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North Carolina's Constitution Bars Atheists From Holding Office


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Critics of Cecil Bothwell cite N.C. bar to atheists

By Jordan Schrader • December 8, 2009

Asheville — North Carolina's constitution is clear: politicians who deny the existence of God are barred from holding office.

Opponents of Cecil Bothwell are seizing on that law to argue he should not be seated as a City Council member today, even though federal courts have ruled religious tests for public office are unlawful under the U.S. Constitution.

Voters elected the writer and builder to the council last month.

“I'm not saying that Cecil Bothwell is not a good man, but if he's an atheist, he's not eligible to serve in public office, according to the state constitution,” said H.K. Edgerton, a former Asheville NAACP president.

Article 6, section 8 of the state constitution says: “The following persons shall be disqualified for office: First, any person who shall deny the being of Almighty God.”

rest of the article is here:


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Well, people from North Carolina are banned from my house then.

I think, as an atheist, I should be judged on the superstitions I do believe, not the ones I don't. I won't walk under ladders, so if elected, you can bet I won't be killed by a falling paint bucket.

I once spent 14 months on my knees looking for a four leaf clover. I found one, and as luck would have it, was able to sell it for enough cash to pay for my knee replacement surgery.

One time when I was in WalMart buying winter supplies, i noticed that my 10 lb bag of de-icing salt had a small hole in it. so I threw it over my shoulder. The woman behind me who's foot it broke sued WalMart, not me. How's that for charmed?

Once when I was a teenager I was kissed by an ugly girl, and i developed a wart. I saw a voodoo priestess who made me a charm of donkey excrement and bat blood to wear around my neck, and not only have i never been kissed since, the aroma of food has taken on entirely new nuances. Oh, and I never got another wart.

But I guess if you don't believe that a cracker is the body of Jesus you just aren't fit for office.


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