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got divorced today....


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Congrats man. And I mean that in the best possible way. Of course sorry it didn't work out but it is so much better to be apart and not fighting every night than trying to force it and being unhappy. That's why if I get married(hopefully before I am too old) I want to make sure it is a woman that I will love forever.

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sorry to hear that SC. from everything i've heard, the first part is the hardest. don't beat yourself or your ex up too much in your head.

take this opportunity to fully invest yourself in something you've been putting off. for me, it would be working out... plus that would have the effect of making me (you) a hotter commodity on the open market (not that you should jump right into something... you need to focus on you for a long time and get your own head straight).

keep your head up, don't be afraid to cry it out, and focus on your little boy. you'll get through it and be happier on the other side.

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Some more "voice of experience" advice for ya:

Coming from a kid whose parents divorced, this post is spot on.

My parents were very good about the whole thing, pretty much did exactly what Brotherz has advised, and things have worked out as best they could. Obviously its not an ideal situation, but things between my parents and my siblings and me are as good as they can be.

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Thanks for all of the advice everybody. I am hurting right now, but the good thing is i have my son this weekend.

Great and she is Free as a bird! for the weekend. Perfect for her

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Great and she is Free as a bird! for the weekend. Perfect for her

Maybe she'll get roped by some dude who sings karaoke in Jorts with a braided belt, gets married to him in a couple months, and you won't have to worry about spousal support.

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Close KAO, i took my son to the Aquarium in Charleston today. We had a good time.:)

Hey SC, that's what I did, stayed real busy with my kid. He was two when his mom and I split up. It seemed real weird just the two of us for first couple months, but then I enjoyed it more than ever. I didn't have someone nagging about spoiling him too much and all. I was almost 30 when the separation occurred. I thought that I was too old to start dating again, what a bunch of crap that was. The next 6 years I had more fun dating then I ever did. The situation is reversed, the pursued becomes the pursuers and the "biological clock" ticking was a real motivator. As for the x-wife, I let her know real quick that I wished her well with the rest of her life and don't even think about getting back together. She about had a nervous breakdown by about my third girlfriend in 6 months. She's still regretting. :pfft:

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Oh you are only 31. Man you will be married again in no time. Women can smell a married or divorced man. Plus you got married in you early 20's. Man, go out there and find a woman or man that satisfies your appetites. We all grow as people. Sometimes when you think you are starting over, you are just doing what you are suppose to do all along. You know who you are, and what you really want without the reservations or searching for what's ideal.

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