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London Fletcher needs more publicity


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We often tend to focus on what we did wrong on sundays after a loss. But i think that for a moment we need to take a break off of JC bashing and Zorn Hating and recognize the play of a seasoned vet who plays like a true Redskin. The Marion Barber Hitman himself London Fletcher had 17 or so Tackles yesterday. he was all over Kevin Boss and caught bradshaw from behind.

His Play warrants a pro bowl honor, and if he keeps it up even a DPOY. He is a quiet Ray Lewis and he keeps his composure on the field. If i had to pick a on field General for Washington Its London Fletcher. This guys career mirrors the career of a Hall Of famer, yet the sad truth is he will probably not make it:(

Just something to brighten up my morning.



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I said it in other threads, but London Fletcher is our best player. Haynesworth will be once he gets more time in a 'Skins uniform. And that's not a knock on anyone. Those guys are great football players.

Hopefully a loss in week one to a tough Giants team won't set us back too far.

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2 plays that I thought were highlights.

Jacobs Trucking by Fletch - Please someone start a thread to get an animated gif made of the that play.

Fletch hurting Hakeem Nicks - NOT because he hurt him, but the reaction....I mean there are 3 other skins defenders standing there waiting to react and then there is fletch as a heat seeking missle just trucking ahead and tackling...just a great play that shows his prowess.

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Maybe he needs to be involved in a murder trial, or kill some pitbulls. Possibly even make it rain in the club. Seems like the players that do this get all the hype and attention.

Keep doing your thing, Fletch. There is not enough of guys like you anymore.

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2 plays that I thought were highlights.

Jacobs Trucking by Fletch - Please someone start a thread to get an animated gif made of the that play.

Fletch hurting Hakeem Nicks - NOT because he hurt him, but the reaction....I mean there are 3 other skins defenders standing there waiting to react and then there is fletch as a heat seeking missle just trucking ahead and tackling...just a great play that shows his prowess.

that really looked like it hurt for nicks. But Fletcher just has a sixth sense when it comes to sniffing out the ball hes sick, and im sad we were toying with jerimiah trotter and that Marshall guy(jesus i already forgot his first name) we shouldve had fletcher since he was a FA after the 2000 season.

He needs to play 5 more season for the sake of the fans

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Maybe he needs to be involved in a murder trial, or kill some pitbulls. Possibly even make it rain in the club. Seems like the players that do this get all the hype and attention.

Keep doing your thing, Fletch. There is not enough of guys like you anymore.

this is what is really screwed up about the media the guy who deserves it doesnt get it.

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Maybe he needs to be involved in a murder trial, or kill some pitbulls. Possibly even make it rain in the club. Seems like the players that do this get all the hype and attention.

Keep doing your thing, Fletch. There is not enough of guys like you anymore.

So true...class is so understated and just so damn boring to you dumb @*(@&(*( media lords...hell look at Kanye's moronic *@#...

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