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Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life.


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......BTW, is is funny that this preacher is brought up, even though Obama is a "secret Muslim."

Which is it?

Has Obama picked a Church yet?

Symbols are important, and the church Obama chooses, if he singles out any one church, will shed light on how far America has come in transcending its racial past.


Per Eleanor Clift anyway

Obamas Still Searching for Church to Call Their Own


Does it really matter whether the president goes to church? The Constitution says there shall be no "religious test," so perhaps Sunday morning should be the one day each week when the president gets to sleep in. He certainly works hard enough. But before he hits the snooze button, President Obama should return to the question of whether he and his family will join a congregation in the Washington area. He recently said that his family had not made a decision about joining a church


"If you choose not to decide....you still have made a choice"....Rush

Maybe since the election is over...Its just not important?

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Has Obama picked a Church yet?

Symbols are important, and the church Obama chooses, if he singles out any one church, will shed light on how far America has come in transcending its racial past.


Per Eleanor Clift anyway

Obamas Still Searching for Church to Call Their Own


Does it really matter whether the president goes to church? The Constitution says there shall be no "religious test," so perhaps Sunday morning should be the one day each week when the president gets to sleep in. He certainly works hard enough. But before he hits the snooze button, President Obama should return to the question of whether he and his family will join a congregation in the Washington area. He recently said that his family had not made a decision about joining a church


"If you choose not to decide....you still have made a choice"....Rush

Maybe since the election is over...Its just not important?

Actually, Obama has chosen a church -- the same one as George W. Bush.: Evergreen Chapel.


BTW, did you read this article on Beck that I had originally posted?

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BTW, let me ask you this question: Did you read this article about Beck?

Ayers was not a close confidant of Obama. We dispelled this stuff a year ago when we were discussing the Annenberg Challenge , which is supported by both Democrats and Republicans. Ayers and Obama both worked in Chicago educational efforts and this is where they had connections.

In spite of assertions from the Right, they were not close.

Jerimiah Wright is a fiery preacher -- he is a thread unto himself. BTW, is is funny that this preacher is brought up, even though Obama is a "secret Muslim."

Which is it?

What about Ezekial Emmanuel?

Wright is now just a fiery preacher? lol

I could care less who Beck get's his influence from he is a shock jock.

When it comes to our President and his pals we are not allowed to associate him with people like Emmanuel and Wright?

As far as Obama being a Muslim, according to the Muslim religion, Obama was born a Muslim. That point would have to be argued with the writers of the Muslim faith, i could care less.

Sooo if affiliations and influencers matter with Beck(some blowhard), do they apply to the President?

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What about Ezekial Emmanuel?

What about him? Betsy McCaughey distorted his quotes, by way of Michele Bachmann, a notrious liar. Apparently you fell for their ruse.


So, what about him?

Wright is now just a fiery preacher? lol

What do you want me to call him? The Devil?

I could care less who Beck get's his influence from he is a shock jock.

Beck has a T.V. show. He helped to organize a march of tens of thousands. He is more than just a 'shock jock" -- that is why he receives attention. That's why this thread was started about him.

Did you ever read the originally posted article?

When it comes to our President and his pals we are not allowed to associate him with people like Emmanuel and Wright?

Are you Rip Van Winkle? Obama's opponents talked about stuff . . . for months and months.

As far as Obama being a Muslim, according to the Muslim religion, Obama was born a Muslim. That point would have to be argued with the writers of the Muslim faith, i could care less.

Sooo if affiliations and influencers matter with Beck(some blowhard), do they apply to the President?

Real affiliations or made up ones? Because I see a whole lot of representations.

Let me ask you this: Did you support Sarah Palin? What did you think about her connections with the Alaskan Independence Party, whose founder leader said that "the fires of hell are glaciers compared to my hate for the American government"?

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What about him? Betsy McCaughey distorted his quotes, by way of Michele Bachmann, a notrious liar. Apparently you fell for their ruse.


So, what about him?

What do you want me to call him? The Devil?

I could care less who Beck get's his influence from he is a shock jock.

Beck has a T.V. show. He helped to organize a march of tens of thousands. He is more than just a 'shock jock" -- that is why he receives attention. That's why this thread was started about him.

Did you ever read the originally posted article?

Are you Rip Van Winkle? Obama's opponents talked about stuff . . . for months and months.

Real affiliations or made up ones? Because I see a whole lot of representations.

Let me ask you this: Did you support Sarah Palin? What did you think about her connections with the Alaskan Independence Party, whose founder leader said that "the fires of hell are glaciers compared to my hate for the American government"?

You answered my question, there is indeed a double standard. Republicans make up affiliations, Democrats don't.

Ayers never was involved in bombing Americans

Wright isn't a racist, he is a loud mouth

Emmanuel isn't a Socialist

We need to focus on who influences Beck.

Got it.


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You answered my question, there is indeed a double standard. Republicans make up affiliations, Democrats don't.

Ayers never was involved in bombing Americans

Wright isn't a racist, he is a loud mouth

Emmanuel isn't a Socialist

We need to focus on who influences Beck.

Got it.


Ayers as NEVER involved with bombing Americans. He bombed U.S. property, but he never killed anyone. That is besides the point because you are still trying to connect him with Pres. Obama.

It is a red herring and totally useless for this conversation.

And I never said that Democrats "make up affiliations." What I don't accept, though, are the tenuous ties that you are trying to draw with people, such as Ayers, which have been discounted over and over again. We talked about this stuff a year ago during the election.

For example, are you going to acknowledge that perhaps Ezekial Emmanuel has been misrepresented? Nope, you probably won't. Also, He isn't a socialist, which, either way is neither here nor there because that's another red herring. You are merely repeating the same bogus tactics that Obama's opponents used before he was President. You're as bad as Beck, making any sort of connections as a sign of "socialism."

Your red baiting belongs back in the 50s and the days of the Red Hunt. You "anti-commies," like Beck, see red in all the shadows.

"He's a socialist. She's a socialist. Sign the loyalty papers. Prove to us you are not a commie."

And yes, seeing how we are talking about Beck in this thread and the original article, THAT is why we are talking about him. Seeing how you never answered the question, "Did you read the article?" I can only assume the answer is no, you did not.

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I have said it before and I will say it again, I could care less who influences Beck, why should you. I read the article, and to be honest I am not sure Beck deserves full credit as it suggests for organizing the turn out at the march.

I WAS more concerned about who the President associates himself with, afterall he is the leader of the country. The point I was trying to make was, Obamas skeletons (Ayers, Wright etc) were a lot more worrysome to voters but were written off as "non issues" on many fronts, I am not trying to reopen that can of worms. Now, all of the sudden we are suppose to care who influences Glen Beck? GLEN FREAKING BECK? :laugh:

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Ayers as NEVER involved with bombing Americans. He bombed U.S. property, but he never killed anyone. That is besides the point because you are still trying to connect him with Pres. Obama.

If that is your rationalization, then I feel sorry for you Baculus.

The man tooked part in domestic terroristism during the 1960s and shows no regret in doing so. He should be in prison.

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We should be Pro-Communist?

I don't give a **** about communists. And neither does America, seeing as how good a trade partner China is. That anti-communist rhetoric sure does get you old foggies all fired up though. The talking heads know how to push your buttons to get your depends in a bunch. It's pretty ridiculous. It's like the wizard of Oz, man behind the curtain pulling the strings that were placed there decades ago.

Hurrrrr, I want insurance companies to decide if I should live or die because I don't want to be communist, durrrrr.

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I don't give a **** about communists. And neither does America, seeing as how good a trade partner China is. That anti-communist rhetoric sure does get you old foggies all fired up though. The talking heads know how to push your buttons to get your depends in a bunch. It's pretty ridiculous. It's like the wizard of Oz, man behind the curtain pulling the strings that were placed there decades ago.

Hurrrrr, I want insurance companies to decide if I should live or die because I don't want to be communist, durrrrr.

Haha, I have to agree with you here. This post made me lol.

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From reading the replies, it seems like this is only an issue because Beck is one of the popular kids in school...

No, it's because it is he is a nut that influences people. This is a post I made on another thread:

" Originally Posted by G.A.C.O.L.B. View Post

Speaking of Moore, how about when Beck talked about killing him on his radio show? That was pretty hateful.


"Oh, remember this? Beck also fantasized about poisoning Nancy Pelosi:


Jonah Goldberg and Beck had a grisly exchange:


Going back even further, in 2001, Beck talked about people he'd "beat to death with a shovel." This clip also has him screeching at some person, calling her a "*****." (Apparently that screech from the other month is part of his "shtick."


Beck was influenced by an anti-communist, Cleon Skousen, that was so over-zealous, he was shunned by other right-wingers and the J. Edgar Hoover F.B.I. thought he was a threat.

More so, fans of the man should be wondering, "Who is Beck and why do I listen to him?" instead of reflexively defending him.

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Ayers as NEVER involved with bombing Americans. He bombed U.S. property, but he never killed anyone. That is besides the point because you are still trying to connect him with Pres. Obama.

If that is your rationalization, then I feel sorry for you Baculus.

The man tooked part in domestic terroristism during the 1960s and shows no regret in doing so. He should be in prison.

I never argued about that nor did I defend his actions. But I clarified a falsehood which has been repeated by the right-wing, in that Ayers killed Americans. He didn't. That is why he still isn't in jail and why he was able to avoid long-term jail time.

People on the Right attacked Ayers while defending folks such as the murderer of abortion doctor Tillman. Gee, no hypocrisy there.

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Really, did anyone defend murder here?

It was suggested by some folks, a few here and around the right-wing blogosphere, that the doctor had it coming since he performed abortions.

Here is the thing: When right-wingers suggest violence against the government (such as some of the suggestive signs at the Tea Party march), they are supposedly doing it in the name of "freedom." When someone such as Ayers carries out this violence, he is rightly labeled a "terrorist."

This is why Beck and other right-wing agitators and GOP elected officials needs to be careful, because when someone feels passionate enough about an issue, they are sometimes willing to carry out violence. This is what Nancy Pelosi was touching upon with her comments the other day.

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This is why Beck and other right-wing agitators and GOP elected officials needs to be careful, because when someone feels passionate enough about an issue, they are sometimes willing to carry out violence. This is what Nancy Pelosi was touching upon with her comments the other day.

The left has been carrying out violence for a long time yet there is no concern for liberal rhetoric. When the entire liberal establishment and most of the media paint those opposed to Obama as racist I'm sure it does wonders for race relations in the country.

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