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Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life.


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The left has been carrying out violence for a long time yet there is no concern for liberal rhetoric. When the entire liberal establishment and most of the media paint those opposed to Obama as racist I'm sure it does wonders for race relations in the country.

Lynch mobs from the past were not "liberal" nor "left," and I can see that you have ignored violence from the Right as well.

Yeah -- Beck saying Pres. Obama "deeply" hates white people does wonders for race relations. The language currently coming from those "those opposed to Obama" does nothing to help relations, period, in this country. This is why the GOP fare poorly with many minorities, why they don't have many elected officials who are minorities, and why their rallies appear rather exclusive in ethnicity.

What sort of impression do you think is going to be formed when the Right attacks Obama as a Kenyan-born foreigner who hates white peolpe, is angry and a secret terrorist Muslim (who was influenced by a white-hating preacher) who is creating an atmosphere where black kids beat on white kids, and wants to create a communist utopia in this nation (by community organizing and brainwashing children).

How do you think any of this helping the nation? I am sure, to you, it is spreading "the truth.

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