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Just how close were the Skins to losing Ramsey last year?


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Originally posted by Erwin S.

I've heard a couple reports that Ramsey has struggled so far in camp. Is this true? Is anyone out there nervous about this?

Hey Erwin... I've heard a lot of things about a lot of people. Including Yo Mama. You want me to provide sources? Or are you just going to assume I'm talking outta my @ss?

There's about 20 camp reports atop this forum. And the Washington Post has a dozen or so of its down.

If you read any of them... you'd know Ramsey has been inconsistent. GOOD AND BAD. I don't know that I've read seen the word "struggled" in any report yet. And I've read them all.

But if we're always going to take what we want out of any article... I've heard the Cowboys QBs have sucked tremendously. I heard they can't even get the QB exchange right and they're having problems throwing in the middle of the field.

You worried about that?

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We aren't going to see squat until after the first three games are played of the regular season. Danny W. looked like Kurt Warner last year in Osaka and look where he turned out. To try and judge Ramsey from media reports at this juncture is ludicrous. He is going to play like he did last year which is pretty good. With a better line he will be better. With better receivers he will be better. With better key players on special teams getting him field position he will be better. In his sophmore year he will make less mistakes and .... you guessed it - he'll be better.

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I hate to sound like a jerk, but ... um ... who cares what the hell ALMOST happened last year w/ Ramsey and the Bears? We've got a QB now and, yes, he's a little inconsistent in training camp. Big whooptie - freakin' - doo. Every year, some media expert has to find something to beef up his article by sensationalizing reports. Whatever.

I don't know about the rest of you, but the only thing I care about is how he does come September 4th at 9pm.

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Originally posted by NavyDave

Back then we were thinking that Sage would be ufficient.

And Sage did look nice last night in that scrimmage for the fish

I always had high hopes for Sage. Hope that he gets a shot on a NFL roster that values the play of a QB someday (since the fish dont, ex: Fiedler).

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I was willing to make the trade because we'd already lost Training Camp for Ramsey and that would likely put him a year behind in the development curve, which meant no playoffs till 2004 at the earliest.

But I demanded that the Redskins get a #1 pick, which sounds like what the Redskins wanted as well but the Bears were supposdely offering some garbage like a conditional second rounder or some garbage like that. That was in no remote way good enough.

What was funny was that over on the CPND boards a Bears fan or two thought it might be worthwhile as their first rounder would be a late first rounder anyway. The bears fans blasted the heck out of me when I told them that they wouldn't sniff a pick lower then 14-18, but never in my wildest dreams did I expect the Bears pick to actually be as immensely valuable as it became, fourth overall if I remember right.

That trade would have been worthwhile, but the Bears were apparently never offering their #1, rather it was what the Redskins were asking for.

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