean it's true. I believe atleast with us and TO, no one ever came out and said he's a distraction, it just became evident as the team struggled.

Here's what McNabb said:

Take it away, Donovan and show hosts Kevin Sheehan and Thom Loverro:

DM (on Haynesworth): It hasn’t become a distraction. The one thing that I try to do, as well as the rest of the guys, is not let it affect our locker room. Albert is a guy that’s one of our brothers in the locker room, and we want to protect him and make sure that he’s taken care of and he’s fine.

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so now McNabb is retracting what he said?

reguardless, to say that the Haynesworth saga has had 0 effect on the team is just wrong. the fact that he likely won't start or play as much as other starters, thus effecting how Haslett can call the game, shows this is a distraction

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so now McNabb is retracting what he said?

No, I think it's a matter of the ES member not hearing McNabb's words correctly lol...because the poster was quoting this interview.

reguardless, to say that the Haynesworth saga has had 0 effect on the team is just wrong. the fact that he likely won't start or play as much as other starters, thus effecting how Haslett can call the game, shows this is a distraction

He said it wasn't a distraction, which means they're not losing focus, they're all on the same page (except AH, apparently lol), there's no division, no taking sides...

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