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POLITICO: RNC document mocks donors, plays on 'fear'


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Ok, thanks for realizing Obama isn't the DNC. Why do I need to take anything up with anyone?

I do not know. I would certainly take up something with somebody if I saw a document like this from a political party that I supported.

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Pins and needles, needles and pins. Pick out the few of us that don't recognize that both sides do it and conveniently anoint it the party line. It doesn't matter who says what to get in office, it matters what you do, or at least what you try to do once you get there. The Republicans should stop wasting their time saying and no start spending more time trying to govern and trying to get past the fact that they spent the past eight years ruining our economy and world standing.

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I do not know. I would certainly take up something with somebody if I saw a document like this from a political party that I supported.

That might be a good idea if someone was a member of that politcal party or gave money to them. Maybe you should call up the DNC and ask why they do that.

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I do not know. I would certainly take up something with somebody if I saw a document like this from a political party that I supported.

Problem with that is, assuming you're a member of the Democratic party, I assume you'd like a candidate you support to win another election at some point in your lifetime. You've got the info right in front of you. The Republicans are doing it. You can't bring a knife to a gunfight and expect to not get your ass shot.

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Nobody on here can seriously be naive enough to be surprised that the RNC uses fear as one of its political weapons. Nobody on here can seriously be naive enough to think that the DNC never has.

For pretty much all of my adult life I've been told by each of the major parties that the other side was going to:

- re-establish slavery

- take school lunches away from my kids

- encourage and instruct my 9 year old daughter how to get an abortion

- force my 18 year old daughter to take an unexpected pregnancy to full term

- drive the country into a nuclear war the first chance they got

- dismantle the military and allow the Russians to invade and take over

- control what I ate, what I read and what I believed

- cause 50 million Americans to die in the streets

- encourage my 9 year old son to become gay

- force my 18 year old son to fight in the military

- let all the fresh water become polluted and cut down all the trees

- cause me to lose my house in order to protect mosquitoes

- eliminate all religion

- use fanatical religion to dictate the laws

- cause me to lose my job to it being shipped overseas

- cause me to lose my job due to too much regulation

- cause the end of the world due to inaction on global warming

- cause the end of the U.S. economic system due to too much action on global warming

And on and on and on...blah blah frickin' blah...I laugh when I hear these fear tactics being used, and laugh just as much when people are shocked (shocked!!) that they ARE being used, and continue laughing when people claim only "one side" uses them lol :ols:...

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Has the Earth finished warming yet?

We are stupid to allow ourselves to be manipulated by such things. There are certain truths to every situation and we, as adult citizens, who know right from wrong for the most part, should be able to establish what is important and what is not. The problem is that we allow both sides to get us divided, all the while, we ignore what is really important.

I'm not saying we all see things the same way. I am saying that certain things should be universal for us and they are not.

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And on and on and on...blah blah frickin' blah...I laugh when I hear these fear tactics being used, and laugh just as much when people are shocked (shocked!!) that they ARE being used, and continue laughing when people claim only "one side" uses them lol :ols:...

That says it all!.......:laugh: Great post Califan007

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The Dems have played the mediscare card for DECADES. Ironic, because it was used by the GOP recently in the HC debate.

It's fine, I get that most of you are so hyperpartisan that you cant see the faults within your side. Fortunately for me, the voters do see it.

I have no problem denouncing this tactic. I think it's slimy as hell. Im just not so closed minded to think only one side is doing it.

So now claiming that republicans are opposed to social security (factually arguable) is the same as declaring fear as a fund raising tactic? Sorry but I'm not buying it. Saying that Obama is going to steal your freedom, bring socialism and tyranny to the US, claiming he's in bed with terrorists, and arguing that a mushroom cloud could pop up over a major city if democrats are elected is a bit more heavy handed than "republicans will destroy social security" (something republicans WANT to do).

This all sins are equal nonsense doesn't fly with me. The GOP got caught pointing to fear as a fund raising tactic. Something we all knew but can all appreciate the balls to bullet point it and make it the plan. GOP fear mongering is beyond general "they oppose this" type stuff.

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Democrats up to their old scare tactics on social security

Rick Moran

(and more)

I was working on a big response, with multi-quote of numerous, previous posts. Mostly on the theme that what I find most amusing in these threads is the way the most partisan hypocrites in Tailgate rush forward to accuse the other side of being hyper-partisan hypocrites.

But then I read this post from Kilmer. And I have to say, he's got a point.

(Although I still find the image of Kilmer making claims about how staggered he is by what partisan hypocrites other people are to be, let's say "ironic".)

(Course, he's probably thinking the same thing about me, as he reads this. But he's wrong. :) )

I also observe that, as I was typing my diatribe, I was building my case that what makes this case more evil is that a Party is coordinating the hate and fear. But the thought was occurring to me that what we've basically got here is a political Party holding a rally in which they are telling the faithful to stay on message.

And is that really evil? Or newsbreaking? For a Party to hold pep rallies for the faithful, in which the Kool Aid flows?

Or in which demonizing the opposition is a tactic?


All of that said, however, for some reason, I feel compelled to add this quote:

From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that... but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats.


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Another thing. Telling people social security is in danger isn't the same thing as telling them their lives and freedom are in peril. One is far more highly to spark violence the other is likely to spark... what? A change in vote.

This is like comparing shouting "the popcorn has gone bad!" in a theater to "FIRE!!!!"

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Another thing. Telling people social security is in danger isn't the same thing as telling them their lives and freedom are in peril. One is far more highly to spark violence the other is likely to spark... what? A change in vote.

This is like comparing shouting "the popcorn has gone bad!" in a theater to "FIRE!!!!"

To be fair, it's effective. The only reason the Democrats have had any victories since Clinton in 96 (92, really; 96 was and incumbent win) is because Bush made the Republicans toxic.

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