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OneNewsNow: Calif. coach makes players drink soda from shoe


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A California high school girl's softball coach has apologized for requiring eight players who struck out during a recent game to drink soda pop out of a team member's shoe, a school district official said.

The South Tahoe High School varsity players drank the soda at a team slumber party on May 1, hours after a game against Wooster High School of Reno, Nev.

"It was meant as a joke, and obviously it went too far," Lake Tahoe Unified School District superintendent James Tarwater said.

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Just the thought of this makes me want to puke but then again ive seen people drink beer out of a hard hat Yuck

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Hasn't anyone ever been to a post-rugby match drink up?

"Shoot the boot". Fortunately, when I had to do it, the lock's boot I was using had a hole in the bottom, because he had liek size 13 high-tops. Do you know how much beer can fit in there?

Seriously, somewhat disgusting, but every weekend I coach a soccer game, I see/hear the opposition coaches much worse things, IMO. Essentialy child abuse, and that's "ok".

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"Ooh Ah Shoot the boot", big deal.

Back in my Rugby days, shooting the boot was a bi- weekly occurance. At our Thursday night and post game parties, if you sucked at singing and forgot the lyrics, you would shoot the boot.

The kids should be thankful the coach didn't make them do"Rookie Power Sit Ups". :ols:

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"Ooh Ah Shoot the boot", big deal.

Back in my Rugby days, shooting the boot was a bi- weekly occurance. At our Thursday night and post game parties, if you sucked at singing and forgot the lyrics, you would shoot the boot.

The kids should be thankful the coach didn't make them do"Rookie Power Sit Ups". :ols:

Oh man, an entire semester of college just came screaming back into my memory.

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Next time make them run 10 miles instead.

But fire the coach for promoting consumption of soda. :ols:

Let's see -

1. Hazing

2. Promoting consumption of an unhealthy product that damages the overall health of young people.

3. Introduction of harmful pathogens from feet into a sugar substance and forcing children to injest it.

4. Combining it all together.

I find it hard to believe a person could be hired as a coach without knowledge of all 4 items being wrong. Perhaps they need a break from coaching and an improved education.

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