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Hogfest '03: News, Info, and Updates


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HogFest is only about 60 days away. Those of you who are coming this year need to start sending your money. My address on the site from last year hasn't changed.

Last year's HogFest website.

It's a risk but I think we might be bigger this year, so I will set the prices at $45 for the HogFest (refer to the website to see what that includes) and $20 for the limo bus. I was tempted to go $15 for the bus, but if I do and we don't have at least 25 passengers then I am screwed. I hope that is not a problem.

Also, don't forget I think we will have a trailer grill there this year and a designated griller. I hope we have it in the budget.

Everyone needs to understand that I if I have no clue how many people are coming then I can't reserve the caterer let alone get a quote from him. He can't tell me how much if I can't tell him how many people. I also can't reserve the tables and chairs, etc.

Unless I know how many people, I won't know whether I have it in the budget to bring in the trailer grill and do the food there on site.

Please let me know everyone. If you already have, you're cool. This note is in regards to those of you who haven't let me know and/or haven't sent their money. I know more people are coming than have let me know.

This is in everyone's best interest. Sending in the money doesn't directly help me, it directly helps all of you HogFesters.

DieHard or Blade can you pin this up so everyone sees it?

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I saw it. I saw it. So let's see here. time to cough up some cash eh? Ok...let's see here.......$45................(Looks around...pats pockets)......er...yea...ok.....$45........right...hmmmmmmmmmmmm now where did I put that piggy ba------------- :silly:


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PC- this is really not directed to you because I know you are coming. I'm referrng to the ones out there who haven't let me know yet. The HogFest is the third game of the year this year. Sign-up can not wait until the season starts, that will be too late.

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For some reason, the server where I had placed the new Hogfest site shut down... so I will have to rebuild it on Extremeskins (I lost the password to the hogfest page on geocities... doh)

I will work on it today and tonight so that people have a signup page for you, Tom.

Looking forward to another great Hogfest!

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Hogfest History:

Back in '99 I was in the middle of my 5 year stint in Akron OH... and DYING for some Redskins news. Luckily, I stumbled across a few Redskins message boards, and became quite a lurker at several of them. After some degree of participation at the old TSN and CPND boards, several members of both boards decided to get together for a tailgating party and Redskins game.

So, after MUCH work by Tom-Skinsfan in setting it up, Hogfest#1 came to pass.... and it was a HUGE success and GREAT time. I've been running the little Hogfest website for Tom ever since the 1st one, and Ive been to every Hogfest. People from across the country who have been chatting together on Extremeskins, CPND, and other boards have been coming to Hogfest every year now for the last 4 years.

If you have ever wanted to make it to a Skins game, the HOGFEST game is the one to come to. You wont regret joining in the fun.

I am almost finishing the 'signup' page for the Hogfest website listed above... until then. feel free to email me or Tom with your information, or if you have any questions.


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OK, I have a question for those putting on (and attending) Hogfest. Tom, Blade and/or anyone else who wants to chime in. What would be the thoughts on bringing a Giant fan to attend? Here's the deal:

My wife is not all that keen on coming. I've already purchased a couple of tickets to the game, so I'm committed. I have a friend at work who's a big Giant fan and he has expressed interest in going with me and splitting the cost.

No way I'm coming up there without doing the Crabfest/Hogfest thing so I'm about to send my check for that as well.

I told him I'd get back with him but I wanted to know how he'd be received. He can take a little ribbing with no problem, but I'd hate to have some people be put off by the enemy being invited to our camp so to speak.

Let me know what you think.

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Originally posted by Brave

OK, I have a question for those putting on (and attending) Hogfest. Tom, Blade and/or anyone else who wants to chime in. What would be the thoughts on bringing a Giant fan to attend? Here's the deal:

My wife is not all that keen on coming. I've already purchased a couple of tickets to the game, so I'm committed. I have a friend at work who's a big Giant fan and he has expressed interest in going with me and splitting the cost.

No way I'm coming up there without doing the Crabfest/Hogfest thing so I'm about to send my check for that as well.

I told him I'd get back with him but I wanted to know how he'd be received. He can take a little ribbing with no problem, but I'd hate to have some people be put off by the enemy being invited to our camp so to speak.

Let me know what you think.

I would hope that a friend of Brave's is a friend of all? He ought to be welcome....now if he was a Cowboy fan ......

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Dammm... I wish I could come along for the game... Wait if I send you $45.00 bucks and a nice portrait of me can someone feed me some chicken and poor some beer on me from time to time?? :lmao:

I hope you all have a blast.... whish I could be there!!:thumbsup:


Skin 4 Life

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