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Announcing: Boycott on Redskins Christmas Presents


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This is a personal boycott that I have put in effect for my family members who deluge me every year with Redskins calenders, banners, clocks, fleece pull overs, pro-bowl jerseys, leather jackets, socks, pencil holders... and this is just what I see looking around my office at this moment.

I have told everyone that they can buy me Capitals and Wizards gear from now on out. This is PERMANENT. If I want Redskins gear from now on, I will buy it myself. (Fat chance)

This is a way you can have a financial impact that goes WAY beyond just what you spend. My family and friends spend probably $500 a year on Redskins gear for me. I buy a couple hundred dollars a year of Redskins gear myself in gifts for family and friends. NO MAS!

There are a hundred thousand members of Extremeskins. If ten thousand fans decided to do the same as me, that's $5,000,000 dollars that will be going to Ted Leonsis who has been taking big losses on the Capitals in order to build a winning team and Abe Pollin who has recovered from the Michael Jordan debacle to have a much better team.

I know everyone wants to boycott the Redskins now. The reason I am starting my own personal boycott against the Redskins is their abridgement of fan freedoms in FedEx Field. This facility is not a night club with bouncers. It is a facility that has received public assistance and is served by a Metro station which was publicly funded.

(It'd be really nice if some local retailers would offer discounts on Caps and Wizards gear if people turned in their Skins gear.)

Here is another link to join a boycott of Federal Express for abridgement of First Amendment rights at FedEx Field:



Conscientious Consuming: Keys to a Successful Organized Boycott

A Clear Issue

Monroe Friedman, writing in the Journal of Social Issues, states "successful boycotts tended to be cognitively simple and emotionally appealing." This is perhaps best illustrated in the case of the boycott of canned tuna. The premise is simple and emotional: why do fishermen need to kill dolphins to make canned tuna? (Remember Flipper, the frolicking dolphin that played with children?)

Just as it’s important to communicate the reasons for the boycott to the public, it’s just as important to communicate the reasons for the boycott to the boycotted company. In some cases, when the companies were presented good reasons to change their behavior (the threat of a boycott and its negative publicity), they changed it.

A Visible Target

Companies that sell consumer products are very sensitive to their corporate image. The negative publicity associated with a boycott (or threat of a boycott) can effect a company’s image in addition to its sales.

The Rainforest Action Network initiated a boycott against Burger King for purchasing beef that was raised in destroyed rain forests. According to the Rainforest Action Network, the protests conducted at the restaurants and the associated negative publicity were particularly effect in changing Burger King’s use of "rainforest beef."

Clear Alternatives to the Boycotted Product

In the Burger King case consumers had clear alternatives – McDonald’s, Wendy’s, etc. Boycott organizers are wise to make sure that the companies being boycotted know that consumers are not just boycotting them, but also supporting their competitors!

Visibility of Violations

Because successful boycotts rely on damaging both the sales and image of the offending company, the visibility of violations is important. The more visible violations and violators are, the more public pressure can be applied.

Animal rights activists are against the manufacture of animal fur clothing. Stores that sell fur coats are visible and natural targets for boycotts. In addition, people that wear fur coats have been the recipients of public scorn. In this case, because of the nature of the product, not only the seller but also the consumer has their public image effected negatively by the boycotted product.

The opportunity to boycott both the producer and consumer of a product can greatly increase the effectiveness of a boycott. Other products, such as products that are not publicly purchased or consumed, are be more difficult to boycott effectively.

An Organized Effort

It is not uncommon for a boycott to take years to be successful. In many cases like-minded individuals have created nonprofit organizations to further their causes. This can make it easier to gather funding, create educational materials, receive publicity and promote their cause. Today, the Internet and this web site give consumers additional opportunities to organize.

Why Boycotts Work

The bottom line is that companies survive on consumer dollars. The power consumers have is their dollars and the influence they exert comes from their consumer choices. If a company realizes that their conduct or actions are costing them dollars in sales or profits, they will change them.

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Yep, all my fan money goes to Caps gear now.

That place was PACKED Tuesday, and the crowd - wow. I'll tell you what, that team has a loyal fan base. I even feel it was a louder more ruckus (?) crowd than last years game against the Flyers, and that was later in the season.

I don't think i've ever seen that many of the same jersey in one building, ever (8). To those Skins fans who want a winning team, and you don't want to root for the Flyers (:)), i'd say go Caps. Cause they know how to build a team.

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My youngest son grew out of Portis jersey and my father insisted on buying him a new Cooley jersey for his birthday next month. I kindly reminded him that we wouldn't be attending games or purchasing any Skins merchandise. Needless, to say...my son ended up with pretty cool remote control R2-D2!

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i already made my family well aware, no skins stuff for xmas. this should be a given for every skins fan this christmas.

That must have hurt BLC... Let's pray and hope that the midget dictator has a bad Christmas this year. (Except that he is NOT a Christian, so I have to say Holiday Season.)

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My youngest son grew out of Portis jersey and my father insisted on buying him a new Cooley jersey for his birthday next month. I kindly reminded him that we wouldn't be attending games or purchasing any Skins merchandise. Needless, to say...my son ended up with pretty cool remote control R2-D2!

Get him an Ovechkin or a Butler jersey.

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I told my parents this a week ago, I always get a few things for Christmas. When the regime is changed I'll buy double next year.

Get an Ovechkin or an Arenas jersey from them. Support your local teams with the exception of the Federal Express Redskins.

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That place was PACKED Tuesday, and the crowd - wow. I'll tell you what, that team has a loyal fan base. I even feel it was a louder more ruckus (?) crowd than last years game against the Flyers, and that was later in the season.

I don't think i've ever seen that many of the same jersey in one building, ever (8). To those Skins fans who want a winning team, and you don't want to root for the Flyers (:)), i'd say go Caps. Cause they know how to build a team.

where was the fan base when the capitals were lousy?

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No more Skins stuff for me for a while. I am still rocking an old Skins hat from the Norv an Gus years and you know what while it is not really burgandy anymore it still works for me. snyder thinks we will keep supporting his lunacy. I wil always support the team but he will not get anymore of my money until he proves to me he has changed if he can.

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