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Soft training camp


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Is it possible that this teams attitude stems from the way training camp is being run? Letting the high priced players take it easy, only playing them the equivalent of 3 quarters in the preseason. They aren't working as hard as they used to in the 70's and 80's. I realize that you don't want your players getting hurt, but if they are in playing condition they are less likely to get hurt anyhow. They have gotten used to having everything handed to them on a silver platter and not having to work for it.

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yeah and lets keep playing music so that our players can get jiggy with it instead of actually concentrating while practicing.

Its no wonder when a huge call like 4 and 1 and we get blown up its because we listening and rocking out to music thanks to Zorn! I swear I like Zorn last year but he is not an NFl head coach. The only way we are going to get better is little Danny boy swallows some of his ego and fires Cerrato and then hires a real GM. Then he takes a back seat and lets the GM do all the work.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I don't think it matters nearly as much as people think it does. When you lose everything gets overblown.

I have to disagree here training camp's can set to mold and culture of a team just look at how Mike singletary is getting the 49ers to play as a unit by installing that hill. I dare someone to name me one contending team that runs a camp cupcake? like we do or like how the browns used to.

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I think it's like B Mitch says, it all comes down to attitude. You start molding the team in camp. When you have players who think they are running the camp saying they are to hurt (don't want to practice) you end up with problems. Prove to me you want to play or sit on the bench.

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Marty had the right idea. We should be holding camp in Carlisle, much of it should be closed to the public, the players should all bunk together especially the vets with younger players, they should not be allowed to go out on the town after practice or use computers/play video games. They should be doing team building stuff like talking to each other, playing poker, having dinner together. They should be allowed to have their families visit them for a day on the weekend but thats about it. It may sound stupid and sound like BS to a lot of people, but I think it would help do two things.

It would strengthen the bond between teammates here, and if there are bad apples that don't belong with us, they would surely be found and dealt with in this situation. If Portis doesn't want to practice, if some other player doesn't want to sleep in a college dorm room with a teammate, if some player refuses to give up the comforts and distractions of home they can all get out of town. Those types of players may be good players. Portis was a talented back, but you can't have a team where one player defies the rules and has an attitude and expect to have some sort of cohesion.

We don't play together, and people wonder why. It comes down to talent, coaching, etc. sure but one piece of the puzzle is this team mentality. Training camp in comfy Ashburn where the vets go home at night to sleep in their nice squishy bed with their wives creates a team of individuals that are showing up to collect their pay checks and nothing more.

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I believe they still do play music in practice. I thought I saw a reference to it in an article in the past week. Until the team starts producing though, they should change the music.

How about Kenny G, John Denver, Backstreet Boys, Phantom of the Opera, etc, etc.....

how about blasting the eagles fight song in the locker room to get them motivated?

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Who knows if that is the real reason. I think that training camp was soft because some of the players probably went to Dan Snyder and cried about it. Zorn wants to be tough, but you can tell he is doing what the people in charge want him to do and say. They don't want him to bench Portis, so he doesn't. He has to comply with taking away playcalling, so he does. He is doing what he is told even though he knows that is not what is best for this team. This team needs a swift kick in the but and stop being coddled.

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