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Afghan War policy Fractured


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This is frustrating to say the least.

".....And, as important articles in the Washington Post and the U.K. Guardian last weekend disclose, there is major confusion at the highest levels over what the president's policy is in Afghanistan.

The confusions as to intentions, strategies and exit timing started immediately after the president's Dec. 1 speech, and have gotten dangerously worse in the ensuing month. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Chairman of Joint Chiefs Adm. Mike Mullins and the top generals all said we were there to win and the July 2011 exit date was conditional on whether enough had been accomplished by then. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs, adviser David Axelrod, Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, Vice President Joe Biden and the president all indicated July 2011 was real, and senior White House sources said "winning" was not an objective........"

Click Link for the rest of the article.


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I read a entertaining piece awhile back on this subject.

When Gen McChrystal submitted his plan it was designed to destroy the Taliban and AQ as a force in Afghanistan.

The fool actually thought that was the objective and mission entrusted to him.:silly:

There were some entertaining comments at the meeting.

I'll see if I can find it.

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